Chapter 1147

In Baidi City, Lan Yu sat on the main seat, staring at the sand table in front of her with a serious expression.

At this moment, there was a sound of footsteps coming from far and near outside, and then Sun Shaotang strode into the meeting place with an irrepressible smile on his face.

Seeing this scene, Lan Yu breathed a sigh of relief, and asked, "What is the military situation of the Chenyou Valley battle?"

Sun Shaotang handed over a copy of the military information that had just been delivered, Lan Yu took a look, and said with emotion: "It's not easy, this old man can finally feel relieved."

Regarding the arrangement of this battle, it is nominally the result of consultations between the Jiange camp and the Jiangling camp, but the most taboo on the battlefield is hesitation and indecisiveness, and it is actually arranged by Lan Yu alone. In terms of seniority and authority, even Han Xuan is inferior to him, and of course Wei Wuji would not disobey the old master's wishes.

It can be said that this battle in Chenyou Valley was Lan Yu's arrangement, especially the urgent call for Min Chun's aid in Nanzhong, and the final number of 6000 people, which put Lan Yu under a lot of pressure. Unfavorable, the direct impact is that the situation has taken a turn for the worse, from besieging Xiao Jin to being rebelled by Xiao Jin, even the huge prestige accumulated by Lan Yu in the past six years will be compromised, and in the next battle Among them, it is also difficult to dominate the overall direction of the three major camps, and these are still minor details. What really hinders the overall situation is that Xiao Jin will use Shuzhou as a springboard to enter the northwest territory, making the situation in the northwest completely rotten. At the same time, it is also doomed that Yuzhou and other places are in a critical situation. If it really reaches this situation, personal prestige is nothing, and the whole world of Daqi will be affected.

Sun Shaotang also breathed a sigh of relief, and said with a smile: "Relying on the old grand master's strategizing, coupled with the hard work of all colleagues, the most difficult period has finally passed. A few days ago, the water battle of Dongting Lake was defeated. It's urgent, the southern border is unstable, plus the battle situation in the northwest, to be honest, I don't even know how I got here."

There was also a little smile on Lan Yu's face, "Your Min Chun, and Yu Kuang's Bai Yu, these two young people are talents that can be used to great advantage, and they really blocked Shangguan Tan This battle veteran forced him into the Chenyou Valley, he can't enter or retreat, he can only defend to the death, and when the arrows and food are exhausted, it is the time of death."

Sun Shaotang nodded in agreement and said, "The good situation created by the two of them can't be wasted easily. Next, we have to clean up the mess to prevent Xiao Jin from jumping over the wall in a hurry."

Lan Yu thought for a while, and pondered: "Xiao Jin will definitely jump over the wall in a hurry, but he won't make more fuss about Chenyou Valley. After all, the road here is narrow. Even if he has a million troops, he can't pass under our noses. , then there are only two places where he can make a fuss, one is to continue to attack Liangxiang, and the other is to retreat to Jiangzhou."

Sun Shaotang tentatively asked: "Will Xiao Jin go back?"

Lan Yu asked back: "Now that things have happened, is he still able to retreat?"


In the 24th year of Taiping, it may also be the last year of the Taiping year. In the coming year, the yuan will be changed, so in the last solar term of the last year, it seems that the 24th year of Taiping is not willing to leave so easily. Go, always want to leave something, so that future people can see it in the annals of history.Therefore, this early winter season in the 24th year of Taiping was particularly eventful.

The first is the re-establishment of the three major camps by the Daqi court. The direct consequence of this incident is the possibility of a separate party in the local area. Therefore, the original intention of the court is to solve the problem as quickly as possible. After the war in the south of the Yangtze River, the camp was revoked, and the three-division system of the local yamen was restored.

Under such circumstances, the Daqi court ordered that Xiao Mahe, the king of Lingwu County, and Xiao Quji, the king of Liangwu County, respectively lead 6 troops to the south. The division was originally supposed to be led by Zhao Wuji himself, but the imperial capital still needs a large army to defend, and in addition to the fact that the three northeast states have just been recovered, there are still countless things waiting for him, the general of Zhenshuo Handle it personally, so when Zhao Wuji had no time to avatar, Xiao Zhinan finally remembered Xiao's clansmen, they all said that Da Qi belonged to Xiao's family, and now Da Qi is at a critical juncture, you, as members of the Xiao family Therefore, the old general Xiao Mahe and the young general Xiao Quji were finally able to take charge of the military power and lead an army alone.

Generally speaking, Xiao Mahe, the elder, and Xiao Quji, the junior, were the main support for this trip to the south of the Yangtze River. The two soldiers were divided into two groups, starting from Qizhou and passing through Huizhou, and starting from Yanzhou and passing through Yuzhou. , finally converged, entered the territory of Jiangzhou, cooperated with the army in Huzhou, and completely blocked the retreat of Xiao Jin's army.

On the whole, the imperial court has swept away the decline after the big defeat at Dongting Lake, and has formed a siege against Xiao Jin's army from three sides, leaving only a hole in the direction of Xiangzhou. But if Xiao Jin decides to enter Xiangzhou, then That is to fall into a dead end completely, unable to join forces with Lin Han's army, and unable to return to Wei State, living in a foreign country, without any foundation, and can only wait for death slowly like the Red Turban Army back then.

The second major event was that Xiao Zhinan personally pardoned the Mu clan, and showed an attitude of ignoring the Northeast War. On the other hand, he began to pursue all civil servants and generals who died in the war. Even more appeasement, coupled with the increasingly clear and clear direction of the war situation, completely stabilized the originally fluctuating court, and there was no more precarious and insecure atmosphere like before.

Then there was the battle of Chenyou Valley. Min Chun, who came from a famous family, and an unknown military general surnamed Bai blocked the elite of the Wei state led by Shangguan Tan in Chenyou Valley. Shangguan Tan had sacrificed his life many times to break through. But all to no avail. Finally, after seven days and seven nights, no reinforcements were seen, and the food, arrows, gunpowder, cannons, and projectiles were all exhausted, and the entire army was wiped out. Under the escort of the palace masters, they desperately broke through, but they still died in the ambush made by the four master craftsmen of Tianji Pavilion. Shangguan Tan and Yiying masters were buried in the sea of ​​flames, with no bones left.

This battle succeeded in completely blocking Xiao Jin's way to enter Shu.

At the same time, in the northwest, Zhang Wubing led the Northwest Army and Lin Han, Lin Shu and his father and son after a series of small-scale battles, gradually formed a decisive battle.

This battle will determine the next direction of the situation in the northwest, and even the situation in the grasslands and most of the Central Plains, so this battle must be a real bloody battle.

Even though the battlefield was thousands of miles away, Xu Beiyou, who was built far behind, could still smell the bloody smell that was so strong that it couldn't be melted away.

(End of this chapter)

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