Chapter 1107

Imperial Capital, Feishuang Palace.

Xiao Zhinan sat on the mandarin duck's rich and noble couch in the hall, resting his elbows lightly on the kang table, flipping through a memorial in his hand, and suddenly said: "Dazheng's Jianwen three years, August. Wanyan Beiyue officially held the ceremony in Daliang City after the construction In the ceremony of offering sacrifices to heaven and ascending to the throne, I remember that the old county king Xiao Shu served concurrently as Minister of the Ministry of Rites. Surrounded by Yi Jingwei, he went to the Taisheng Temple. After the enthronement edict was read out by the Minister of Rites in the Taisheng Temple, he received the congratulations from all the officials again and officially ascended to the throne. Next, he went to the Temple of Heaven outside the city to hold the ceremony of offering sacrifices to heaven according to the etiquette system. First recite the prayers, and then offer a toast to the heaven with a three-legged wine bottle, thus ending the whole ceremony of offering sacrifices to heaven."

"His Royal Highness said it well." Xie Suqing, who was sitting in the lower position, answered, "The next year, Houjian reformed Yuan Huangwu. Calculated with the fingers, this year is the 58th year of Houjian Huangwu."

Xiao Zhinan closed the memorabilia in his hand, and said with emotion: "It's almost a year's time."

Xie Suqing nodded and said, "Exactly."

Xiao Zhinan sighed faintly, he didn't know whether he was lamenting the luck of the founding of the country, or the early death of his father and brother.

Then she slowly got up from the couch, and while pacing back and forth in the hall, she said softly: "Fighting on the chessboard, national players throughout the ages say that the golden corner and the silver border are grass belly. The lowest in the middle. The corner is as valuable as gold, because the corner is not only empty, but also easy to defend and difficult to attack. It is as worthless as thatch. Xie Ge is always a master of this way, so he should know what I mean."

Xie Suqing thought for a while, and said in a deep voice: "If the world is a chessboard, the Central Plains is the middle, and there is nothing to seek. The Jiangnan, Northwest, and Northeast are the borders, and the competition is fierce. When it comes to the corners, it is nothing more than Wei Guo. , Baozhu Kingdom, Houjian, Grassland.”

Xiao Zhinan stopped, stood on the edge of the mandarin duck's rich couch, tapped his index finger on the kang table lightly, made a sound, and sighed: "Yes, these four corners are the most important. There are high mountains on the other side of the country of Zhu, plus there are constant internal strife in Baozhu country, and there is no way to settle. In this way, there are only three corners left, and the grassland itself has already entered the game. In addition, the disturbance of the previous return to the south is not a cause for concern. , As for the Wei State, it is difficult to make a move, and the second is that it is already in the game. Even if it is forced to make a move, it is just a dojo in a snail shell, and it cannot withstand big storms."

At this time, on the east wall of Feishuang Temple, there was a map of the world situation. Xie Suqing subconsciously turned her head to look, her eyes fell on the position north of the three northeast states, and said softly: "Then only We will build a corner later."

Xiao Zhinan followed suit, with deep eyes, "One year's time, it's a safe corner, this is a blank space, and you can fall everywhere."

Xie Suqing frowned slightly, "His Royal Highness, would you like to do something with Houjian? Although the late founding lord Wanyan Beiyue is the emperor-in-law of my Daqi, and Houjian is a brotherly alliance with my Daqi, but also It is hard to guarantee that there is no wolfish ambition, especially when my Daqi is full of civil strife, if they are allowed to enter the current chaotic situation, I am afraid it is easier to ask the gods than to send the gods away."

Xiao Zhinan withdrew his gaze, and said in a deep voice: "That's true, but our family is not the only one on this chessboard. We don't play here, I'm afraid someone else will make a move. The corner is the most easy to defend and difficult to attack. You can relax and wait for work. After that time, Jian cavalry will go south, threatening my northeast, and even the front line of Yanzhou, what will happen at that time?"

Xie Suqing's face was solemn, and after thinking for a moment, she suddenly asked, "How is the son-in-law?"

Xiao Zhinan's expression remained unchanged, and he said flatly: "I'm still in retreat, but it will only take a few days to get out."

Xie Suqing tentatively asked: "After the emperor's son-in-law is out of the customs, can the emperor's son-in-law be invited to go and build it? If the emperor's son-in-law personally interviews the Lord Wanyan, there may be other opportunities."

Xiao Zhinan was noncommittal, but just hummed.

The hall fell into silence.

After a while, Xiao Zhinan said softly, "Okay, Mr. Xie Ge, you go first."

"My minister will leave." Xie Suqing respectfully agreed, and slowly exited the hall.

Xiao Zhinan sat back on the mandarin duck's rich couch, resting his elbows on the kang table and propping his forehead with his hands.


A ray of brilliance swept across the imperial city formation, ignoring the imperial city formation that made the world's top monks even talk about it, and landed directly in front of Feishuang hall.

The eunuch guarding in front of the hall immediately fell to the ground and shouted: "I have seen His Royal Highness."

The visitor ignored them, and walked straight into the hall, walking on the smooth, bright, dark ground where people could be seen, his sleeves fluttering like a fairy.

If there is a breeze blowing, the curtains drawn up on both sides of the hall will move with the wind, Xiao Zhinan, who is sitting on the mandarin duck and rich couch, suddenly raised his head, and when he saw the person coming, a gentle smile appeared on his face , the bright eyes reveal a bit of softness that is hard to see by others.

She got up from the couch, walked forward, and asked with a smile, "What have you gained from this retreat?"

The person who came here was Xu Beiyou who had just left the seclusion from the green landscape of Meishan. The time of this retreat was a bit beyond his expectation. After a short time, he has initially integrated the mysteries of the two golden bodies. After all, his injury lies in his body, and he does not need to be too slow to heal his injuries. The master of the Taoist sect, sitting on the treasures of heaven and earth like mountains of gold and silver, cannot be recovered in a short period of time.

Xu Beiyou simply answered two words, "Fair."

While speaking, he stretched out his hand to support Xiao Zhinan's slender hand, and the two of them sat on the couch again, one on the left and one on the right, and then continued: "The physical injuries have basically recovered, and they have even improved, but the Buddhist golden body is not the same as my body after all. Jianzong's swordsmanship is different. As the saying goes, different ways do not seek each other. There are still some flaws, but the impact is not big, so you don't have to worry. I thought that today is the Mid-Autumn Festival on August [-]th, so I published It's closed, and spend the holiday with you and the old man."

Xiao Zhinan personally poured him a cup of tea, then picked up another cup of tea himself, took a sip, and said, "Alright, I told the chef last night and asked them to make some mooncakes, let's taste them together."

Xu Beiyou hummed, but his eyes fell on the map of the general trend of the world, and he said softly: "Later construction."

Xiao Zhinan let out a little surprise.

Xu Beiyou withdrew his gaze and said with emotion: "Jiangbei, Jiangnan, Shuzhou, Southern Xinjiang, Northwest, Grassland, Northeast, and Wei, there is still one post-construction left, and we have to go all the way."

(End of this chapter)

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