That year, that cicada, that sword

Chapter 1103 Big Liang Tianhai 2 Capital City

Chapter 1103

In the southern part of the world there is a majestic Taoist school, in the East China Sea there are 36 islands of Jianzong, in the far west there is a legendary holy church, in the far north there is only a place of bitter cold, the sky is covered with ice and snow, and the wind and frost block out the sun. The strange beasts born here, and some ascetic monks will set foot outside this place, and there will be no trace of other living beings.

Beyond the extreme north is an ice ocean, also known as the North Sea. There are large pieces of ice floes and even icebergs on the sea. The Ice and Dust Bian, who was the Taiyi Save the Ku Tianzun, once retreated on one of the icebergs for many years.

When Xu Beiyou was retreating in the green landscape of Meishan, a person crossed the bitter cold land in the extreme north, crossed the North Sea, circled a huge circle, avoided the Central Plains, also avoided the grassland and the East China Sea, quietly Come to the back building north of the northeast.

The post-construction is not a pure nomadic system of grasslands, but a half-pastoral and half-agricultural system. In terms of system, it is more inclined to the Central Plains. The region is divided into states and counties. A county has a county guard, and a state has a state herdsman. In wartime, On top of the prefectural pastors, an ambassador of guarding economic strategy, Jiedushi, or Jiedushi for short, was temporarily added to take over the military, government, civilian, and financial powers, almost separatist.At the same time, with Daliang City as the capital and Tianhai City as the accompanying capital, the whole country is divided into seven states and two capitals.

The reason why Houjian implemented the two-capital system had to mention the rebellion of the five kings decades ago.

In the early years, because the emperor was young, the establishment of the royal family was weak, and the five vassal kings were entrenched in various places. Each of them was envoys of each state, and they were eyeing Daliang City. If any vassal king was strong, he could take over. Daliang City controls the government, but those who enter Daliang City will also be jointly resisted by the other four kings, and most of them will not last long, so the construction of the Chaotang later formed a weird scene where you sing and I come on stage.It was not until the great general Murong Yan rose strongly and became the envoy of the Gyeonggi Festival that the five kings had no choice but to unite, and there was the so-called five kings discussing politics.

Later, the young Emperor Houjian, who was supported by the general Murong Yan, was eager to seize power and wanted to put the five kings to death. In the name of calling the five kings to discuss matters, he intended to kill the five kings in the secret room as a monk assassin. It's just that the news was accidentally leaked, and the five kings learned about it, so after the joint discussion, the five kings simply did not do anything, and invaded the palace. A cup of poisoned wine thus opened the curtain of the so-called Rebellion of the Five Kings of Later Jian.

At that time, the great general Murong Yan was not in Daliang City. When he heard the bad news, the five kings had joined forces and the army was suppressing the situation. At the same time, they had the support of the five elders of Xuanjiao. Through Xiao Zheng, the lord of Julu City, he asked for help from Xiao Yu, who had just defeated the shepherd at that time.

After discussing with the important officials under his command, Xiao Yu decided to form an alliance with Murong Yan to help Murong Yan put down the Rebellion of the Five Kings.In this battle, Xiao Jin sent a total of two generals, namely Lin Han, who was known as General Shura for suppressing the barbarians in southern Xinjiang with iron and blood, and Wei Jin, who became famous for sneaking over Yinping during the Southern Conquest of Shuzhou. The troops were divided into two groups, together with Murong Yan's army, and the three groups of troops marched together. In just a few days, they had already invaded Houjian's territory, causing most of Gaozhou and Chaozhou to fall. Disappointed, the five kings of the Yan clan left Daliang City with their families one after another, and went to Tianhai City, which was closer to Dabai Mountain, to escape the disaster of war.

And the final result of this battle was the conclusion of the famous Daliang City Alliance, the Five Kings of Later Jian gave up their power, and Wanyan Beiyue, the son of Murong Yan, succeeded him as the Emperor of Later Jian. Wanyan Beiyue demoted herself to be the post-founder of the country.

