That year, that cicada, that sword

Chapter 1061 3 Questions about the real chaos

Chapter 1061

As soon as Xiao Zhinan's words came out, needles could be heard in the entire hall. No matter whether he was a member of the Taoist sect or not, he dared not make rash comments on this matter. For the same reason, it is also difficult to speak.

At this time, the only one who can speak is Dust Leaf, who represents the Daoist sect, and also represents the Daoist sect's head teacher.

Chen Ye's face sank like water, and he said slowly: "Where did the eldest princess hear this from? I'd like to ask for some advice. It's possible that it's a novelist who made up this unprovoked story so cleverly." Senior."

Xiao Zhinan said with a smile: "Whether this matter is unprovoked or not, the Daeshen knows it well. As for who heard it from, but he can't tell the Daeshen. After all, everyone knows that the Daeshen is in charge of the Temple of Suppressing Demons and killing people. His skills are not inferior to the court's Dark Guard Mansion, even surpassed, although Dazheng keeps saying "ask for advice", but who can guarantee that Dazheng will not kill people directly?"

Xiao Zhinan bluntly said that she couldn't trust the majestic Taoist headmaster in black, which was undoubtedly a slap in the face, but after she told the story of the Supreme Headmaster, she had almost torn face with the Taoist school, which didn't show much.

Chen Ye deserves to be the number two person in the Taoist sect, and he still has some skills in self-cultivation and self-cultivation, so he didn't get angry, but said coldly: "I'm afraid the eldest princess can't tell it? Or, the eldest princess is the one who made up this matter." Novelist expert, if this is the case, the poor Taoist really can’t do anything to the eldest princess. After all, the person next to the eldest princess is the lord of the Sword Sect. Looking at the world, apart from the elder brother in charge, no one dares to say that she can be stable. beat him."

Xiao Zhinan said with a faint smile: "Speaking of my husband, I remember something. My husband once said that outside the city of Liangxiang, Dazheng had a fight with my husband. I don't know if it will be a victory or a defeat?"

Chen Ye was not moved at all and said: "We are talking about where the eldest princess heard her words, and it has nothing to do with the two great battles that day, and I hope the eldest princess will not care about other things."

"Who says it's irrelevant?" Xiao Zhinan said with a smile: "My husband saw with his own eyes that the Dazheng invited the five statues of the Heavenly Emperor. If we want to decide the outcome with my husband, the Dazheng only needs to answer me. Is there such a thing?" ?”

Before Chen Ye could answer, Qiu Ye said, "According to what I know, if you want to invite the five Heavenly Emperors, you must have the Heavenly Seal, which is a heavy weapon from the Taoist sect."

Chen Ye's complexion changed slightly, he snorted coldly, and said, "Even if it really happened, so what?"

Xiao Zhinan said with a smile: "Since Dazheng has admitted this matter, it will be easy to handle. I want to ask Dazheng, as a Taoist, why did you appear outside Liangxiang?"

Chen Ye was startled suddenly, and had already thought of Xiao Zhinan's intentions, but it was too late. At this moment, he was in a dilemma, so he had to answer, "Could it be that the imperial court does not allow members of my Taoist school to go outside Liangxiang City?"

Xiao Zhinan shook his head and said: "Of course there is no such rule in the imperial court, but it is a little inappropriate for the majestic Lord of Demon Suppression to appear outside Liangxiang City at this time. This time when Wei Wang's rebel army attacked Liangxiang, my wife's body It is reasonable and reasonable for the Prime Minister to appear in Liangxiang for important military and political affairs, but at this time, Dazheng also appeared outside Liangxiang City. Is it possible that Dazheng also has some military post? It's not the military position of the imperial court, but the seal of the general Pinglu, who is a traitor and traitor."

Chen Ye shouted angrily: "It's nonsense! Pindao's duel with the Sect Master of Jianzong outside Liangxiang City is just because of the past grievances between the Taoist sect and Jianzong, and has nothing to do with King Wei and the court."

