That year, that cicada, that sword

Chapter 1033 There is a Buddha of Zhang 6 in the West

Chapter 1033

Seeing this scene, Xu Beiyou didn't speak, but raised his hand to signal Qin Mumian and Xiao Yuanying to leave here temporarily.

Qin Mumian looked at Xu Beiyou's back, led Xiao Yuanying back, and at the same time sighed softly.

Today's Xu Beiyou is much more mature than when he arrived in Jiangdu at the beginning of the year. His appearance has not changed much, but the biggest change is that his demeanor is a little less respectful and fearful as a junior, and a little more as a superior. Overbearing and arbitrary.

It was such a young man who pierced Jiangnan with one sword and one man, recreating Shangguan Xianchen's feat of smashing a powerful sect with his own power.

Xu Beiyou raised his right hand, and put his index and middle fingers together as sword fingers.

Xu Beiyou looked at the Buddhist Dragon King who was already emitting bright golden light.

The Dragon King waited intently.

The sword points forward a little.

A sword intent traversed between heaven and earth.

Between Xu Beiyou and the Dragon King, there is a vast sword intent, and there is nothing else.

In this spirit, one sword kills the Buddha.

After the sword intent, another sword energy was born, and it rolled forward, like thunder and thunder, and there were thousands of cavalry trampling the ground.

This sword was aimed directly at the dragon king who was like a living Buddha!
The undefeated golden body of the Dragon King shook loudly, and the golden light scattered and overflowed, flickering.

Xu Beiyou took a step forward, and the soles of his shoes left countless crack marks on the ground. The next moment, he rushed out like a thunderbolt, dragging a series of afterimages behind him, referring to the sword, and pointing towards the Dragon King's face.

The Dragon King had no choice but to change the seal of King Ming with both hands, and blocked the finger sword at the critical moment, and the whole person retreated nearly a hundred feet without any power to fight back.

Xu Beiyou followed closely, and he stretched out his fingers without a single pause. Countless sword qi instantly overwhelmed the monk completely.

The Dragon King, who was being beaten passively, suddenly stamped his feet, stood on the ground with both feet, forcibly stopped his retreat, and then there were countless spider web-like cracks under his feet, and through these cracks, Xu Beiyou's sword force spread to the entire ground.

At this time, the two people and the cat who had retreated to the outer corridor of a palace noticed that the small stones on the ground outside the corridor were beating slightly, like a harbinger of an earthquake.

Xu Beiyou kept using his sword all the time. Although he couldn't break the undefeated golden body of the Dragon King immediately, it was not a useless effort. If you look closely, you will find that there are countless subtle sword energy left on the golden body of the Dragon King. Each sword qi also contains a heavy sword intent, and when it accumulates, it is like a heavy mountain pressing on the dragon king. It only needs a suitable time to explode completely, becoming the last straw that overwhelms the camel.

In the time of half a stick of incense, Xu Beiyou used more than a thousand swords to refer to the sword, leaving more than a thousand subtle and hard-to-see sword auras on the monk in white, causing the whole person to be enveloped by layers of sword aura, as if carrying a heavy weight Mountain.

Seeing this scene, Qin Mumian, who was watching the battle from a distance, couldn't hide his surprise, and said slowly: "Nan Gui is trying to kill people, if he directly uses Zhu Xian, it will be a matter of success or failure, but Nan Gui Not only did Gui Fei not use Zhu Xian, he didn't even use a sword, and the sword fairy defeated the enemy with his bare hands, how can this make people in the Buddhist sect feel bad?"

Xiao Yuanying pursed his lips after hearing the words, but did not speak. .

At this moment, there was a loud noise like thunder, and the Dragon King was hit by Xu Beiyou's pointing finger. His body had even touched the ground, and the heavy sword intent on his body suddenly exploded, blasting the ground into a deep hole. The big pit bottomed out, and the Dragon King fell directly to the bottom of the pit.

This finger is almost Xu Beiyou's full-strength sword, the sword energy is so powerful that it almost has the potential to move mountains.

Xu Beiyou raised his head to look at the sky, and let out a foul breath.

