Chapter 1032
The Dragon King, who originally wanted to avoid this uninvited guest, could not help but sigh softly.

After all, he still couldn't escape.

The visitor was travel-laden, and his embroidered white robe was not only severely damaged, but there were still some tiny traces left, which made the Dragon King feel a little familiar. If he guessed correctly, this should be from the same school as the Central Plains Buddhism. Since this person can appear here, the result of Molun Temple can be imagined.

When a young hero travels the rivers and lakes, most of the elders in the family will give thousands of instructions, make more friends and make fewer enemies.But this "Young Hero" in front of him is unreasonable. It's hard to say how many friends he has made. This kind of enemy seems to be spread all over the world. What's even more helpless is that so many enemies actually took this People have no choice but to let him kill each other with one sword.

Looking at friends again, they gather because of profit, and disperse because of profit.

That’s all for Taoism and Molun Temple. After all, there has been a long-standing grudge, but Buddhism and Xuanjiao were his allies in Jiangdu’s first battle. In the end, Murong Xuanyin, the Xuanjiao leader who killed Zhang Zhaonu, had fallen under his sword, and now it was his turn, the Dragon King of Buddhism.

But then again, what kind of person is he in the world today? He has always been a person in the temple, and he has long been a person in the gods.How can this kind of person pay attention to the so-called Jianghu rules with you.

The Dragon King of Buddhism no longer showed anger, but smiled with a bit of bitterness in his smile.Although the four elders of Molun Temple are contemptuous of the Central Plains Buddhism because they presumptuously claim to be the Buddha of the world, they do have their own supernatural powers, especially Songzan, the leader of the Black Sect, who is a master of the magic of the sky. Even if he is afraid, if the four of them work together, even without the formation of four Buddhas and eight dragons in Molun Temple, he will definitely not be an opponent.

No matter what method this white-headed young man used to defeat Molun Temple, he won anyway. If his previous impressive record is counted, the Dragon King couldn't help sighing. The loss may not be very different, but if this person is not injured, or the injury is not serious, then I am afraid that I have no chance of winning.

The dragon king formed a fearless seal with his single palm upright, ready to go, his body was surging like a sea, and his treasure was solemn. He smiled at the visitor and said, "Mr. Xu, I haven't seen you for a long time. How have you been recently? After the farewell, Mr. Xu's name spread all over the world, and he went through several battles in the imperial capital, Jiangdu, Liangxiang, and southern Xinjiang. One man and one sword shocked the world, but I can teach poor monks to admire..."

Before the Dragon King could finish speaking, a mighty sword intent shot up into the sky. No one saw how the person moved. The sword intent had completely overwhelmed the Dragon King's mighty aura. Later, the sword intent had almost turned into substance, making the monk's white face The monk's robe rattled, as if it was about to be torn apart completely.

At the same time, there were layers of ripples on the surface of the lake not far away, and there were cracks on the ground, like a snake moving forward, spreading to the feet of the Dragon King before stopping abruptly.

The Dragon King in white looked down, and saw a tiny wound cut on the clean white monk's shoes, and after a while, blood oozed out, staining the ground under his feet red.

The Dragon King of Buddhism has the supernatural power of moving mountains, just as the magic power of Dali King Kong lies in the palm of his right hand, and the magic power of moving mountains lies in the big toe of his right foot. After cultivating the supernatural power of moving mountains, he has suffered many injuries after many battles, but he has never been injured here.

Unexpectedly, today became an exception.

The Dragon King looked up at the white-headed young man, shook his head and sighed, "It's such a powerful sword, the poor monk admires it. It's just that Mr. Xu suffered a lot from the battle before. Even if Mr. Xu can beat the poor monk, he still has to pay a little price. What's the trouble again."

The person who came was naturally Xu Beiyou, who was unmatched in swordsmanship in the world. He led Xiao Yuanying and Lord Banlan to plunder all the way, and finally rushed to this place at a critical moment, fearing that the Buddhist sect would take the first step and kidnap Qin Mumian.

Even if the captivity fails, Qin Mumian's life will be hurt, and it will be irreparable for people, things, emotions, reason, and even the great cause of Jianzong.

This is also where Xu Beiyou is uncomfortable, it is really because of the heavy load on his body, if we compare these to a big family, Xu Beiyou is the pillar of the family, old and weak, women and children have to shoulder it all, it is hard to be at ease in the end.

Qin Mumian, who was finally able to catch his breath, said, "Monk, just now when we met women and Taoists, we were very hard-nosed, but why did our tone soften after meeting the man in charge? Could it be that people in the Buddhist sect are bullying and afraid of hard things."

The Dragon King shook his head with a smile and said: "The benefactor Qin is serious, how dare the poor monk act like this."

Xu Beiyou said slowly: "Dragon King, it's not easy for you to have the level of cultivation you have today. Xu doesn't want to get entangled with you today. If you leave here, Xu will think about the love between you and me before. What happened just now can be done." Don’t blame the past. But if you feel that Xu is at the end of his battle at this time, and you want to take advantage of this opportunity to make things difficult for Xu, don’t blame Xu for sending you a sword.”

The Dragon King was noncommittal, but still had the fearless seal in his hand, and his body didn't move a bit.

Xu Beiyou twitched the corners of his mouth, "Since the Dragon King insists on this, then don't blame Xu for being ruthless with his sword. It's just that you don't know what to do. It's like accidentally hurting the Dragon King after a sword. The sky is the proof. Talking to others behind the scenes, saying that Xu Beiyou doesn't miss the old friendship..."

Before the words were finished, the sword intent pervading the heaven and the earth suddenly dissipated, and Xu Beiyou did not make any movements, but the countless sword intents condensed into a single sword and swept away.

The Dragon King of Buddhism who formed the Fearless Seal was pierced through the chest with a sword.

After one strike, the Dragon King of Buddhism, who looked almost the same as Xu Beiyou in appearance, aged more than ten years in the blink of an eye.

The expression on Xu Beiyou's face was neither happy nor sad, and he said calmly, "I won't show mercy to the next strike."

The Dragon King still did not retreat, looked at Xu Beiyou who was standing with his hands behind his back, and let out a foul breath.The more Xu Beiyou backed down, the more he felt that Xu Beiyou was a strong man but a capable man, so he wanted to gamble again.

Just bet that Xu Beiyou will not have the power to fight at this time after the series of battles.

Xu Beiyou in his heyday was naturally almost invincible in the world, and he could meet his opponents alone, but if it was Xu Beiyou who was at the end of his strength, it would be a different matter. He might as well try to make a move, maybe it would be a big one." Merit".

He worshiped Buddhism since he was a child. Apart from devoting himself to studying Buddhism and cultivating supernatural powers, whenever he had free time, he would leave the Buddhist ancestral court and travel around the world alone. This has almost become known to all Buddhists.

During this process, he likes to watch masters fight the most, and he also likes to fight against people. He even got the nickname "Fighting Monk". , has fought with Wuxiu, and also fought with Jianxiu, and his combat power is not inferior to the two.

If Xu Beiyou doesn't have peak combat power at this time, then he has the confidence to fight Xu Beiyou.

The Dragon King slowly turned the Fearless Seal into a single palm and stood it upright in front of his chest, and then slowly put the other palm on it, making it look like a monk clasped his hands together.

It seems that a Buddha appeared between heaven and earth.

(End of this chapter)

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