That year, that cicada, that sword

Chapter 1031 1 Big, 1 Small, 1 Cat

Chapter 1031
The Dragon King restrained the smile on his face, "The world only knows that the poor monk is only in the sixteenth floor of the earth immortal, which is far from the master Chen Ye of the Taoist Temple of Suppressing Demons. It's just that no one knows that the poor monk is actually practicing Zen. My Buddhist sect Known as the closed-mouth meditation and the closed-eye meditation, the poor monk does not close his mouth and closes his eyes, but he only asks for the word anger. Although the Buddha warned his disciples to kill the three poisons of greed, hatred and ignorance, Buddhism also needs to have Dharma protectors to deter them with the appearance of anger. Evil outlaws."

The Dragon King, who had always been smiling, finally showed anger.

According to the teaching order of the great day Tathagata, he showed the great power and influence of the king of wrath to subdue all demons.

The expression on Qin Mumian's face suddenly calmed down, and he was solemn, "When I was young, I fought with others. I didn't fear life and death. I didn't care about winning or losing. I just wanted to defeat the enemy. So what if I narrowly escaped death today?"

Before she finished speaking, the wings behind her flapped gently, and her whole body swept back quickly, and disappeared in a flash, leaving only bloody afterimages.

Qin Mumian's learning is extremely complicated, and he is both a master of Xuanjiao and Taoism. This method is the secret art of Xuanjiao Blood Sacrifice to Lightning Light.

After sacrificing this method, Qin Mumian's face was slightly pale due to the sudden loss of essence and blood, but her flying speed was several times faster than that of Zhao Tinghu who turned into a blood rainbow. When she appeared again, Already in the Dazheng Imperial Palace.

This place, also known as Li Palace, is located in the narrow and long valley on the north bank of the Lieshui River. There are forests, and there is even a small grassland, compared to the palace in the central capital where the Daqi royal family spent their summer, it is not so luxurious.

At this time, Qin Mumian was on the bank of one of the big lakes, behind him was a piece of sparkling light, reflecting palaces and undulating mountains, rippling slightly with the water waves.

Seeing this scene, she couldn't help being a little dazed. Just as the Dragon King of Buddhism said, with her fundamental aptitude, she shouldn't have cultivated at such a level. After the Yinping battle failed, she was disheartened and spent a lot of wasted time. Her cultivation was like sailing against the current. ice dust.

If she hadn't abandoned her own cultivation because of Xiao Yu's incident back then, she wouldn't be in this situation today. She might even take over the Xuanjiao again after Wanyan Beiyue's ascension, and become one of the sects on an equal footing with the head teacher of Taoism and the abbot of Buddhism. Lord, going one step further, as the head of the two families, it is not impossible for her to ascend to the ascension. If there is another chance to prove the Tao of longevity, it will be another scene.It's just that there are not so many ifs in the world, and this life is already like this, so there is no chance to start again.

A moment later, the Dragon King in white appeared in Qin Mumian's sight.

Among the monks, the realm has a certain influence on the combat power, but the higher the realm, the stronger the combat power. Secret techniques, even the experience of fighting with people.

Both Xu Beiyou and Zhao Qing can be counted as people whose combat power is stronger than the realm.

Xu Beiyou had more than one enemy several times, and Zhao Qing used the seventeenth floor to suppress the dust leaves on the eighteenth floor, all of which are proofs.

It's just that few people in the world know that the Dragon King of Buddhism is also a person whose combat power far exceeds his realm.

As he himself said, what he practiced was a word of anger, which was contrary to the fundamental Buddhist teachings of killing greed, anger, and ignorance, so his realm was not high, but he used anger to frighten countless demons and heretics, the Dharma protector Vajra King Ming, So his combat power is extremely strong.

His realm of the [-]th Floor of the Earth Immortal may not be worse than the [-]th Floor of the Earth Immortal.

What's more, he can set foot on the seventeenth floor of the earth fairy at any time.

