That year, that cicada, that sword

Chapter 1140 Xiao Huaiyu's Risky Strike

Chapter 1140 Xiao Huaiyu takes a risk

There are many lakes and rivers in the Jiangnan water town, which is not conducive to the vertical and horizontal galloping of large cavalry troops, and is more conducive to relying on the fortification of strong cities. In addition, the natural dangerous river divides the world into two, so there are many examples in history. It is precisely because of these reasons that Dachu, which has been declining for a long time, was able to linger under the iron hoof of the later construction, and was able to settle down in a corner for more than ten years.

There are two key points in the south of the Yangtze River, one is Jiangdu, which occupies the position of the mouth of the great river, and the other is the two Xiangxiangs in Huzhou. It is said that the two Xiangyangs have the waist and brawn of the world. It can be said that this is where the troops are stationed, blocking the connection between Jiangnan and Shuzhou, and truly making Jiangdu an isolated place.

According to Xiao Jin's earliest plan, after the battle of Dongting Lake, he took advantage of the situation to capture Liangxiang, but Xiao Jin never imagined that Xu Beiyou almost relied on his own strength to hold back his army, and finally dragged him to Shuzhou He and Jiangbei's two reinforcements rushed to Liangxiang. As a result, the Wei army's idea of ​​a quick victory has been completely shattered, and even wanting to capture Liangxiang has become an extravagant hope.

The reason why Houjian's iron cavalry was able to capture Liangxiang was because Houjian had already occupied the entire Jiangbei at that time. In addition, Houjian's native land of Kyushu and the three states of Northeast China had even more manpower and material resources than the big Chu in a corner of Pian'an. , but today's Wei State cannot be compared with the later construction of the year. According to Xiao Jin's vision, the Wei State should be the same as the later construction of the year.Back then, the Houjian occupied Jiangbei, and now the Wei State wants to occupy Jiangnan. This is the same reason. However, under the premise that Jiangnan has not been conquered, Wei State, which has a narrow land and few people, cannot compare with Daqi, which is sitting on the world.

If the army of the State of Wei insisted on attacking the city and fell into the quagmire of the two sides' offense and defense, it would become a situation where the two sides competed for their wealth. From this point of view, the State of Wei had no chance of winning, even if Xiao Jin was lucky enough to capture the two , Facing Da Qi who has already solved the Northeast Mu Clan, various armies will inevitably arrive one after another. By then, how much chance will there be of winning?
Xiao Jin, as the senior commander who once shined in ten years of competition, would not understand this truth, so now he faces two choices, or take advantage of the fact that Daqi's various armies have not arrived in the south of the Yangtze River, Leading the army to withdraw from the south of the Yangtze River and returning to the state of Wei, relying on the natural dangers of the East China Sea, it is still a separatist party, in order to plan for the future.

The second option is to give it a go.

If you choose the first one, it can be said that there is firewood for the green hills, but if that's all, why did Xiao Jin start this unjust war that caused countless living beings to suffer?So he chooses the second option.

In fact, he had already made a decision as early as the news from the Northeast. During this period of time, he seemed to stand still, but in fact he was secretly contacting the Daoist sect, accumulating strength, and only waited for the last fight.

Under Xiao Jin's forced order, the army of Wei State who was originally stationed in Jiangzhou gradually abandoned Jiangzhou and entered Huzhou to join forces with the main force of Wei State who besieged Liangxiang. Breaking back is like the last stand of the overlord back then.

In the early winter of the 24th year of Taiping, a large army left the Liangxiang area of ​​Huzhou and marched westward.This is a typical Wei State army system, which is divided into "car" and "team". Iron armor, and different from Daqi's conventional military system, in terms of weaponry, firearms are the main ones, especially bird guns and artillery.Among them, nearly half of the people in the baggage camp are equipped with firearms. If someone wants to surprise the baggage camp, even if it is a light cavalry army that comes and goes like the wind, facing the baggage camp after forming a chariot formation, it will also be difficult to please, unless it is a so-called warrior. The most powerful heavy cavalry army, under the charge of fearless death, can break through the formation of cars that can be called the iron barrel formation.

But then again, in the Jiangnan water town, the heavy cavalry army can't be deployed at all, so this kind of chariot formation is located in the Jiangnan water town, and it is not an exaggeration to say that it is invincible.

This army of about ten thousand people, led by Xiao Jin's confidant Shangguan Tan himself, is the elite core of the entire Wei army, and it is Xiao Jin's last capital. Jindu never put them on the battlefield, but let them stay in Jiangzhou. Until this moment, they were transferred to Huzhou by Xiao Jin.

Since it is the capital of the bottom of the box, in addition to showing that Xiao Jin has reached a desperate situation, it also shows that Xiao Jin will never let this elite teacher do useless work, and must have great ambitions.But this is not surprising, after all, good steel is used on the blade, Xiao Jin can only take a risk if he wants to get out of the desperate situation.

The strong and persistent Shangguan Tan was riding on a "Pegasus" from the grassland. The three heads of the Shangguan family who had been complacent a few days ago now had deep eyes, and even the whole person exuded a gloomy look.

The five Shangguan brothers, aside from the woman Shangguan Qiushui, the eldest Shangguan Feng, the second Shangguan Yun, the third Shangguan Tan, and the fourth Shangguan Luan, the eldest brother Shangguan Feng died in the Ming Tomb of Meishan, and the fourth brother Shangguan Luan died Under the sword of Xu Beiyou, now the second elder brother Shangguan Yun was not spared, and died at the hands of Bingchen on the way back from the northeast to the south of the Yangtze River. Now he is the only Shangguan Tan left. Like his three brothers, he died when he said he would die.

This made Shangguan Tan couldn't help asking himself, was Shangguan's decision to attach himself to King Xiao Jin of Wei really right?Now that the Shangguan family is almost about to die because of Xiao Jin, how can Shangguan Tan not feel grief and indignation?
It's just that there is no turning back on this road. Either he will die halfway or go all the way to the end. Shangguan Tan has no way out.

At this moment, Shangguan Tan suddenly reined in his horse and stopped, squinting to look at a valley ahead.

An old man next to him asked curiously: "General, we have already searched this valley, and there are no ambushes found on both sides above. There should be no problem. What are you worried about, General?"

This old man in a shirt who stood out from the crowd in the army was a member of the ghost palace. This time, a large number of monks from the ghost palace accompanied the army, to a large extent, they were acting as scouts.

Shangguan Tan hesitated for a moment, then frowned and said, "It's a bit too calm."

The old man in Wenshan smiled slightly and said: "The king's sending troops into Shu this time was unexpected, and Yu Kuang and others were huddled in Liangxiang City. The news was blocked, and it was reasonable to have no time to respond. Besides, just With the strength of the troops in Liangxiang City, it's okay to stick to the city, but if you want to go out to fight with us, how can we be our opponents."

Shangguan Tan sighed, still worried: "I'm not afraid of ten thousand, just in case."

(End of this chapter)

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