Chapter 1141
Shangguan Tan looked at this deep valley from afar.

This place is called Chenyou Valley, which is more than a hundred miles long. It is the main road connecting Huzhou and Shuzhou. However, the terrain is narrow and it is not suitable for a large army to pass through. The plan is to bypass Liangxiang and directly march into Shuzhou, take Baidi City and Jincheng in one fell swoop, and reverse the decline of the entire Jiangnan. Shuzhou had to take this shortcut.

Shangguan Tan said slowly: "Now the war is stalemate. With the defeat of the Northeast Shepherd King, the general situation in Jiangbei has been settled, which frees up the Daqi court to transfer the army that was originally stationed in Shanhai City to Jiangnan. Therefore, the Jiangnan war This time, the king decided to go all out, abandon Huzhou, and go directly to Shuzhou, which is empty of troops, with the intention of joining forces with the grassland army in the northwest. But since ancient times, Shuzhou has been a place that is easy to defend and difficult to attack. Firstly, the key to victory or defeat lies in the word "entering Shu". Chenyou Valley is the main road between Hu and Shu, which is hundreds of miles long. In history, military strategists tried to smuggle here many times, but no one succeeded. Hengshu led the army to attack the Gongsun clan who is entrenched in Shuzhou. He also sneaked across the Chenyou Valley like us. As a result, he was ambushed by the Gongsun clan's army before he left the valley. I'm afraid that this time we will repeat the mistakes of our predecessors ..."

The old man in plain clothes hastily interrupted Shangguan Tan's unlucky words, "General, don't say these unlucky words, after all, there is God's will in the dark."

Shangguan Tan laughed at himself, took a deep breath, suppressed all negative emotions, and said in a deep voice: "Now Yu Kuang and Wei Wuji are both in Liangxiang, Yu Kuang is fine, after all, he has lived in Qizhou in the north of the Yangtze River for many years It took only one or two years to take office, but Wei Wuji was different. He was originally from Huzhou. He also led the Red Scarf Army Taihu uprising back then. He knew the topography of Huzhou very well. This time he personally led a hundred thousand reinforcements into the lake, we must not underestimate him."

Shangguan Tan breathed out lightly, and ordered: "Pass on my order, with the cavalry as the forerunner and the convoy as the rear, the whole army slowly enters into Chenyou Valley. If there is anything wrong, the cavalry must charge as fast as possible to ensure the rear Teams can spread out."

The old man's face also turned serious, and he made a solemn promise.

The general of the Wei State sighed softly again. The reason why he was so worried was not that there was an ambush buried above the valley, but that there was an ambush hidden at the end of Chenyou Valley. , and someone entered the valley from the rear, attacking back and forth, and completely blocked his elite army in Chenyou Valley. Although his chariot formation was invincible, it was helpless in the valley and could not be deployed at all. , even the Qi army only needs to occupy the valley entrances on both sides, and then send people to occupy the two sides above the valley, forming a condescending trend. At that time, the Wei army trapped in the valley will become fish on the chopping board. At the mercy of others.

Although Shangguan Tan had a secret discussion with Xiao Jin before leaving, during this discussion, Shangguan Tan also raised this question to Xiao Jin. The army of Wei State who is still in Huzhou is completely passive. Is it too risky to bet all the victory or defeat on this battle?However, Xiao Jin believes that the premise of sending troops to Shuzhou this time is already a risk, which lies in a surprise attack, if the opponent has already been prepared, no matter whether they go to Chenyou Valley or not, it will have the same ending.Xiao Jin was betting, betting on Lan Yu, Wei Wuji, Yu Kuang, Sun Shaotang, etc. No one could have imagined that Xiao Jin would put all his bets on Shuzhou.

In the past many years, Xiao Jin's evaluation of herself has always been "the only thing to be cautious about using troops", and it is true in fact. The real risk-takers are Wei Jin and Cha Mang. In Shuzhou, one person once personally led an elite army to attack Xiheyuan, and the soldiers came to the city of Zhongdu. On the other hand, Xiao Jin mostly stayed in one place and never made any mistakes. It is reasonable to give people the impression of being cautious.

In all fairness, who would have thought that Xiao Jin, who had been cautious all his life, would choose to take a risk when he was in the most critical moment, under the premise that there was still a way out?
Shangguan Tan couldn't think of it, so Lan Yu and the others couldn't even think of it.

Shangguan Tan said to himself: "As long as you can pass through Chenyou Valley smoothly, you can come to Baidi City, and then cooperate with the Daoist to help you with all your strength. At that time, no matter what skills you Sun Shaotang has, you will be powerless to turn the situation around. Then With the support of Baidi City, our army from Wei State can continuously enter Shu Prefecture, even if you, Lan Yu, are a god on the list of secrets, how can you stop these hundreds of thousands of troops?"


In fact, no one could have imagined that Xiao Jin would take a risk.

Lan Yu, Yu Kuang, Sun Shaotang, and Wei Wuji, the important ministers and generals deep in the front line, did not expect it, and Xiao Zhinan, Han Xuan, Zhang Baisui, Xie Suqing and others who were in the center also did not expect it.

But as Shangguan Tan said, everything is just in case.

After the Cangyun incident, Bai Yunzi ordered the Punishment Division to investigate the inside of the Daomen, and actually pulled out many nails buried in the Daomen by the imperial court and Jianzong, but Bai Yunzi never expected that the man who had been following him all the time That direct disciple, Ye Lanyi, son of the Ye family who has a long history with the head teacher Qiuye, is actually Zhang Xueyao's.

This can be said to be the side of the couch, and there are still others sleeping soundly.

Because Xiao Jin needed help from the Taoist sect, he had to tell Bai Yunzi about his plan. Although Bai Yunzi never directly told Ye Lanyi about it, he didn't avoid Ye Lanyi either. Intentionally, she probably guessed part of the truth of the matter, and passed the matter to Zhang Xueyao through a secret channel. This is how Zhang Xueyao sent Wu Yu to Beijing to meet Xiao Zhinan in person.

As for why Wu Yu said that he wanted to meet Xu Beiyou, it was just to cover up his embarrassment when facing Xiao Zhinan.

After Xiao Zhinan learned of the news, he immediately sent a letter of twelve flying swords to Lan Yu who was stationed in Jincheng, Sun Shaotang who was stationed in Baidi City, Yu Kuang who was stationed in Xiangyang, and Wei Wuji who was stationed in Xiangfan.

All four of them are veterans in the battlefield. Needless to say, Yu Kuang and Wei Wuji are both one of the four famous generals of Daqi. Sun Shaotang was also a general trained by Wei Jin himself. Xiao Yu's first contribution to the country, No. 1 in Lingyan Pavilion, he has been in the competition for the entire ten years.

Although Xiao Zhinan didn't know exactly what Xiao Jin's act of breaking the net was, the four of them quickly realized after receiving the letter from Feijian, and then all of them focused their attention on the key place of Chenyou Valley .

(End of this chapter)

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