The Daliang City Covenant stipulated that Wanyan Beiyue and Xiao Yu formed an alliance of brothers. Wanyan Beiyue was young and called Xiao Yu his brother, and later generations will still judge him by the world.Later, the five kings withdrew their troops and retreated to Tianhai City.Xiao Yu also withdrew his troops from Chaozhou and Gaozhou.After that, if there are thieves and fugitives who cross the border, they will not stay with each other.All the cities along the borders of the two sides will be as usual, no city gods shall be built, and no further violations of the grassland shall be allowed.Houjian shall provide Xiao Yu's army with military expenditures for peace and chaos mediation, including 10 taels of gold, 120 million taels of silver, 50 shi of grain, and 20 bolts of silk, and deliver them to Julu City.Hou Jian was not allowed to enter the pass and go south, but he could help Xiao Yu contain the Northeast herdsman's army when necessary.The two sides trade with each other at the border.Later, the five kings were required to pay tribute of ten thousand taels of silver and ten thousand pieces of silk to the emperor Wanyan Beiyue every year to show their submission.After the covenant is concluded, no more wars shall be started, and any violations shall be discussed together.Li Xu, Sun Ping, Xie Xian, Feng Yi and other four post-Jian Xuanjiao elders and all post-Jian dignitaries are witnesses.

After the conclusion of the Daliang City Alliance, all the five later kings retreated into Tianhai City, which made Tianhai City a prosperous place not inferior to Daliang City, just like the Jiangdu of Daqi, after Wanyan Beiyue won the Xuanjiao leader. After taking the throne, it was a matter of course that he was canonized as the accompanying capital.

In the past few decades, Wanyan Beiyue has been holding the ground in Daliang City as a prison. Now that he has no restrictions, he left Daliang City on his own initiative and led all the civil and military officials in the future to visit Tianhai City, the accompanying capital. After leaving the Dabai Mountain outside Tianhai City, after decades, he entered the Qingming Palace on the top of the Dabai Mountain again, and regained his position as the leader of Xuanjiao.

However, Wanyan Beiyue didn't like the slightly gloomy Qingming Palace, and soon left Qingming Palace and returned to Tianhai City.

The person who came this time was none other than Fu Zhongtian, who had betrayed the Daqi court. The reason why he spent so much time to come to Houjian was for only one purpose, and that was to meet Wanyan Beiyue.

In order to keep this trip absolutely secret, he had already set off several months ago. Even with his cultivation base, it took him such a long time to arrive at Houjian. It is true that there were too many difficulties and obstacles along the way. If it were a monk who had just entered the realm of the Earth Immortal, he might have been frozen to death in the extreme cold and snow in the North Sea.

However, this difficult journey was not in vain, allowing him to successfully cross the sea without anyone noticing, and built Tianhai City after successfully arriving.

Nowadays, everyone in the world knows the theory of the Three Saints of the Heavenly Mystery List. They are Qiuye, the head teacher of the Taoist sect, Xu Beiyou, the suzerain of the Sword Sect, and Wanyan Beiyue, the founder of the country. Those who hold great power, especially Wanyan Beiyue, the late founder of the country, hold hundreds of thousands of post-construction troops in their hands. To a certain extent, they have the confidence and strength to influence the general situation of the world.

This is also the reason why Daqi obviously has an alliance with Houjian in Daliang City, but he dare not ask Houjian to send troops to help him. They all say that it is easy to ask God to send God, but it is easy to invite Houjian's army into the Central Plains, but if after the rebellion is suppressed, , After the army is built, it will turn against customers, so what should we do?So no matter what the situation in the south of the Yangtze River is, there has never been a voice from the top and bottom of the Daqi court to ask for reinforcements.

Fu Zhongtian, who used to be one of the ministers of the Great Qi, knew this well, so his trip to the post-construction this time was to persuade Wanyan Beiyue to send troops to the south to add another fire to the already declining fire in the Central Plains. Root new firewood.

(End of this chapter)

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