That year, that cicada, that sword

Chapter 1184 One person is

Chapter 1184

What exactly is the ghost palace?
Xu Beiyou recalled it carefully, and it was indeed a bit inexplicable.

Because from the deputy palace lord Xiao Lin to the four great underworld kings, they all have their own inheritance. Xiao Lin is a member of the extreme west temple, and Luo Nanxing is a member of the Taoist sect. Although Kong Yixiao, Xu Jingwei, and Meng Dongfei are scattered Xiu was born, but there are traces of his cultivation, it seems that he cannot be hooked with the word "ghost king".So Xu Beiyou always thought that the reason why Xiao Jin named the Ghost King Palace was just a deceitful act of reviving the corpse, but now it seems that there is still a lot of content in it.

Xiao Jin stretched out a palm, and a faint black mist swirled around the palm. Its color was pure, without the slightest sense of impurity.

As early as decades ago, when Shangguan Xianchen ruled the world, there was a saying that "Shangguan Xianchen is half a sword sect", but to Xiao Jin, he alone is the ghost palace.

Because the inheritance of the Ghost King's Palace belongs to Xiao Jin alone.

In the last years of Dazheng, Taoism was not as powerful as it is today. At that time, there were many earth immortals scattered outside the major sects. Among them, the "King of Ghosts with Three Friends with One Sword" was the most famous.

The three friends refer to three people who look like loose immortals in the wild. They are known as pine, bamboo and plum. They are also called the three friends of Suihan. People fight together, one person is like this, and tens of thousands of people are like this. He once became famous with the three-talented battle against a Taoist peak master.

One sword is Li Xiu who is known as the Immortal Sword. The reason why he has this mixed title is because Li Xiu fights against people, no matter whether he wins or loses, he only cares about life and death, and after so many years, Li Xiu is still alive. Well done, and better than most.However, after Li Xiu became famous in his prime, he went to Houjian for unknown reasons and fought against Sun Ping, one of the five elders of the Xuanjiao in Houjian. On the way to escape, he beheaded 12 Xuanjiao masters, and since then he has truly become famous all over the world.

As for the ghost king, he is the most famous person among the five. It can be seen from the words that the three friends of Suihan only occupy two characters, but the ghost king alone occupies three characters. "Counting the king of ghosts" means that the king of ghosts is expected to step into the happy realm of the [-]th Floor of the Earth Immortal, because he wears green clothes all the year round, so he is also called the king of ghosts in green shirts.

When the ghost king was 20 years old and at the age of Guan, he participated in the Biluo Lake Debate Conference, and had a question-and-answer session with Diao Yin, the elder of Xuanjiao. Diao Yin asked, "What is a demon?" Talking about young people, even the old masters dare not answer presumptuously, but the Ghost King, who was still an unknown person at the time, really answered: "Follow the sky and become a Taoist, and go against the sky to be a devil." At the same time, he boldly asked Diao Yin: "What is wrong with the sky?" You have to go against the sky." At that time, Diao Yin said: "Because the sky is not benevolent." The ghost king said, "All things are born to support people, and the world especially blames the inhumanity of the sky." One response has made him famous ever since.

After the Biluo Lake Conference, the Ghost King returned to obscurity and namelessness, until Shangguan Xianchen came from the east of Biyou Island and ran rampant all the way, killing countless souls under the sword. The sword kills people, and the 20-year-old kendo practice is verified by fighting to the death, and one's own transparent sword heart is tempered.Shangguan Xianchen moved to Qizhou, Zhongzhou, Yuzhou, Jiangzhou, and Shuzhou with one sword, and traveled all over the north and south of the river. He called for battles when he was excited, and killed people when he fought. The killing was bloody and bloody. Killed so well that no one dared to be called a master, and even almost killed the imperial capital.

