Chapter 1102

When the county king with a different surname was canonized in the imperial capital, Xu Beiyou, one of the parties involved, was not in the imperial capital.

A king of Nanping County is nothing to Xu Beiyou today, even a prince of a higher level is the same. The young man who wanted to be a master back then has unknowingly got rid of his shackles.

However, Xu Beiyou would be very happy if he had a feudal vassal with real power. Xiao Zhinan had once whispered to him that one day when the rebellion in Wei State was quelled, he would be able to inherit the land of Wei State. , is directly the lord of a country. Although it is a vassal state of Daqi, it can act on its own and is not restricted by the Daqi court.

In fact, at the earliest time, Xiao Zhinan originally wanted to use Yanzhou as Xu Beiyou's future fiefdom, but Xu Beiyou refused, because in his opinion, no matter how many titles and identities he has, he can be either General Pinglu or Old Xiaoge. Forget it, or the emperor's son-in-law or the prince, they are no match for a master of the Sword Sect. His root is still in the Sword Sect, and his fundamental purpose is to revive the Sword Sect.

The so-called not forgetting the original intention.

Xu Beiyou's original intention was to inherit the behest of his master, Gongsun Zhongmou, and carry forward the sword sect passed down by his master. If not, he would not have chosen to go to Jiangdu alone, nor would he have had such a deep relationship with Xiao Zhinan.

Although the husband and wife are in harmony now, it is undeniable that the purpose of Xu Beiyou's marriage with Xiao Zhinan in the first place was to use the power of the court to revive the Sword Sect.Of course, whether Xiao Zhinan, Xiao Xuan or Han Xuan, everyone has their own plans and considerations, and also has their own goals. The so-called marriage is not as simple as the love between a man and a woman, let alone your love. I wish it was enough.It's no wonder that for thousands of years, we have been paying attention to a well-matched family, and it is a matter for two families to put it in a small family.If it is placed in a high-ranking family, it is a matter of two powerful families, and if it is placed in a royal family, it is a matter of state.

Therefore, most of the time, major matters of marriage are beyond the control of young couples.

As for the relationship after marriage, whether it is to be in love with each other, or to respect each other as guests, or to respect each other like ice or soldiers, it depends on how the husband and wife get along and how they manage.

There is no doubt that Xu Beiyou and Xiao Zhinan are a couple who get along very well and manage well. They are not like other married couples who have become a bitter couple. Shared adversity, support each other, and truly help each other, worthy of the match made in heaven of "knowing the south and returning home". "

Today Xiao Zhinan went to Taimiao to worship his ancestors, but Xu Beiyou did not follow him. In fact, he did it on purpose. Now some people say that he has conquered the south of the Yangtze River with one sword and flattened the grassland with one sword. There was no quarrel between them, but Xu Beiyou didn't want the officials to underestimate Xiao Zhinan, so he deliberately downplayed the court situation and lowered his own influence in order to enhance Xiao Zhinan's majesty as a king. , lies in the majestic Xuandu far away in the south of the sky.

Now that Xu Beiyou thinks back, when he was a child, his ambition to be a master was more of a mentality of being poor and afraid of poverty. Now he dare not say that he regards fame and wealth as dung, but it is true that he does not have the same obsession as before.

For today's Xu Beiyou, the height of the temple is certainly gratifying, but it is far inferior to the freedom of the rivers and lakes.

Today Xu Beiyou left the imperial capital alone, came to Meishan, and slowly climbed the mountain along the mountain road.

This is where the mausoleums of the emperors of the Daqi Dynasty are located. On weekdays, there are heavy guards guarding the mausoleum, and those who wait for leisure are not allowed to enter. However, Xu Beiyou has a special status. He is not only the pillar of the country holding great power, but also the son-in-law of the Xiao family. Naturally, he is not waiting for leisure. Besides, where he wants to go, no one can stop him except the gates of several major sects.

In a short time, Xu Beiyou has already arrived at the halfway up the mountain. There is a Taoist temple here. It was originally just a secluded place for Daoist Daoist Wuchen after being injured by Shangguan Xianchen. After being expanded and repaired several times by the Taoist school, it has become quite large. , together with the Zirong Temple in Jiangdu Daoshufang, the Chonglong Temple in Zhongdu, and the Taiqing Palace in Langya Mansion in Qizhou, are also known as the Four Dao Temples of Taoism.

It’s just that things are different now, except that the Taiqing Palace is still safe and sound, Chonglong Temple has survived in name only after some planning by the Northwest Dark Guard Mansion, and Zirong Temple has disappeared along with the Taoist workshop. The landscape had already been acquired by the imperial court after the First Battle of Meishan. Later, Xiao Zhinan sent people from Tianji Pavilion to renovate the place and sent it to Xu Beiyou as his retreat.

But Xu Beiyou had never been here before, until today, this was his first time climbing Meishan to Qingjing.

Xu Beiyou pushed the door open and entered. The layout of the temple was an ordinary Taoist temple, and there were not many peculiarities. He first burned three sticks of incense in front of the statue of the Taoist ancestor in the main hall, then walked around the statue of the Taoist ancestor and came to the back hall of the temple.

There is a huge copper furnace in the back hall, which is as tall as a person and the color of bronze. There are many Taoist talisman cloud patterns engraved on the body of the furnace. The light blue flame in the furnace lasts all year round. The miraculous effect of nourishing the soul.

Xu Beiyou sat cross-legged on the futon in front of the copper stove, closing his eyes and concentrating.

The great harvest of this trip to Buddhism is far from being as simple as the Diamond Sutra. The key is that Qiuyue sent Xu Beiyou the wonderful meaning of the invincible golden body of Buddhism and the indestructible golden body of King Kong Temple through this Diamond Sutra .

As for why Buddhism has such a big deal, it is because the background of Buddhism is far more than that. In addition to the immortal golden body of Xuanjiao, there are three of the four great golden bodies.This is also reasonable, due to the infighting in the King Kong Temple, the Buddha's handwritten Diamond Sutra, which is the treasure of the town temple, has all fallen into the hands of the Buddhists, so it is only logical that the secret of the indestructible golden body was discovered by the Buddhists.As for the immovable golden body of Molun Temple, it is even more obvious. At the beginning, Molun Temple was destroyed by the Taoists. The four living Buddhas and Qiu Si all defected to the same Buddhist sect and sent them under the fence. The Immovable Golden Statue of Rinji Temple.

Only Xuanjiao itself is not inferior to Buddhism, and there is Wanyan Beiyue's generation of heroes, so Buddhism really has no chance to obtain the last immortal golden body among the four great golden bodies.

This time, Buddhism hoped to defeat Daomen through the hands of Xu Beiyou. I don't plan to stay in Buddhism, so I just give up.However, Qiu Si, the master of Molun Temple, still owes Xu Beiyou a huge favor, so he can get another immovable golden body from Qiu Si.

In this way, Xu Beiyou possessed the three great golden body techniques. If he could obtain the immortal golden body technique from Wanyan Beiyue again, the four great golden bodies would gather together to make up for his lack of physical strength. With a golden body standing behind the back, it really has the strength to fight Qiuye head-on.

But before that, Xu Beiyou had to use the undefeated golden body and the indestructible golden body that he had learned, and at the same time use the two golden bodies to repair his physical injuries and restore his peak combat power.

(End of this chapter)

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