The next moment, the Dragon King in white flied quickly, stretched out his five fingers, and slapped out a palm without mystery.

The Tathagata Buddha has five fingers, and there is a Buddha kingdom in his palm.

I saw that this palm rose against the wind, and in just a few breaths it was already fifty feet in size, and its momentum was earth-shaking.

The wind was surging, and a huge vortex appeared in the sky.

Qin Mumian snorted angrily and stomped his feet hard.

Behind him, a huge waterspout rushed straight up.

One day, one place, one up and one down, after two collided, they dissipated into nothingness.

Immediately afterwards, Qin Mumian also stretched out his five fingers, his face became paler, a blood-colored thunder appeared in the palm of his hand, and electric snakes followed him around him, and he instantly bullied the monk in front of him.

Then clap it with one palm.

The thunder contained in it is exactly the same as Daozong's five thunders Tianxin Zhengfa, but it is a little less neutral and peaceful, and a little more murderous and violent.

The Dragon King allowed Qin Mumian to press his palm on the top of his head, and his body remained motionless.

At this moment, the two were close at hand, their eyes facing each other.

In the eyes of the woman there are blazing black flames and rolling red thunder, while in the eyes of the monk there is a vast starry sky, and the stars are disillusioned.

Although the flames are raging and the thunder is fierce, there is nothing to do with the vast starry sky.

At the same time, the Dragon King's body was covered with gold, allowing countless thunderbolts to roam around and hit the golden body, causing countless sparks to fly, but they couldn't hurt it in the slightest.

The two major methods of confronting the enemy were blocked lightly, and Qin Mumian retreated back without hesitation.

The majestic Dragon King, with his left hand in the shape of a flower, pushes forward and out.

Qin Mumian's figure suddenly drifted back nearly a hundred feet, and countless energy ripples appeared at her original position, spreading rapidly to the surroundings.

The Dragon King, who had already shown his golden body, once again closed his palms with the magical power of the Buddha Kingdom, trying to capture Qin Mumian. Qin Mumian waved his sleeves and splashed ten blood-colored thunder lights, forming a large thunder and lightning net in front of him.

The Dragon King was slightly blocked by Lei Guang, and his movements were slightly slow. Qin Mumian took advantage of this opportunity to flap his wings on his back again, and his figure disappeared in a flash.

When she stood still, she was already three hundred feet away.

But at this moment, Qin Mumian was in such a panic that there was no blood on his face, and there were even black blood oozing from his nostrils and ear holes. If he continued like this, his seven orifices would bleed.

The Dragon King was not in a hurry to catch up. He stood on the spot and took a deep breath, absorbing the energy of heaven and earth in a radius of hundreds of miles with the momentum of a whale swallowing. He saw layers of energy ripples appearing around his body, and then formed a huge vortex composed of energy of heaven and earth. .

Between one breath and one breath, his whole body completely turned into the purest gold, almost the same as the shining Buddha statue made of pure gold in the Buddhist ancestral garden.

The Dragon King slowly raised one palm, and the five fingers seemed to be five towering peaks, which made people suffocated.

The Tathagata Buddha has five fingers, and the five fingers are the five mountains.

Qin Mumian's face was extremely solemn, and he was not sure that he would be able to block the next palm.

But at this moment, there was a sudden silence between the sky and the earth, and then there was a low humming sound in the sky.

The Dragon King and Qin Mumian looked up almost subconsciously.

I saw a long rainbow, like a meteor from the sky, dragging a long and meandering tail, across the sky, and landed in the lake with a crash.

The entire Great Lake shook violently, blowing up countless sprays, like a thousand layers of white snow, and then it seemed like a torrential downpour, filled with water vapor and mist.

When the mist dissipated, three figures, one big, one small, and one cat appeared, among which the big figure walked forward slowly, stopped not far from the Dragon King, and sneered, "Dragon King of Buddhism, you can do this too!" What kind of hero is it to compete with women and children in the act of threatening others? If you have the ability to attack me, don't be so low."

(End of this chapter)

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