During this process, apart from the death of Long Yunqing, the lord of Dragon City, the return of Mr. Dongxing, the No. [-] Sword Immortal in southern Xinjiang, and the fall of Wuchen, the master of Daomen Town Demon Palace, there were also five Earth Immortal cultivators above the twelfth floor. They died one after another under the sword of Shangguan Xianchen.

At that time, Shangguan Xianchen could be said to be invincible in the world without Zichen coming out. Under such circumstances, a green-clothed man was born out of nowhere and managed to escape from Shangguan Xianchen's sword without any damage. He was praised by Shangguan Xianchen as "What a spirit ghost, although he walked a small path, but if he carefully crafts it, he will have a great way in the future."

The elf ghost that Dajianxian said with a smile is the ghost king in the future.

In the following decades, Daomen officially implemented a thousand-year-old plan to attract powerful people from all over the world. Loose cultivators, such as the three friends of Suihan, took shelter under the command of Daomen. Qi, a gentleman who knows the current affairs is a hero, the Taoist school is the master of the monks, and now, with the courage to accept all rivers, people with lofty ideals from all over the world, and all rivers entering the sea is the general trend, we follow the trend, why not?"

Under such circumstances, the ghost king was naturally recruited many times, but he rejected the "good intentions" of the Taoist sect and determined to establish his own family. The existence of Taoist sect in Jianzong is a pity that the heavens failed to fulfill people's wishes. Xuanjiao sided with Jiangnan Luqian in that battle, and formed an alliance with Bailianjiao and Jianzong. Naturally, the ghost king's palace was also included. .In the battle of East Lake Bieyuan, Jiangdu, the White Lotus Sect, Sword Sect, and Ghost Palace were defeated by Xiao Yu and the Taoist sect. Zhang Xueyao, the Saintess of the White Lotus Sect, and Zhang Xueyao of Sword Sect were captured. The Ghost King died on the spot, and the Ghost Palace disappeared.

However, although the Ghost Palace was destroyed, its inheritance was preserved. It first fell into Xiao Yu's hands, and then Xiao Yu gave it to Xiao Jin. After all, Xiao Jin was still one of the three important ministers under Xiao Yu at that time. People are far from being as broken as they were later.In fact, when Xiao Yu was alive, although Xiao Jin was rebellious, she never put it into practice. Really plot the world.

Xiao Jin is not very interested in the monk sect. In his opinion, whether it is a cultivation base or the inheritance of the sect, it is just his "capital" to seek the world. Therefore, although Xiao Jin rebuilt the ghost palace, he did not make the ghost king The inheritance of the ghost king has been carried forward, but the inheritance of the ghost king is in his own hands, and with the mysterious characteristics that few people know, it has become his last means of life-saving.

Xiao Jin originally thought that he would have no chance to act in person in this life, but he didn't expect the situation to change so fast that it was time for him to act in the blink of an eye.Now that it has reached such a point, Xiao Jin is not in the mood to feel disappointed, the most urgent thing is to deal with this second Great Sword Immortal after Shangguan Xianchen.

Xiao Jin waved his hand to disperse the lingering black air.

Of the ten people on the Tianji list, Xiao Jin is only at the bottom of the list, while Xu Beiyou is among the top three saints. The world recognizes that his combat power is higher than the realm. Xiao Jin does not deny this, but it is like marching and fighting, not military strength Being strong can win every battle, and at some point, it may not be impossible to defeat the strong with the weak.

Xiao Jin waved her big sleeves, and the cuffs were billowing like a sea of ​​yin.

In the black yin qi, there are countless white ghosts emerging, howling wailingly, making people feel chills in the back, numb in the scalp, and even trembling in the mind. If a person whose realm is not enough is here, his soul will be taken away in an instant , reduced to the fate of these ghosts.

Xiao Jin's eyes became deeper and deeper.

Looking at the history books, what about throwing a whip to break the river?In the end, it didn't end up in the end.

What about the Great Sword Immortal of the previous generation?

It's not like folding the sword on the bank of the river!

(End of this chapter)

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