Then he stretched out his palm, and a sword finally appeared in his palm, and he made a horizontal slashing movement, and when the Dragon King was about to stand up, he directly chopped off a mountain peak not far from the great lake.

Xu Beiyou laughed softly and said, "It is said that immortals can move mountains and seas. Although Xu is not an immortal, Xu is going to forcefully move mountains by himself today."

Tianlan in his hand disappeared in a flash, and then ten swords appeared one after another. Except for Chilian Yijian, which was still in Song Guanguan's hand for the time being, the eleven swords together formed a sword array, which was cut off the upper half of the mountain abruptly. Lift up.

The huge shadow cast by the peak seems to block out the sky.

Xu Beiyou controlled the flying sword and smashed the mountain directly at the Dragon King.

Since you, the Dragon King of Buddhism, have the supernatural power of moving mountains in Buddhism, then I will suppress it directly with mountains and rocks to see if you can remove this real mountain of suppression.

Obviously, Xu Beiyou wants to overwhelm the Dragon King of Buddhism with this life. I, Xu Beiyou, cut down the mountain with a sword, and then moved the mountain. If you can't even move the mountain, you can't break it. ! ?

Since you are nicknamed "Fighting Buddha", you are just like a martial artist, who attaches great importance to victory and defeat. If you are no match for me, even if you don't die this time, when you meet me again in the future, there will be irreparable flaws in your state of mind. If you can't beat me, you can't make up for it in a day, and you can't beat me every day, every day, every year, and your mood is broken. I'm afraid it will be difficult to move forward in the realm of cultivation.

Killing is the second priority, and killing the heart is the top priority.

A mountain peak crashed down, completely suppressing the Dragon King.

Dust rose and filled the sky.

The sound shook, almost breaking the heart.

It lasted for more than half a stick of incense before the dust settled.

Xu Beiyou withdrew the ten swords, leaving only Tianlan upside down in his hand.

After a brief silence, the cliff suddenly shattered, and rocks fell like rain for a while.

The Dragon King stood up slowly in the rain of stones, and stood up with him, and there was also a statue of the Buddha with a height of several tens of feet.

It was this statue that shattered the cliff, and a bodhi seed hung three feet above the Dragon King's head, shedding the light of colored glaze.

A round of colorful backlight blooms behind the Dragon King's head, shining brightly and illuminating all directions.

Back then, the Buddha left three bodhisattvas, one fell into the hands of Qingchen, and the other was in the hands of the master of the eight sects of Buddhism.

The giant Buddha Dharma image is as high as a hundred feet, not inferior to the many Dharma images requested by Songtsan Living Buddha earlier.

Xu Beiyou looked up at the Buddha, with neither awe nor contempt on his face, but nothing.

There is a sub-gath in Buddhism, there should be nothing, where is the dust.

Xu Beiyou stretched out his palm, held Tianlan again, and said with a slight smile, "After a sword strike, it doesn't matter if you have it or not, it's all chicken and dog."

When Xu Beiyou slashed out with a sword, the sword energy billowed, and the sword energy soared into the sky.

In an instant, there seemed to be countless Dharma Guardian Vajras, their eyes bursting with anger, and they shouted boldly.

Xu Beiyou remained indifferent, and chopped down with his sword.

The mighty sword light passed between the sky and the earth, and then disappeared in a flash.

The Buddha's dharma was suddenly blurred, and every inch was shattered. The so-called three-foot spirit, sword fairy wind, nothing more.

The Dragon King had a solemn face, clasped his hands together, and said slowly in a deep and grand voice, "I see the World Honored One."

Then he sat down on the ground, pointing to the sky with one hand and pointing to the ground with the other.

This is called heaven and earth, and I am the only one.

The broken Dharma form turned into a long river of golden sand that circled around the Dragon King's body, and then poured into his body from the top of his head.

The Dragon King's stature soared to a height of Zhang Liu, and his skin was quickly stained with a layer of golden color.

There is a Buddha in the west, whose shape is six feet long and golden yellow.

(End of this chapter)

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