That year, that cicada, that sword

Chapter 1172 One mountain after another

Chapter 1172 One Mountain After Another Mountain

Things are divided into five elements, and gods are divided into five types, in which Dan lives, and immortals and Buddhas have no sect.

The so-called five elements are metal, wood, water, fire, and earth, no more words.As for the five gods, they refer to the gods of Yin, God of Yang, God of Yuan, God of Jade, and God of Holy Spirit. These five gods correspond to the five immortals of Taoism.

Among them, the yin god corresponding to the realm of ghosts and immortals is to cultivate and strengthen the spirit, to have a peaceful thought, to go out of the dark and into the dark, and they are called ghosts and immortals, but if they only cultivate to this level, they can only be reduced to ghosts. In the supernatural, the gods are unknown, the ghosts have no surnames, and the three mountains have no names. Although they do not enter reincarnation, it is difficult to find longevity and prove the Tao. Ranked last among the gods.

The higher level is the Yang God, which corresponds to the realm of human immortality. He has just entered the Dao of Longevity. Although he still cannot live forever, he has strong muscles and bones, and has various supernatural features, far superior to ordinary people, and compared to those who can only travel at night. The yin and yang gods can travel in the daytime and are not afraid of wind and sunlight, so they are higher than ghosts and immortals.

Then there is the primordial spirit, which corresponds to the realm of the earth fairy. If the realm of the human fairy is just a glimpse of the door on the road to longevity, then the realm of the earth fairy is the entry into the house. In addition to all kinds of magical powers such as food, and the longevity has skyrocketed, ranging from a hundred years to two hundred years to three hundred years, it is also called a small longevity. At this time, monks can open the upper dantian purple mansion and gather their souls Adult babies, also known as Yuanying, can not only travel out of their bodies, but also use Yuanying to use various spells, and even control magic weapons to defend against enemies, which is infinitely mysterious.When reaching the realm of the eighteenth floor of the Earth Immortal, the Nascent Soul is already the same size as the deity, so it can be called the Primordial Spirit.

As for the realm of the gods, which is higher than the realm of the immortals, it is known as the great longevity of the Tao, unless it is the five declines of heaven and man, and the lifespan is almost endless. , is almost the same as a real person, and various secret methods have evolved from this, such as the method of the immortal's incarnation into the world, the Taoist method of transforming the three cleans with one breath, and the method of cutting three corpses and pulling out nine insects. Strictly speaking, Murong Xuanyin is also a Jade God.

At this time, this Autumn Leaf is only one of the jade gods of Autumn Leaf after all, so it can't really be hung on the top of the city by Xu Beiyou. His posture and figure gradually became blurred and wobbly. When Xu Beiyou pulled out the three-foot sword energy from his chest, it disappeared completely.

Xu Beiyou was indifferent to this, he swept back from the top of the city and back into Lanyu's shaft.

At this moment, Lanyu looked to the north and sighed softly: "Qiuye is no longer the autumn leaf who cared about the world in the past, but now he is more like a clay puppet enshrined in a temple, lifeless. The world is not benevolent. Everything is a straw dog, and the sage is not benevolent and treats the people as a straw dog. Is this the so-called separation between man and nature?"

Xu Beiyou dissipated the three-foot sword energy in his hand, frowned and said: "When I first met this master teacher, he still had three points of popularity, but when we meet again today, there is at most one point of popularity left. Human temperament, how can it change? so big?"

Sapphire shook her head and said: "I don't know, but I think no one in this world can plot against this Taoist head teacher. The reason why he became what he is today is ultimately because of himself."

Xu Beiyou suddenly remembered the Daoist Shangqing whom he had seen on the Sword Peak in his dream, his heart shivered, and he said softly, "That may not be the case."

Sapphire only thought it was a young man who was not convinced by the No. 1 in the world, and didn't think deeply about it.

Xu Beiyou turned his head and looked in the direction of West Kunlun, where there is the Nine Peaks of Daomen. He once set foot on them in his dreams, but he has never been there in this world. I wonder if there is that Daoist Lord on the current Sword Peak?

Lan Yu followed Xu Beiyou's line of sight and followed, "Your mind is restless, and your energy is also faintly stagnant. Could it be that the fight just now left hidden dangers? This is not a good thing. What happened just now Akiba is only one of the three incarnations outside the body, not to mention the real Akiba, there are two more incarnations like this, with your current state of mind to fight with Akiba who has returned to the peak, I am afraid that the odds of winning are extremely low, and you are close to death. "

Xu Beiyou withdrew his gaze and sighed, "It's not because of this reason, the outside body can't reach the realm of the eighteenth floor of the earth immortal, and can't even break through my big vase, let alone me."

Sapphire's eyes froze, and after a little hesitation, she asked, "The body of the big treasure bottle?"

Xu Beiyou nodded and said: "Because of various chances and coincidences, I was able to see a ray of Mr. Fu's remnant soul. Under Mr. Fu's guidance, I transformed the four golden bodies into one, creating a body worthy of heaven and man. The body of a big vase comparable to a golden body of Zhang Liu."

Lan Yu's expression suddenly became joyful and sad, complicated and inexplicable, and murmured: "Back then, I disagreed with my teacher, and finally parted ways. I chose to attach myself to Xiao Yu, while my teacher chose to support Lu Qian, and finally decided to be together. During the war, Xiao Yu was afraid of embarrassing me, so he left me in the imperial capital, euphemistically called sitting in the rear, but later the news of my teacher's death came, and in the end, I, as a disciple, did not fulfill my duty."

Xu Beiyou was speechless, not knowing what to say.

The two fell into silence, and it was only after a long time that Lan Yu broke the silence, saying: "Time is fate, too many words are useless. I don't know what the teacher explained before he left?"

Xu Beiyou said: "Mr. Fu only asked Xu to help Lan Xiang and Aunt Tang, but he only left a paragraph of words that were not in rhythm, and did not explain anything."

After finishing speaking, Xu Beiyou recited the chapter that could barely be called a poem to Lan Yu.

After Lan Yu finished listening, she was silent for a long time without saying a word.

Xu Beiyou continued: "When I came from the imperial capital, I carried the princess' will with me. Prime Minister Lan should know that if the cabinet bill was approved by the ceremonial supervisor and stamped with a jade seal, it is an edict, so I can't If you stay here for a long time, you have to rush to the south of the Yangtze River in order to put down the chaos in the south of the Yangtze River as soon as possible."

Lan Yu came back to her senses, nodded and said: "Nangui said that the general trend of the world is that Jiangnan is the most important thing. As long as Jiangnan is pacified, the words of money and food will be settled, and then the world will be peaceful."

Xu Beiyou squinted his eyes and raised his head, the cold wind ruffled the young man's temple hair.

It was as if he was about to reach the top of the mountain at last. He felt both excited and uneasy at the same time, because each mountain was higher than the other. After crossing this mountain, there was another mountain waiting for him. Whenever there is no mountain beyond the mountain, that is when there is a smooth path under his feet.

Lan Yu suddenly remembered something, and asked softly: "I heard from Sun Shaotang that the daily affairs of the cabinet are now handled by Xie Suqing. Has Wenbi reached this point?"

Xu Beiyou nodded and remained silent.

Lan Yu reached out and grabbed the back of Xu Beiyou's hand, "Go early and come back early, take care."

(End of this chapter)

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