Xiao Zhinan didn't continue to pursue and fight fiercely, and turned to say: "As far as what the Dazheng Daoist said is true, I have another question. On that day, King Wei conspired to seize Jiangdu. Surrounding Jiangdu, and then invite the leader of Xuanjiao Murong Xuanyin to enter Jiangdu. He wants to seize Jiangdu under the cooperation of inside and outside. If his wife did not arrive in time, Jiangdu may have changed hands. But for some reason, the master of the Demon Suppressing Palace will also appear in Jiangdu. In Jiangdu City? Could it be because of Jianzong’s grievances? That’s really strange, why is it just a coincidence that every time Dazheng Daoist wants to settle the grievances between the Sword and Dao families, he always arrives at the time when King Wei sent troops?”

Qiu Ye clasped his hands together and said with a smile: "What Her Royal Highness said is reasonable, Daoist Brother Chen Ye still needs to give an explanation."

He paused for a while, and then said inexplicably: "The people present at the meeting today are all old and young. Leaving aside the disciples of various schools, the youngest Sect Master Xu has already reached the age of the crown."

Chen Ye took a deep look at the Buddhist abbot who was talking and laughing at Yan Yan, and he realized something in his heart. This seemingly impartial Buddhist abbot may have already leaned towards the court, otherwise he would not have hit him in every sentence. The key point, just take the words just now, it is clearly saying that there are no three-year-old children here, if he insists on saying it is a coincidence, then only three-year-old children will believe it, and the people present will naturally not believe it.

Qiuyue said this as the abbot of Buddhism, and naturally no one would refute it.

It wasn't until this moment that Chen Ye suddenly realized that his biggest opponent at this time was not Xu Beiyou, whom he had planned to guard against before, nor Lan Yu, who stopped talking after speaking once, but this smiling young woman, and Local hosts who are ostensibly neutral.

But thinking about it again, this is also reasonable. Now that the Taoist sect is powerful, the Buddhist sect must not be reconciled to being under the Taoist sect for a long time, and there will definitely be many troubles.

Chen Ye breathed out lightly, restrained his thoughts, and said slowly: "Princess Eldest said that Pindao had appeared in Jiangdu City, is there evidence? If only relying on Sect Master Xu's one-sided words, I am afraid it will be difficult to convince the public."

Xiao Zhinan smiled and said, "Of course there are."

Then she turned around, looked at the tall man behind her, and said softly, "Brother Wanyan."

Wanyan Zongbi subconsciously glanced at the young white-haired man who had been watching indifferently, took a deep breath, stepped forward and bowed his hands together, and then said in a deep voice: "Wanyan Zongbi, the later founding master is my uncle, and my uncle also He appeared outside Jiangdu City and captured the leader Murong, the relationship between the uncle and the leader must be well known to all of you here, according to what the uncle said, Daoist Chen Ye was indeed in Jiangdu city that day."

Xiao Zhinan looked at Chen Ye again, "Master, you just said that your husband is just a one-sided statement, but now what Brother Wanyan said personally is not a one-sided statement."

Chen Ye remained silent.

Xiao Zhinan continued: "Since the Dazheng is unwilling to speak, I will treat it as a Dazheng and acquiesce in this matter. Then I have a third question, why does the Daoist Daoist let the King of Wei dictate? Has the Dazheng forgotten? It's true that the Great Qi was created by Emperor Taizu, but it also contains the painstaking efforts of the old head teacher Zi Chen and the main peak master Tian Chen!"

Previously Xiao Zhinan narrated, neither fast nor slow, making people feel as if they were in the spring breeze, but when he came to this sentence, his voice suddenly increased, as if thunder was struck from the ground, making everyone in the hall silent.

Xiao Zhinan took a step forward, finally showing the majesty of being the regent of a country, and said in a deep voice: "Chen Ye! Daomen help King Wei's rebel army, what else do you have to say? Now King Wei is in the southeast, and the King of Grassland is in the northwest. With the Northeast Shepherd King, there is only a corner of Jiangbei left in the imperial court, isn't it just in line with the saying that the world is divided into four parts?!"

"Who is talking nonsense?"

"Who is the wolf with ambition?"

"The world can learn from it, the sun and the moon can show it, so that the people of the Li people suffered, the common people were burned, and the people were hung upside down. Who did it!?"

(End of this chapter)

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