Chapter 1199

As Xiao Jin's words fell, the countless rays of light falling from the sky instantly turned into countless fiery red flowers of the other side.

All over the city, the red is as bright as brocade pavement, and when the wind blows, it dances all over the sky like a rain of flowers.

Like a city in a ghost town, there is yin energy billowing around and in the sky, and there is a shadow above the head, and now it is full of flowers from the other shore.

For a moment, Xu Beiyou really had the illusion that he was in the underworld.

But after all, this is not the underworld, but the human world. This mysterious scene, which seems like a sea of ​​vicissitudes, is destined to be difficult to last.

Xu Beiyou stood Zhu Xian on the ground in front of him with the tip of his sword facing down, holding the hilt of the sword with both hands, looked at Xiao Jin whose body was covered with flowers from the other side, and said calmly: "Could it be that His Royal Highness Wei Wang only has these tricks left to play tricks?" Is it? If so, then I will take your life with a sword and send you to Jiuyou Huangquan early."

After these flowers from the other shore fell on her body, Xiao Jin finally regained some vitality, and she was no longer as weak as before. Her complexion gradually improved and turned rosy, and then she slowly got up and sat down.

He has traveled a long way in his life, some of whom he personally walked, and some of Chen Gongyu. During this process, he has seen too many things and people, and seen too many ups and downs. Standing up a tall building, he saw his building collapse, but he never thought that this day would fall on him.

He seems to be talking to Xu Beiyou, and he seems to be talking to himself: "A person like me, even if he goes to Huangquan, he will not have an afterlife. But I have always believed in the four words of success and defeat. If you lose everything, you should be beaten." Entering the eighteen levels of hell, you will never be reborn; only when you climb to the top, can you sit in the world and live happily ever after."

Xu Beiyou was not in a hurry to kill people, but asked, "Why don't you return to Wei State? No matter how powerful I am, Xu Beiyou, it will be difficult to kill people in Wei State, which you have been running for many years."

Xiao Jin didn't shy away from it, and replied directly: "I really thought about it, but in this way, I completely gave up the last chance to compete for the general trend. When the Daqi court cleans up Lin Han and defeats the Taoist sect, I will count It’s the same in Wei State. Compared with today, it’s only a matter of time. Instead of lingering, it’s better to let go of a gamble. It’s best to win the gamble. Even if you don’t win, you don’t have any regrets.”

"You turned so many innocent people into dead souls for your own selfishness. Have you ever felt ashamed?"

"One general's success is ten thousand bones, one general is still like this, let alone the emperor's hegemony? You Xu Nangui read the history books and saw the words "slaughter the city and destroy the land. Do you think it is an exaggeration by historians? This king can tell you clearly that there is no exaggeration in the slightest. How many people are there in a Jiangling city? How many people are there in the history books of "the knife is not sealed for ten days", the three slaughters in Jiangdu, and even the slaughter of Shu?"

"How many people died in the history books is not the reason for how many people you kill today."

"It's true, but if it wasn't for you, Xu Nangui, who forced you so hard, how could this king have made such a bad move?"

"I have long heard that King Wei is eloquent. Seeing him today, he really deserves his reputation. If according to what King Wei said, the crimes in Jiangling City are half of what I, Xu Beiyou, are? Is it because the throne of the emperor was passed on to King Wei?"

Xiao Jin smiled and said: "Of course there is no such reason. It's just that people in the world bully the weak and fear the hard, bully the good and fear the evil. When they are bullied by the wicked, they dare not resent the wicked, but they want to resent the good who failed to save them. Or when the wicked fight the good, Evil people are no match for good people, so they use innocent people as threats. Those so-called innocent people dare not resent evil people who directly threaten their lives, but they want to resent good people who are enemies of evil people, thinking that it is because good people are enemies with evil people that they can It will cause them to be angered by the wicked, this is human nature. Of course I, Xiao Jin, was the one who caused the disaster of Jiangling City today, but after thousands of years, maybe someone will remember it on your head, Xu Nangui."

Xu Beiyou fell into deep thought.

Xiao Jin smiled and said: "This king heard such a story very early: There was a lonely woman who met a robber on the road, was cut by the robber, and lay dying on the side of the road. At this time, a pedestrian passed by, and the woman begged the pedestrian The passers-by saw that she was seriously injured and were afraid of being involved in related lawsuits, so they did not rescue her, but left directly. The woman died of serious injuries in the end, and turned into a ghost. killed."

"Maybe thousands of years from now, some people will hate you, Xu Beiyou, for failing to save the people of Jiangling City from this king, and some people will blame you for killing this king for 'your own selfishness'. This king acts like this. Do you think half of the crime will fall on your head?"

Xu Beiyou thought for a while, and said: "People's hearts are like water, and people's movements are like smoke. People's hearts are the most capricious. Even the most holy teacher who teaches the world may one day be pushed down by others. Perhaps it is true as King Wei said, I Xu Beiyou After many years, he will become a so-called sinner, but as Yasheng said, the righteousness lies, although there are thousands of people, I will go. Is it because I am afraid that I will not do it? Is it because I am afraid of the dead that I will Is this Great Qi Tianxia handed over to King Wei? Could it be that I, Xu Beiyou, didn't come to Jiangnan for a while because I was afraid of being tired of reputation?"

Xu Beiyou shook his head and said, "There is no such reason."

Sitting cross-legged, Xiao Jin whispered to herself, "Yes, there is no such reason."

Then he looked at Xu Beiyou, and asked, "You were obviously really angry before, why didn't you take action now?"

Xu Beiyou stared at him, and said: "I was thinking, this is the end of a hero, it shouldn't be like this. From what I know about His Royal Highness Wei Wang, His Royal Highness Wei Wang is definitely not the kind of person who just sits and waits to die."

Hearing these words, Xiao Jin slowly suppressed the smile on her face, her expression became serious, she glanced at the wheel of life and death that had slowly dissipated on the sky, stood up, and said slowly: "I, Xiao Jin, am not The kind of person who sits and waits to die, when I can retreat to the Wei Kingdom, I will go to Shuzhou, and if I can avoid you, Xu Beiyou, I will compete with you in Jiangling City. Before the last moment, I will I won't stand still, even at the last moment, I will definitely tear a piece of flesh from your body."

He smiled and said with emotion: "How can a person like me be kind when he is about to die? I want to die, and I have to fight hard to die. People like Mutang, seeing that the situation is over, will kill immediately , I really made myself a sentimental woman, and I am destined to be difficult to become a great weapon."

Xiao Jin took a deep breath, "The reason why I have spoken so many words to you is because I am speaking from the bottom of my heart, and why is it not delaying time?"

Xu Beiyou wasn't too surprised, he seemed to have expected this a long time ago, and said softly, "I see."

(End of this chapter)

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