Chapter 1171

Looking at the sword in Xu Beiyou's hand, Qiuye said calmly, "So this is your justice."

Xu Beiyou held the hilt of the sword, and said, "Without it, would you people talk to me about justice?"

After finishing speaking, he closed his eyes, raised the sword in his hand, and pulled back the right hand holding the sword, so that the blade was at the same height as his eyebrows.

The wind was surging, and the gravel, falling snow, dead grass and fallen leaves on the ground flew up by themselves.

After all, Qiu Ye is the venerable of a sect. She has practiced Taoism for many years, and she has an extraordinary bearing and heart. At this time, she still praised: "What a sword."

Xu Beiyou said softly: "Then please teach Master to take a closer look and see what Xu's sword is like!"

As soon as the words fell, Xu Beiyou handed out the sword. There was no fancy straight stab, and it was also a sword that was once praised by the Sword Sect Master Shangguan Xianchen as "going forward without regret".

Qiu Ye looked calm, and waved one sleeve.

From this sleeve, countless gusts of wind flew out, blowing like knives, cutting ears and cheeks, cutting gold and jade, but before they got close to Xu Beiyou's body, they were already twisted by the sword energy contained in the sword in his hand into pieces.

The gust of wind seemed endless, and it took a full quarter of an hour to pour out, and Xu Beiyou's sword-to-sword momentum was finally wiped out, stopping at three feet in front of Qiuye.

Xu Beiyou frowned slightly, and Qingfeng in his hand suddenly drew an arc in front of him, an arc-shaped sword energy equivalent to a sword of an earth fairy appeared, followed by two, three, ten, and thousands of strikes.

The dense sword energy is overwhelming, and the momentum is huge.

Qiu Ye is still unafraid. He used Tianxuan Peak's supernatural power to attack Lan Yu earlier, but how is the unique skill of the master of a peak unusual?It was only the beginning of showing its sharpness just now, and it is only now that it has shown its sharpness.

I saw Qiu Ye standing in the air and stepping on a stride. With the index finger of his right hand, he drew a mysterious talisman in front of him, and recited: "The wind in Tianxuan is as high as ten thousand ren."

There is a wind coming from outside the sky, from Tianxuan Peak.

Then Tianfeng turns one into two, two into three, and three into infinity.

The light blue wind knife is also overwhelming, and it is no different from Xu Beiyou's sword energy.

Wind blade against sword energy.

Like killing on the battlefield, countless metal clangs sounded continuously.The sword qi and the wind blade continued to collapse, and it took a stick of incense for both of them to disappear completely.

After this sword, Xu Beiyou did not take advantage of the situation to attack by force, but waited for Qiu Ye to reciprocate.

Qiu Ye said with a faint smile: "Jianzong 36, swords are not the same, please take the sword from the sword master."

Both Daomen and Jianzong came from Taoist ancestors, Jianzong used swords, and Daomen also used swords.It's just that Taoist swords emphasize Dao over technique, and external methods over the sword itself, so Qiuye's sword is not a three-foot green peak in the true sense, but a thunder from the sky.

Daoism respects the law of thunder, and this sky thunder is a sharp sword held by heaven and earth, which is designed to kill those who disobey the way of heaven. Strictly speaking, Shangguan Xianchen, Xiao Xuan, Xiao Bai and others all died under it .

Xu Beiyou waited in front of Hengjian.

Qiu Ye's footsteps changed, pointing to the sky above her head, and then recited: "The God of Tianshu is thundering through the sky."

The color of the sky and the earth changed, and there were dim clouds and mists coming from outside the sky, from Tianshu Peak.

In an instant, dark clouds obscured the sun, and the sky was dark.

Autumn leaves seem to be ascended by a celestial master, surrounded by clouds and mist, soaring to the sky. You can't see yourself, but you can only see the rolling clouds and mist, thunder and lightning.

The next moment, a thunderbolt from the blue sky exploded, and a purple thunderbolt as thick as two people hugging fell down, like a long sword piercing the sky.

With the sky thunder as a sword, a thunder is a sword.

It is worthy of being No.1 in the world, if you don't make a move, it will be enough, and if you make a move, it will be earth-shattering.

Qiu Ye used Taoism twice, the first time turning wind into ten thousand blades, and the second time using sky thunder as a sword.

However, Xu Beiyou didn't show any weakness, he directly raised his sword towards the sky thunder, and the sword energy lingered, collided with the dense thunder, blasting out fireflies all over the sky, and then the sword energy shot up into the sky, and exploded abruptly in the dense dark clouds above his head a gap.

All of a sudden, the sky rumbled down, as if the sky had collapsed, with thunder and lightning winding and sword aura, it was no longer a scene of "one sword".

Lan Yu, who was on the sidelines, looked at the scene of the Thunder Prison Forest and said softly: "It's difficult."

But he quickly smiled and said, "But Qiuye is more difficult."

As soon as this sentence was finished, a white rainbow broke through the Thunder Prison Forest and fell from the sky, causing the earth to shake.

Surrounded by white rainbows, Xu Beiyou seems to be a man from heaven, returning to the world with an invincible posture.

What's even more mysterious is that there are countless purple lightning around the body of the white-haired young man, but they can't hurt the slightest bit, and even attaching to the body surface is an extravagant hope.

Xu Beiyou, who didn't even get hurt in the black robe on his body, tore off the thunderbolts casually, raised his head indifferently, and asked, "Is this the only thing that the Daoist master is capable of?"

In the eyes of ordinary immortal monks, these supernatural powers are no different from heaven and earth, but to Xu Beiyou who has already cast the body of a big vase, it is nothing more than mediocre.

Looking at the world today, even the Earth Immortal of the [-]th floor level, no one can match it, and only those above the [-]th floor are his opponents.

What's more, Qiuye at this time is just a clone. Although he has the realm of the [-]th floor, it is not comparable to the deity above the [-]th floor.

As Xu Beiyou's voice fell, the clouds and mist and thunder and lightning in the sky also slowly dissipated, and the figure of Qiu Ye reappeared. The severity of the weakness is visible to the naked eye. Obviously, in the fight just now, the loss was heavy.

Xu Beiyou sneered and said, "That's where the skills stop."

Qiu Ye stretched out her finger, drew another talisman seal in front of her, and recited softly: "Heavenly Power Xuanming Swaying Nine Nethers."

Countless yin qi suddenly emerged from all directions, gathered like a sea, and then rushed out like a great river tide, sweeping towards Xu Beiyou.

But Xu Beiyou turned a blind eye and walked forward with his sword in hand.

A sword cuts through the wind and waves, and goes upstream.

This tide of Yin Qi was split into two.

For ordinary immortal monks, the yin energy that is like a gangrene on the bone, like water passing through a porcelain vase, can't touch Xu Beiyou's body, let alone penetrate into the body and rot the body.

Then the three feet in Xu Beiyou's hand disappeared in a flash.

The next moment, a sword appeared on Qiuye's chest, piercing most of his heart, but Qiuye still held the sword with both hands at the critical moment, so that it could not completely pass through the heart, and stepped on the void a little bit. Ripples, sweeping backwards.

However, Xu Beiyou's strike was too fast. Before Qiuye could completely dissipate the rest of the sword, Xu Beiyou had already come to Qiuye's body, stretched out his hand to hold the three-foot hilt, and pushed forward heavily.

The blade of the sword completely sank into his chest.

Qiu Ye suddenly collapsed, like a defeated army, no longer able to resist and fight back.

But Xu Beiyou still refused to stop there, he continued to castrate, broke through this small world, and nailed this Autumn Leaf clone to the top of the sword pavilion.

(End of this chapter)

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