That year, that cicada, that sword

Chapter 1060 Princess Says Three Headmasters

Chapter 1060 Princess Says Three Headmasters
The lotus pond was cut into the shape of a lotus flower, with twelve petals in total. The surrounding edges were filled with candles as thick as a child's wrist. No shadows were seen, and countless candlelights were reflected on the water surface and golden lotus, reflecting a slightly hazy golden light, which finally converged on the Buddha statue, making its golden body brighter and more majestic.

Qiuyue stood in front of the lotus pond, turned around, turned her back to the tall Buddha statue, clasped her hands together and said, "Amitabha, I have heard about the reputation of the Sect Master of Jianzong for a long time, and I can see it today. It is really extraordinary. As for Sect Master Xu The female benefactor, forgive me for not being able to see the thorns."

Qiuyue had already met the two of them before, but this time she deliberately pretended to be the first meeting. Naturally, Xu Beiyou and Xiao Zhinan would not expose him, but would cooperate with him to continue the play, so Xiao Zhinan took a step forward, and Standing side by side, Xu Beiyou did not perform the Wanfu salute as a woman. Instead, he clasped his fists and bowed like Xu Beiyou, "Qiyang Xiao Zhinan, I have met you all."

The name of Princess Regent is really resounding, even though everyone had guessed before, after Xiao Zhinan personally admitted his identity, several people still gave a slight "Huh".

Obviously, he did not expect Xiao Zhinan to actually appear here.

Qiuyue smiled slightly, and said: "It turned out to be Her Royal Highness Princess Qiyang. Earlier, the disciples in the temple reported to the old monk that the Sect Master Jianzong was visiting, so I was not surprised by the arrival of Sect Master Xu. And come here, Your Highness the Eldest Princess is able to take charge of the government of a country at such a young age, she is indeed a dragon and a phoenix among the people, and this time I personally participated in the Yulan Basin Festival, which made me very flattered."

According to the Daqi law system, except for special cases, the titles of the clan are reduced by generation. The male clan has the titles of Prince, County King, Duke, Marquis, Bo, Zi, and Nanqi. Lord, county lord, county lord, township lord.Among them, the princess corresponds to the title of prince, and there are three titles, namely, the emperor's daughter is called the princess, the emperor's sister is called the eldest princess, and the emperor's aunt is called the eldest princess. Since Xiao Bai ascended the throne and proclaimed emperor, Xiao Zhinan is no longer a princess. It should be called the eldest princess, so there is nothing wrong with Qiuyue calling her the eldest princess at this time.

Xiao Zhinan said with a smile: "Master Fangzhang is too famous. This palace only relies on the prestige of his father, brother and husband, and the support of Mr. Han Ge and all the officials. Only then can he do his best. He dare not be named as a dragon and phoenix. Master Fangzhang is highly respected, really. Teach me to admire your name for a long time."

At this moment, someone suddenly said: "I don't know why the eldest princess condescends to come here in person?"

Xiao Zhinan followed the voice and looked towards the speaker. He was a Taoist in a black Taoist robe, with an extraordinary bearing. She thought about it a little, but she still asked knowingly: "I have been in the imperial capital for a long time, living in the inner courtyard of the palace. You don't often walk around the world, but you don't know who this real person is?"

Qiuyue smiled and said: "I'm waiting for the old man to recommend for His Royal Highness the eldest princess. This is the master of the Daomen Suppressing Demon Palace, a Dazheng of the Ye generation, and his dao name is Shangchen Xiaye."

Xiao Zhinan pretended to be stunned and said: "So it's the famous head teacher in black."

Chen Ye said coldly: "The so-called head teacher in black is nothing more than the love of the same people in the world, but there is only one head teacher in the Taoist sect, and that is Senior Brother Qiuye. The poor dare not be called the word 'head teacher'."

