That year, that cicada, that sword

Chapter 1173 The best time is Taiping

Chapter 1173 The best season is Taiping
Daqi Taiping 24 years, the twelfth lunar month.

The troops led by Xiao Mahe, the king of Lingwu County, met the vanguard army of Wei State two hundred miles away from Jiangdu City. The two armies fought fiercely for a day and a night. The Ministry of Diseases rushed to help, Wei Wuji, the official in charge of the Jiangling camp, and Yu Kuang, the left governor of the rear army, split into two groups, took advantage of the situation, and moved towards Jiangzhou at the same time, intending to join forces with the two county kings and form an encirclement of the Wei army. Form a decisive battle.

Naturally, Wei Wang Xiaojin would not stand still and rely on Jiangling Mansion to directly send troops to intercept Yu Kuang's troops. If Yu Kuang insisted on not retreating, he would start a small-scale local decisive battle before the decisive battle, and even lead to The whole body was moved with one shot, which made the Qi army start a decisive battle in advance before forming a siege. Yu Kuang had no choice but to postpone the march. After all, Jiangnan is not the northwest. The water network is densely covered and the hills are undulating, which is not conducive to the cavalry of the cavalry. , On the contrary, the Wei army equipped with firearms is more suitable for fighting in this terrain, and Yu Kuang is not fully sure of winning, so he can only stop for the time being.

Under such circumstances, the two sides entered into a short and strange confrontation. Both sides knew very well that this kind of confrontation would not last for too long. In a few days at most, the two sides would start the final decisive battle, although it cannot be said It is the final word, but it will also determine most of the general trend of the world in the future.

Of course, during this period, the two sides did not stop fighting completely, and the army rested, but the small-scale battle of hundreds of people was still going on in secret, and the scout troops and elite cavalry on both sides suffered heavy losses.

However, everyone understands that compared to the grand fight involving tens of thousands of people that is about to come, the small fights at this time are really calm, and they are not even worth mentioning.

Bai Yu stood outside the barracks, with a longbow on her back, watching the blood-soaked cavalry marching back to the camp. The expression on her face was like the Yaksha mask hanging around her waist. It was equally cold and indifferent, like frost in late autumn, or snow in early winter. .

As Wei Wuji's cavalry commander, after the battle in Chenyou Valley, most of the small cavalry under Bai Yu's command had been lost, and after these few days of fighting, there were very few left. She is a polished general with no troops to adjust, and because this place is not conducive to the cavalry, Wei Wuji did not give her additional troops, but gave her an empty name of the camp counselor. Helping out with advice and suggestions made her feel a lot of boredom that was difficult to put into words.

But Min Chun, after all, is a guest army from Shuzhou, Wei Wuji actually allocated more than a thousand troops to him, most of them were Baiyu's original subordinates, who went out with Wei's scouts every day. The fight made Bai Yu want to kick him hard every time he saw this guy, to relieve the resentment in his heart.

It's just that why Bai Yu, who is usually indifferent and alienated to others, has "resentment" towards Min Chun alone, is not enough for outsiders to understand.

It was said that Min Chun and Min Chun were coming, just when Bai Yu was filled with "resentment" in his heart, at the end of the cavalry, a figure slowly appeared, wearing armor and a sword at his waist, but wearing a mask on his face. The cheap mask I bought, not to mention crooked, and the two eyes are not so big, compared with the finely crafted Yaksha mask on Bai Yu's waist, it is really a world of difference.

The only one who can be so special in the army is Min Chun, who has repeatedly made military exploits.

Min Chun rode up to Bai Yu, took off the bronze mask on his face, and said with a smile, "Yu'er, what are you doing standing here?"

Although Bai Yu told Min Chun more than once not to call her Yu'er, you can call her by her full name Bai Yu, or Commander Bai, but Min Chun pretended to be stupid and admitted her mistakes sincerely every time, and then refused to change after repeated admonitions. However, Bai Yu had nothing to do with him, and finally let him go.

Bai Yu glanced at the mask in his hand, moved her lips slightly, and uttered a word, "Ugly!"

The voice was not loud, but it still fell into Min Chun's ears clearly.

Min Chun blinked, "Yu'er, how can you say that? I asked a military craftsman to make this specially. Although the old craftsman has spent his whole life in making knives, he is not very good at making this, but these are all details. Don't worry about it, you see you are wearing a Yaksha mask and you are called Yaksha General, so I will wear a Shura mask, maybe I can snatch the title of General Shura from Lin Han, the king of the grassland."

Bai Yu pouted, pretending to be disdainful, and naturally did not answer Min Chun's question.

Because she herself couldn't understand why she stood here stupidly, waiting until the sky was dark, until this annoying guy came back safely.

Min Chun didn't break the woman's mind, got off the horse, led the horse and walked towards the camp with the woman, naturally.

The two walked side by side, and Min Chun asked: "You have been in the tent of the Chinese army commander these days, did the palm print officer say when the war will start?"

Bai Yu shook his head.

Min Chun sighed, "Master Palm Printing Officer is waiting."

Bai Yu asked, "What are you waiting for?"

Min Chundao: "Of course it's waiting for the general sent by the imperial court. As soon as the general arrives and takes over the power, whether he wins or loses, he will naturally be supported by tall people. We short people can follow behind."

Speaking of the general, Bai Yu suddenly thought of a person, a person who made her feel very unreal.

When she met that man for the first time, that man was almost killed by her bow and arrow. The two entangled and fought all the way, and finally ended in her defeat.

When I saw that person again, he was already a world-renowned Great Sword Immortal, and he was invincible outside Liangxiang City.

It was very difficult for Bai Yu to fuse these two completely different images together, so the person she felt became extremely unreal, as if covered by a layer of mist, like a flower in a mirror, or the moon in the water, so she couldn't see it clearly.

How did such a person leap from an unknown person to a big figure who has a bearing on the general situation of the whole world?
She couldn't figure it out.

The person Bai Yu thought of was of course Xu Beiyou, the emperor's son-in-law who wore the seal of the Great General Pinglu, and also the master of the Sword Sect who ruled the world with his sword.

It is such a person who helped the building to collapse and turned the tide from collapse, but also made people feel admiration and reverence.

Min Chun looked down at the iron teeth on the front of the boots, and said slowly: "I heard that the imperial court has issued an edict that Xu Nangui will be in charge of the Jiangnan military power. The Northeast War can be successfully concluded. This great general has contributed a lot. If he pacifies the south of the Yangtze River this time, his merits will be as high as the sky. A reward from a king with a different surname cannot be escaped. thing."

Speaking of this, he stopped and stood up, muttering: "In peacetime, I always think about fighting, and I feel happy when I get on my horse and cut off people's heads, but when I really fight a big battle, I am used to seeing dead people and all kinds of tragedies in the world, so suddenly Wake up, it turns out that peace is best in the world.”

(End of this chapter)

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