Chapter 1146

The war in the south of the Yangtze River broke out again, and the establishment of the three major camps made Xu Beiyou, the nominal general of Pinglu, useless. But that's okay, he can just stay in Houjian for a few more days, and he is not in a hurry to return to the imperial capital. No rush to head to Gangnam again.

Taiping 24 years, October.From late autumn to early winter, although the snow did not continue to fall, the weather became colder and colder. Coupled with the far north location of the post-building, it was even more freezing. It is not an exaggeration to say that dripping water turns into ice.

In this extremely cold weather, there was a heart-warming happy event in Tianhai City. The parties involved were none other than Song Qingying, the deputy leader of Xuanjiao, and Chi Qingnu, one of the twelve hall masters. Under the decision, they decided to become Taoist couples.

The so-called Taoist couple was originally a Taoist language, and it originally meant a partner in practicing together, but later it gradually evolved into the meaning of two people practicing Taoism becoming a couple, which is equivalent to a husband and wife in the secular world.Among them are very famous Taoist couples, Qiu Ye and Murong Xuan, as well as Gongsun Zhongmou and Zhang Xueyao and so on.

Because of this, the ceremony of forming a Taoist couple has become a top priority, just like ordinary people getting married, there is a big banquet and a big banquet for guests and friends.As a "newcomer" this time, all those who can be issued invitations are people with prominent status, and they are all proud of it.Xu Beiyou, as the top figure among monks in the world today, and also the suzerain of Jianzong and the son-in-law of Emperor Daqi, received the invitation from Song Qingying himself very early on. Xu Beiyou, who had seen Wanyan Beiyue's kindness, naturally couldn't disgrace Wanyan Beiyue and Song Qingying.

People are divided into superior and inferior, which no one can deny.

The same is true for this wedding banquet. Of course, Wanyan Beiyue and others with the most distinguished status cannot sit at the same table with ordinary guests, or even live in the same room with them, so in the end it was Xu Beiyou, Wanyan Beiyue, Xiao Yue, Murong Xuanyin, etc. There are only a few people, living alone in a room.

The two newcomers were toasting outside, but the atmosphere inside was somewhat uncomfortable. After all, Wanyan Beiyue and Murong Xuanyin lived together in the same room. It was three days and three nights and I couldn't tell. Sitting opposite each other at this time, some embarrassment was understandable.

In fact, Xu Beiyou, an outsider, is fine. The most embarrassing one is Xiao Yue. She is one of the few people in the world who has seen Wanyan Beiyue's youthful appearance. Murong Xuanyin's appearance is no different from Wanyan Beiyue when she was young. It was as if two husbands, one old and one young, were standing in front of him at the same time. The taste in it was like a person who knows the temperature of drinking water.

In addition, the food and drink of today's wedding banquet can be said to be careless. Because Wanyan Beiyue and Xu Beiyou came together today, Song Qingying and Chi Qingnu attached great importance to it. Many of the rare ingredients used in the Suyun Banquet are unheard of in the world. Only the major sects have special cultivation methods, and some of the ingredients are simply replaced by medicinal materials. If you dare to act like this, if you are an ordinary family, this plain cloud banquet will eat up half of your family's wealth.

The names given by Suyunyan are also quite interesting, namely Lingdan Entering the Cauldron, Changyang Shengtu, Qihuihuandan, Qianlong Moyuan, Huangya Yuying, Jiuzhuanhuandan, Don't Forget Don't Help, plus two There are seven dishes and two soups for a soup dish, Daogui and longevity wine. The "seven dishes" are all from the allusions in Taoism, and the "two soups" are real things. Needless to say, the longevity wine is a practice. Dharma door is also a wonderful medicine of Taoism. Crouching Tiger Zhao Tinghu used this thing to continue his life when he faced Xiao Yuanying. He was even more famous for drinking Dao Gui. That is to say, all diseases are cured.

Xu Beiyou saw that the atmosphere was stagnant, so he took the initiative to serve two bowls of "Longevity Wine". Of course, this "Longevity Wine" was not the longevity wine in Zhao Tinghu's hands that could revive the dead, but rock sugar bird's nest porridge, and then separated the two bowls of rock sugar bird's nest porridge. Sending it to Wanyan Beiyue and Murong Xuanyin, he said with a smile: "Beiyou's post-construction trip this time can be said to be a worthwhile trip. This is a happy event, I respect you two."

Wanyan Beiyue first looked at Murong Xuanyin, who was watching his heart, and then at Xu Beiyou, who was full of sincere smiles, and reached out to pick up the bowl of bird's nest porridge with rock sugar that had been pushed in front of her.

Seeing this scene, Murong Xuanyin immediately picked up the bowl in front of her.

Wanyan Beiyue took a sip, and said slowly: "My family knows about my own affairs. You are very similar to me when I was young. You were paranoid. Back then, you could mess with Xiao Jin and Lin Han in order to deal with me. At that time, I already understood that no matter what kind of 'surprise' you will give me in the future, I will not be surprised, so I will imprison you in the Star Picking Tower."

Murong Xuanyin drank his bowl of bird's nest porridge with rock sugar in one gulp, sneered and remained silent.

Wanyan Beiyue continued: "Actually, looking at Houjian and Xuanjiao, you are not inferior to me in terms of qualifications and abilities, but you are too stubborn, even if I entrust both Xuanjiao and Houjian to your hands , I am afraid that it can only be prosperous for a while, not the long-term solution. However, in this regard, I am not doing very well. I only have the Dao of cultivation in my eyes. Flexibility. And Song Qingying lacks grandeur, and his achievements in this life are limited. There are also Chi Qingnu and others, who are extreme in blocking one side, but they are incapable of controlling the overall situation, so let's not mention it. As for the disciples of the younger generation, There may be future leaders, but they are still too young. If there is another Jiazi, they will be able to successfully take over the mantle and take charge of the sect. However, in such a long time, Xuanjiao as a whole will show a lack of success trend."

Murong Xuanyin remained silent.

As the former leader of Xuanjiao, how could he not understand what Wanyan Beiyue said, it was just that in order to fight Wanyan Beiyue, he had no time and was unwilling to think deeply.

Wanyan Beiyue sighed softly: "If you can be united with me, after I take the last step, it is possible that this huge Xuanjiao cannot be handed over to you."

Murong Xuanyin said with a blank expression: "Things have come to this point, it is useless to talk too much. Now I am a useless person. Whether I can return to the top one day, I am afraid it depends on fate. I will no longer force it. It doesn't matter if I get it or not." , After all, it is fate, sometimes there must be a hit, and there is no time to force it.”

When he said this, Murong Xuanyin's expression could not see any dissatisfaction and resentment towards Wanyan Beiyue.

It's just that in today's world, the person who understands Murong Xuanyin best is Wanyan Beiyue, the old man said noncommittally: "Not long ago, Nangui asked me if I could take you away, whether to go to the imperial capital, Jiangdu, or Biyou Island, which is possible in the future, is to be built after you leave, to give you a safe place, I didn’t answer him immediately, but today I will invite you out of the Star Picking Tower, and I will ask you, are you willing?”

"If you want, you can leave with Xu Nangui. If you don't, you can stay here, and I will make arrangements for you in the future."

Murong Xuanyin first looked at Wanyan Beiyue, then turned to look at Xu Beiyou. After a long silence, he said softly, "Wanyan Laozi and Xu Xiaozi, the young ones are better than the old ones."

(End of this chapter)

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