Xiao Zhinan smiled lightly and said: "The Daoist Master's words are wrong. Although I live in the imperial palace, I have heard that there are actually three head teachers in the sect, and the first one is naturally No. 1 in the world. The Taoist sect lives up to its name. The second head teacher is the real person Qiu Ye. The second head teacher is Your Excellency, the black-clothed head teacher. Because you are in charge of the Demon Suppressing Palace, you have also been divided into the authority of the Punishment Department. 'Evil demons and heretics' are afraid of you, even the disciples of the Taoist sect are afraid of you. At the same time, you are an outstanding figure in Ye's generation, with high prestige, not the head teacher but better than the head teacher. That's why it's called Black Clothes Headmaster."

Xiao Zhinan paused for a moment, looked at Chen Ye, and saw that he was expressionless and unmoved.

Xiao Zhinan smiled slightly, and continued: "As for the third head teacher, it is not someone else, it is the Daoist companion of the Taoist head teacher, Mrs. Murong. The so-called Mrs. Murong is the name of the Taoist disciples, and it is placed among the scholars in the world. During the period, they often called her Mr. Murong, because she came from the wealthy family of the Murong family, and she is also a person who is proficient in the three teachings, so she was called this..."

Before she could finish speaking, Chen Ye had already snorted heavily and forcibly interrupted.

Moreover, this snoring sound was even more substantial, ripples reverberating in the hall, causing the candlelight in front of the Buddha to be dimmed for a moment.

But Xiao Zhinan is not alone, even without Xu Beiyou's action, Lan Yu has already opened his mouth and said: "Master, you must listen to others in everything. You are a master of Taoism, so you should have a heart and tolerance. Even if you are an elder, the Eldest Princess is definitely not an ordinary junior, so there is no way to forcefully interrupt her."

During the conversation, the ripples of Qi disappeared, and those candles no longer flickered and jumped.

In terms of fame in the world, Lan Yu is even better than Chen Ye, almost comparable to Qiuyue and Wanyan Beiyue, let alone Tianji Pavilion, just say that he has been in politics for nearly a year, and his disciples' stories There are officials all over the world, if he was born in the Confucian school, he can naturally ascend to the position of the leader of the Confucian school, and his prestige and status can be imagined.In fact, after Xiao Yu gave up the throne, it was not the hidden Xiao Xuan who could talk to Qiuye on an equal footing in the court, but the old and firm Sapphire. Not as good as Sapphire.

So after Lan Yu spoke, Chen Ye couldn't retort rashly, so he could only keep silent for the time being.

Xiao Zhinanchong, the blue old man, gave a slight nod of his head, looked around, and continued to say: "I think you all know that the head teacher of the Taoist sect realized the way of heaven more than twenty years ago, and there is only one step away from proving the way of ascension. For the next 20 years, I sat in the Zixiao Palace in Xuandu, and I devoted myself to understanding the way of heaven. There are poems to prove it: ten years of cultivating the true energy, and sitting in Xuandu to realize longevity. Dao Xinglong. I look down on the top-grade immortals, and encourage the world to spread the lotus. This is the well-deserved title of No.1 in the world. I don’t know if you think so?"

Everyone in the hall responded one after another.

Xiao Zhinan smiled and said: "But it is also because of this that there is the so-called third head teacher. As the saying goes, it is difficult for one person to do two things. If a real head teacher wants to retreat and understand the way of heaven, it is difficult to handle the affairs of the sect. Hand it over to two people respectively, one of them is the black-clothed headmaster just mentioned, Master Chen Ye, let him take charge of the Demon Suppressing Palace, and use force to suppress the inside and outside. The person is his Taoist companion, Mrs. Murong. During the past few decades, Mrs. Murong has been hiding behind the scenes, holding the power of the Taoist sect, just like the empress dowager who hangs the curtain, and the queen hears the testimony. Restraint, let it go, fueled his arrogance more and more, and made him act more unscrupulously, so that he made some foolish words about dividing the world into four parts, making outsiders mistakenly think that Mrs. Murong is still above the real person in charge, so she was punished. People call it the Supreme Master."

(End of this chapter)

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