Chapter 1108

On the Mid-Autumn Festival on August [-]th, at noon on this day, the slightly deserted Han Fuzhong finally saw Elder Xiaoge again.

Xu Beiyou and Xiao Zhinan originally planned to go to the old man's mansion for the festival. After all, the old man was sick and his body was not as good as before, so it was better not to make too much trouble, but Han Xuan reprimanded him and said a lot of words such as the difference between monarchs and ministers, and etiquette cannot be broken. In the end, the old man made a final decision to go to Feishuang Palace for the festival.

However, Xu Beiyou also felt that there was no need to leave too early, and it would not be too late to go until the evening, so during the afternoon, he devoted himself to staying with Han Xuan, and the father and son didn't talk much, just strolling in the mansion, Xu Beiyou would occasionally talk about what he had seen and heard some time ago, such as Zhu Jiuyin in southern Xinjiang, the four living Buddhas in the grassland, Qiuyue in the northeast and the dead Mutangzhi.

Compared with the previous few years, Han Xuan is obviously a little older, his eyes are much cloudier, and his demeanor is a little more old and tired, which makes Xu Beiyou feel complicated. Birth, old age, sickness and death are the rules of heaven. A sword fairy in the realm of the eighteenth floor of the immortal, or an extremely wealthy emperor in the world, cannot violate it.

Walking in front of a chrysanthemum that was blooming proudly in Linghan, Han Xuan suddenly stopped and patted his lower back lightly: "It took less than half an hour to walk in 360 five steps, I can't accept it."

Xu Beiyou said with a smile: "Walking is not about a quick word, 360 five is exactly the number of days in a week, neither fast nor slow, just right."

"Return to the South." Han Xuan grasped Xu Beiyou's palm with his hands full of age spots, showing some rare warmth, "Don't comfort me, my family knows my own family affairs, what is the number of weeks, old is old , people are old and don’t use their muscles and bones as energy, they just can’t walk.”

"Father..." Xu Beiyou still wanted to explain.

"Nangui, you are a rare kind and not pedantic person." Han Xuan interrupted what he hadn't said yet, and continued: "A gentleman can deceive him in his own way, but it is difficult to be wrong. I want to stick to myself The truth is, knowing is easier than doing. It is not difficult for a person to persist for a day, and it is not difficult to persist for a year, so what about ten years? It is even more difficult to persist for a lifetime. I am very pleased that you have done a good job these years .”

Xu Beiyou was silent for a while, and then said from the bottom of his heart: "Killing people is not difficult, but stopping killing is difficult. It is not difficult to be free, but the difficulty is to carry a mountain. Now my father is one person under ten thousand people, there is a king on the top, and a group of people on the bottom." Minister, with the court on your back, father is the hardest."

Hearing these words, even Han Xuan, who has experienced ups and downs in the world, was a little moved. He turned his head and looked at Xu Beiyou's face, "Nangui, we will not enter the palace until Shenshi, let's go to the pavilion over there Sit here, I have a few words to say to you."

"Yes." Xu Beiyou replied, and helped Han Xuan walk to the pavilion and sit down.

"You sit too." After sitting down, Han Xuan stretched out his hand. Xu Beiyou bowed slightly before sitting opposite Han Xuan, with his hands on his knees.

Han Xuan looked at Xu Beiyou and asked, "Nangui, I'm going to ask you a question, and you have to answer me truthfully."

Xu Beiyou nodded and said, "Father just asks, Beiyou won't say anything in vain."

"Okay." Han Xuan hummed, staring at Xu Beiyou's eyes, and slowly asked, "Nangui, who do you think is the closest in this world?"

Xu Beiyou was slightly taken aback, feeling that the answer was so complicated, he didn't dare to answer rashly, and after thinking for a while, he replied: "Parents and children are the closest."

But beyond his expectation, Han Xuan shook his head and said: "This is right or wrong. For children, it is true, but for parents, it may not be so."

