Chapter 1200

After the words fell, Xu Beiyou held Zhu Xian with his backhand, and chopped off with his sword.

Xiao Jin's whole body was divided into two halves from top to bottom by this sword.

But the strange thing is that there is no picture of blood splattering as imagined, Xiao Jin's body is as shriveled as a piece of dead wood, and there is not even a drop of blood flowing out.

Xu Beiyou still had no expression on his face, just holding Zhu Xian with one hand and looking overhead.

As Xiao Jin was split in half, the majestic and majestic scene of the underworld also began to slowly dissipate, and the billowing yin energy covering the sky was not as thick and heavy as before, and it actually faded a bit. the trend of.

Looking at the scene above his head, Xu Beiyou felt a little stunned, and roughly understood Xiao Jin's plan.

As Xiao Jin said, he is a person who will not sit still, and at the same time he is undoubtedly a scheming person. Xu Beiyou had already learned the lesson once when he was on Jianzhong Island, and he learned it again this time.

The previous Wheel of Life and Death was actually not a desperate method, but a golden cicada’s method of escaping its shell. As early as when Xiao Jin invited the ten gods of the underworld, he already knew that it would be difficult for him to beat Xu Beiyou, so from then on, What he planned was no longer how to kill Xu Beiyou, but how to escape from Xu Beiyou's sword safely.

Xu Beiyou didn't know how Xiao Jin managed to get rid of the golden cicada's shell under his nose, but Xiao Jin did it, leaving only an empty skin, which was cut in half by Xu Beiyou's sword.

The problem must have appeared on the wheel of life and death. The so-called wheel of life and death turns into death and turns into life. Just now Xiao Jinyu reversed this wheel by a number of [-] small cycles, which meant that the door of life was opened.

But where should that new word be?
At this moment, above Xu Beiyou's head, there was a faint sound of rumbling thunder. The thunder was dull and extremely depressing, just like the moment of tranquility before the storm, and it was the deliberate forbearance of the high-ranking person before the rage .

It's suffocating.

However, Xu Beiyou turned a deaf ear to this, and still concentrated on thinking about where the word "sheng" should be.

It is impossible for such spells to be too far away. There is no reason to escape directly from thousands of miles away, and at most it is within a radius of a hundred miles.For Xu Beiyou, a mere distance of a hundred miles is just a distance of a sword. The key lies in where Xiao Jin is hiding, and he cannot be allowed to use sword energy to plow through this hundred-mile radius, let alone whether he has the ability to do so. Well, even the master of heaven above his head would not give him this time.

It is said that the way of heaven is ruthless, but in Xu Beiyou's view, the way of heaven is ruthless and sentimental, fair and unfair. Even the patriarchs of the three religions cannot cultivate their popularity and fireworks. It is inevitable that people who are young will be tainted with a bit of humanity.

In other words, Heaven also has humanity.

This is also the origin of the so-called human mind imitating the heavenly mind.

At this time, the Lord of Heaven was like an emperor who was furious with thunder, and Xu Beiyou was an official who was given a deadline to solve the case. If he could not solve the case within the deadline set by the emperor, he would be killed.

So, Xu Beiyou didn't have that much time.

He only has one shot with his mobile phone, if he misses a hit, he can only flee thousands of miles away.Of course, it can also be said to be absconded in fear of crime.

At this moment, the thunder in the sky became clearer, as if a huge chariot was driving above the nine heavens, and the wheels were rumbling, as if it was about to break the heart.


About a hundred miles outside Jiangling City, there is a small village. At this time, the villagers in the village have already fled. Because the army is fighting, the flames of war spread very quickly. He fled to Xiangzhou.As for the difficulty of leaving the homeland and the reluctance to leave the hometown, in the face of life and death, they have become extremely insignificant things.

At the center of the village is a well made of bluestone. A small pavilion was built with thatch on the well platform. It is a public well in the village. In the past, people would come here to carry water every day. Over time, it became a place where villagers gathered. , basking in the sun here in winter, and enjoying the shade under the big elm tree not far away in summer, all the family stories and trivialities are spread here and there, for the villagers, it is like a place where officials and gentlemen love to go.

However, after the villagers had all escaped, the place became completely deserted. Only a half-grown child sat on the edge of the well, his legs still unable to reach the ground, wandering back and forth.

This child looks to be about ten years old, dressed exquisitely and elegantly, and at first glance is from a wealthy family, and is really out of tune with the surrounding environment, and looking at his face and expression, he is not as immature and ignorant as children of the same age. There is a soul in the body that does not match it.

At this moment, the child rested his elbows on his knees and rested his chin on his hands, as if he was thinking about something, when suddenly there was a loud roar of thunder from Jiangling City, which shook the eardrums, causing the child to tremble slightly in fright, and his thoughts were interrupted.

The child followed the prestige and murmured to himself: "Those Bianhua flowers, just think that I paved the way for you in advance, but it's just Huangquan Road."

The wheel of life and death, the flower of the other shore, the golden cicada escapes its shell.

In fact, what Xu Beiyou said was correct, those Bianhua flowers were indeed pretending to be gods and ghosts, but they were just used to set off the atmosphere of the dead end, and he didn't expect to completely hide Xu Beiyou by relying on this, but as long as Xu Beiyou hesitated for a moment, That's enough.

As for how he was able to escape under Xu Beiyou's nose, it was difficult and easy to say.

To put it simply, it is because Xu Beiyou has already guessed right. He is relying on the wheel of life and death to shed the cicada's shell, discard the old skin, and give birth to a new skin, just like a cicada larva sheds its skin and takes off its clothes before it can flap its wings and fly.

Now he just took off his "Cicada Clothes" to escape from Xu Beiyou's sword.

It's hard to say, because the price of this method is extremely high, and he has left seventy-eight percent of his strong cultivation base on that "Cicada Clothes". Now he only has [-]% of his cultivation base in his heyday. Ghost immortal monks and human immortal monks are pretty good at it, but if you want to face any earth immortal monk, it will be a situation of defeat and no victory.

As the saying goes, ninety-ninety people can travel a hundred miles, and it is difficult to say this.Everything becomes more difficult in the end, and the more careless you can be, so at this juncture, you must be cautious, don't be careless, capsize in the gutter, not die in the hands of Xu Beiyou, but die in a few unsightly In the hands of the little thief, that is extreme joy begets sorrow.

The child kept admonishing himself like this in his heart, and then whispered to himself: "When Qingchen showed me my physiognomy, he once asserted that I was a man of great fortune and equal to heaven, and I would not die."

The child had firm eyes and clenched his fists, "How could I die in a place like this?"

As for Xu Beiyou?
He was afraid that he would die in Jiangling City.

(End of this chapter)

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