Chapter 1183

Outside the city, after Xu Beiyou broke through the formation composed of a hundred monks in a single line, his figure followed the sword energy, and he had already crossed the battlefield and came to the moat.

At this time, the moat had already been evaporated by Zhao Qing's great energy, so naturally there was no ripples in the river.

With just a light leap, he crossed the moat and even the ruined city gate. When he came to the city, Zhao Qing and Liu Mian had already fought all the way out of the city. Xu Beiyou only glanced at the city wall that had crashed into it, and then continued to move forward.

As he said, there is only one target for his trip, and that is King Wei Xiaojin.

As for the life and death of other people, it has nothing to do with the overall situation, and he doesn't take it seriously.

At this time, Xu Beiyou had already sensed the existence of Xiao Jin, who was in the mansion of the Li family, which made him a little inexplicably surprised. All kinds of mystic powers might not be able to escape from Xu Beiyou's hands. Once he is allowed to escape, it will inevitably become a confidant's trouble again in the future.

Fortunately, Xiao Jin has no intention of running away, maybe he thinks that he still has the possibility of turning things around, maybe he has lost the will to make a comeback, anyway, this is a good thing after all.

In today's Jiangling City, no one can stop Xu Beiyou anymore, so Xu Beiyou traveled unimpeded all the way, and soon came to the Li family's mansion, and then saw Xiao Jin who was standing alone at the entrance of the main hall.

Xiao Jin is like a host who has waited for a guest to come to the door for a long time, finally saw the late guest, smiled and said: "Nangui, you have finally arrived."

The tone is gentle and makes people feel like spring breeze.

Just like Xu Beiyou's feeling when he first met Chen Gongyu.

Xu Beiyou stopped in his tracks, and he was also not in a hurry to act, but asked, "Should I call you His Royal Highness King Wei, or Mr. Chen Da?"

Xiao Jin, whose face did not seem to be doubtful about her age, said with a smile: "Xiao Jin or Xiao Huaiyu, it's fine."

Xu Beiyou still didn't call Xiao Jin by his name directly, but said: "Speaking of seniority, King Wei, you are my elder, so I should call you uncle. Although this is the first time we have met, if you carefully Speaking of it, it’s been a long time since God’s friendship.”

Speaking of this, Xu Beiyou paused slightly, "The last time I saw Chen Gongyu, he asked me to pay out all the ancestral property passed down by my ancestors. I wonder if there are tens of millions of taels of silver?"

"Tens of tens of millions of taels of silver?" Xiao Jin smiled and said, "Nangui would have underestimated your Jianzong too much. That is a total of twenty million taels of silver, which is almost the sum of the taxes and silver of the Daqi court for four years. With these silvers, Gu has the confidence to start a full-scale war with Daquan. There is a good saying, when the cannon is fired, the gold is ten thousand taels. This has two meanings. The first meaning is that after the war, you can get countless silver coins. , but this must be based on the premise of winning. If you lose, you can only lose money. The second meaning is that fighting costs the most money. It is a mountain of gold and silver, and sometimes it is exhausted. .”

Xu Beiyou asked, "I don't know how much it has already been spent?"

Xiao Jin said calmly: "No more, no less, exactly half, and the other half was left alone in Wei State's treasury for future use."

Xu Beiyou smiled and asked, "The King of Wei intends to use it for a comeback?"

Xiao Jin asked back: "If you have never been defeated, how can you talk about a comeback?"

Xu Beiyou was noncommittal, but took off the sheathed sword from his waist, put it across in front of his body, and said slowly: "In any case, this money was thrown from my hand, Xu Beiyou. If he asks for it back, Xu is unavoidably uneasy, and even more afraid that he will have no face to see the ancestors of the Sword Sect in the future."

"Gu has already spent the money, I wonder how Nan Gui plans to get it?" Xiao Jin asked with a smile.

Xu Beiyou said: "I once heard that there is a saying that borrowers come out of nine and thirteen returns. It is said that if you borrow ten coins, you will only give you nine coins, but you have to pay back as much as thirteen coins. It's a quarter of the profit, even if my Jianzong's money is lent to the King of Wei, I don't want a quarter of it, Xu Mou only needs a profit, it is 2000 million plus [-] million taels of silver."

Xiao Jin still said in a calm manner: "I'll tell you the truth, Nan Gui, if Gu Ruo has money in his hands, he won't go to great lengths to seek money from your Jianzong. Lord Daoist of Shangqing, Daomen can bully Jianzong, but others can't do so easily, so Jianzong's money is really hot, but Wei's land is small and poor, and the annual tax revenue is only 33 million and 800 thousand taels of silver, which can be regarded as other miscellaneous things The total income in the 50nd year of Taiping was only about 22 million taels of silver. Excluding various necessary expenses, the annual balance was only 400 million taels of silver. Baiyin, it will take 400 years to pay back the amount Nangui asked for, so I wonder if Nangui can wait for 30 years?"

Xu Beiyou said expressionlessly: "In this way, the king of Wei has not yet paid the money?"

Xiao Jin spread his hands, and said: "There is a slang in the market, that is, if you want money, you want to die. If you don't pay the money, you will use your life to pay off the debt. Isn't this trip to Nangui just to take the life of an orphan?"

Xu Beiyou finally grasped the hilt of Yan Yunran's sword, drew it out of its sheath little by little, and said, "How can such a sum of money be offset by one life? The king of Wei is afraid that he will pay Xu the whole country of Wei." , that makes sense."

During the speech, the sword energy overflowed, and as the sword edge continued to be unsheathed, the strong wind between the heaven and the earth became more and more violent.

Xiao Jin, as the owner of the Ghost Palace, possessed a supernatural power even better than Xiao Lin who had been standing in front of the stage for many years. At this time, it was not that he was powerless to fight back against Xu Beiyou, the Great Sword Immortal.

Xiao Jin stretched out his hand to grab it, and actually grabbed a ray of innocent soul from the wind, and his face could be vaguely seen, but when Xiao Jin pinched it lightly, it turned into black air and dissipated, entwined around him. Between the fingers.

Seeing the strangeness, Xu Beiyou said calmly, "I once heard from Zhinan that when Emperor Taizu built the nine-story mausoleum, the king of Wei was the supervisor. The reason why the nine-story mausoleum can directly lead to the underworld seems to be related to that of King Wei. Can't get away with it."

Xiao Jin's eyes were dark and deep, like two deep wells with no bottom to be seen, wanting to absorb the souls of others, she slowly said: "What is the ghost palace? What is the ghost king? Have the corresponding confidence."

He paused slightly, and said: "As for the Wei country you mentioned, it is there, like a lonely life, it is here, whether you can take it away or not depends on your means."

(End of this chapter)

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