Xu Beiyou was even more uncertain about the old man's mind, so he couldn't help asking: "Please teach me, father."

Han Xuan said slowly: "There is a saying in the Book of Songs, 'Mourning for my parents, and giving birth to me'. It stands to reason that in life, the kindness that is difficult to repay is the kindness of parents. How many sons think this way? Ten Nine out of five sons think that it is right for their parents to treat them well, so kindness has become a matter of course."

Xu Beiyou opened his mouth, not knowing how to answer.After all, he and Han Xuan are father and son. Han Xuan is the father and he is the son. According to what Han Xuan said, the only relationship between father and son is father to son. How should he answer?What's more subtle is that Xu Beiyou is not his parent and child. These words seem to be talking about him, but they don't seem to be, which makes him completely confused.

Xu Beiyou didn't make a sound, just looked at Han Xuan quietly, waiting for his next words.

Han Xuan continued: "Nangui, do you know why I raised you back then but didn't let you recognize me as your father, but instead called me Mr. Teacher and apprentice?"

Xu Beiyou shook his head and didn't know.

Han Xuan smiled, and said with a little self-deprecation: "This is my selfishness. Just now I asked you who is closest to you, and you said father and son, but sometimes, the closest person is not father and son, but master and student. Son Taking the kindness of parents as a matter of course, disciples regard the kindness of master as repayment, so I did not become father and son with you back then, but became master and apprentice."

Xu Beiyou was stunned for a long time, and then sighed softly, "This is indeed the truth, between me and my biological father..."

He didn't finish his sentence, but just fell silent.

After such a long time, Han Xuan narrowed his eyes to look at the sun outside the pavilion, and said, "The time is coming, and it's time for us to enter the palace."

After nightfall, the Feishuang Palace was a little more popular than usual, Xiao Zhinan brought Xiao Yuanying and Xiao Yuyi into the palace, and on a whim, the three aunts and nephews decided to cook for themselves. It is useless, but the final result is unavoidably unsatisfactory. Xiao Yuanying is not much to say. She is young and has been practicing martial arts for many years. Xiao Zhinan is also a charming girl who has never touched the spring water Fortunately, there is also Xiao Yuyi who has been married for many years. Although the food is not good in color and aroma, the taste can barely be eaten, otherwise this reunion dinner is really uneatable.

Xu Beiyou didn't care much, even eating a few raw stones was nothing, but Han Xuan was getting old, and his stomach couldn't stand such a toss.

After the meal, the family sat on the terrace outside Feishuang Hall, eating moon cakes and admiring the moon, enjoying themselves happily.Until the hour of Hai, Xiao Yuyi and Xiao Yuanying accompanied Han Xuan, Xu Beiyou and Xiao Zhinan went to the Taimiao, and when they came back, it was almost midnight, and Xiao Zhinan still had to deal with those piles of memorials, so Xu Beiyou escorted the old man out of the palace and back home .

The husband and wife have already discussed and agreed that Xu Beiyou will accompany the old man with peace of mind in the past few days.

Since entering Taiping for 24 years, Han Xuan seems to have stopped talking about his ambitions for thousands of miles. Sitting in the carriage at this time, he felt a little tired, but because he was old and felt so few , and never fell asleep, just leaning against the wall of the carriage, lost in thought.

After returning to the Han Mansion, Han Xuan insisted on asking Xu Beiyou to rest first, but Xu Beiyou couldn't resist him, so he had to leave first, and Han Xuan walked slowly back to the bedroom with the help of the maid.

Han Xuan lived a poor life and never liked warming the bed, so after the lights were turned off, he was the only one left in the empty bedroom.

The old man was lying on the bed, not feeling sleepy. He looked at the curtain above his head with his eyes wide open, and murmured to himself, "You are both a master and a student and a father and son. Nangui, you can get to where you are today. As a father, you have nothing to worry about." .”

(End of this chapter)

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