Chapter 1269
Twenty miles outside the imperial capital, there is a majestic Circular Mound Altar. The altar is divided into three layers. It is a three-story blue glazed round altar. The blue colored glaze of the Circular Mound Altar was rebuilt into a moxa leaf bluestone countertop, with white jade column railings.

Today's round mound is shaped like a sky, and it is made of three layers of altars, with nine steps on each side of each layer.There is a round stone in the center of the upper floor, with nine circles of fan-shaped stones on the outside and nine circles on the inner circle, extending outwards in multiples of nine. The railings and pillars are also in multiples of nine or nine, symbolizing the number of days.

In the 22nd year of Taiping, Emperor Taizongwen Xiao Xuan held a ceremony to worship the heavens here, attracting Murong Xuanyin, Wanyan Beiyue, Xiao Shen, Bingchen, Xiao Jin, Lin Han, Mingchen, Qingye and other immortals and demons came one after another, and finally even led to Qiuye who lived on Xuandu and Xiao Yu who was hidden in the Ming Tomb of Meishan to fight in person, together with Xiao Xuan, Lanyu, Zhao Qing and others included a group of people in the imperial court. The scale of this battle was so large and there were so many experts involved that it almost included the entire Tianji list. It was completely comparable to the battle of Dingding that year.

To this day, the masters who participated in the transformation of the Circular Mound Altar, Qing Chen, Xiao Jin, Lin Han, Ming Chen, Xiao Xuan and others have all died, Murong Xuanyin's cultivation has been completely lost, Xiao Yu has been promoted, and the same is true. Qiu Ye, Wanyan Beiyue, and Xu Beiyou who have experienced the change of the Circular Mound Altar have also obtained the opportunity to ascend to the ascension respectively. Perhaps in a few years, there will be very few people involved in the change of the Circular Mound Altar.

Today, this altar of offering sacrifices to heaven, which has experienced countless winds, frosts, snows and rains, is about to usher in another major event that will shake the world.

As early as the Lantern Festival just came out, the governor Zhao Wuji personally led one hundred thousand imperial troops to this place, surrounded by layers of guards.

On the 22nd day of the first lunar month, a large number of courtiers and dignitaries began to go to the Circular Mound Altar one after another.

Three miles to the north of the Circular Mound Altar, there is a gold-plated hall. The layout is very similar to that of Weiyang Palace. It faces south and its back is north.

At this time, the hall of "Little Weiyang" was full of Zhu Zigongqing, except for the governor Zhao Wuji who commanded the [-] imperial troops stationed here, and three of the five left governors in the governor's mansion, only the one who led the army into the grassland Zhang Wubing and Yu Kuang, who was in charge of guarding the south of the Yangtze River, failed to arrive. The four elders of the cabinet, including the seriously ill chief assistant Han Xuan, were all present. As for the other six ministers, princes and nobles, all of them were present.

In addition, there is another figure that the civil and military officials of the Manchu Dynasty did not expect-the old chief assistant Lan Yu.

In this enthronement ceremony, Her Royal Highness the Eldest Princess proposed not to invite monks from the Zongmen, not only because Xu Beiyou was going to hold the enthronement ceremony on Biyou Island, but also because Daqi was confused with the Daoist sect when the country was founded, which indirectly caused After the subsequent San Francisco Rebellion, Xiao Zhinan was determined to implement the phrase "Let the outside world return to the outside world, and let the inside world return to the world", so many earth immortal monks, including Zhao Qing, all went to Biyou Island , while those in power like Xie Suqing stayed in the imperial capital.

Someone once said that there is no connection between the world and the outside world, and if there is a connection, they are sages.

Today's Sapphire is such a sage.

The Chief Assistant of Yijiazi, a veteran of the four dynasties, and the teacher of the emperor, from the founding of the country to Jingnan, he has made great contributions, so he still rushed back from Biyou Island, not only to participate in the ascension ceremony of Biyou Island, but also to participate in the ceremony. The enthronement ceremony of the Circular Mound Altar.

Today, Lan Yu rarely wears a gorgeous official uniform and a black gauze official hat. It seems that she is no longer the prime minister in charge of the power of a country, but she is still the head of the three princes.Compared with Lan Yu, although Han Xuan, the grand tutor, was also dressed in official first-rank uniforms, he was sick after all. He wore a heavy cloak and held a hand stove. It is still not inferior to Sapphire.

Han Xuan, who had found it difficult to stand for a long time, had to sit on a big red sandalwood chair. In addition to the big cloak, there was a thick blanket on his knees, and a brazier at his feet. I would like the old man to come to the Circular Mound Altar. After all, it is still cold in spring. It is really not suitable to travel long distances and suffer from the cold, but the old man wants to come here, and no one will persuade him. Xu Beiyou was hesitant to use some coercive means, but Han Xuan Seeing through it in advance, he yelled at Xu Beiyou, but Xu Beiyou had no choice but to let the old man participate in today's enthronement ceremony.

At this time, Lan Yu was standing in front of Han Xuan, and all the civil and military officials in the hall gave room for the two old chief assistants, allowing these two old people who had witnessed the rise and fall of the empire to talk about it. own words.

The two old men looked at each other silently for a long time, and finally Lan Yu spoke first: "Wenbi, this is the third time the two of us have met here, and the first time was when Emperor Taizu Gao held the enthronement ceremony. We talked about some things here about the division of seats in the temple. At that time, you told me that it mainly boiled down to four points, namely the clan, the noble family, the honored ministers, and the poor family. Nobles are hereditary and passed down from generation to generation, while official positions in temples can be divided into two out of ten. In the end, you said that the remaining eight parts are for the temple, three parts are given to the aristocratic family, and five parts are given to the poor family. Do you remember all of this?"

Han Xuan stretched out a palm already full of age spots, smiled, his voice was not loud, but he was full of energy, "Of course I remember, Lan Ping told me that if my words spread, it would offend a lot of people." People, clans, aristocratic families, nobles will all let me die, even if they are poor, they will not think of me well. So I said to Xiang Lan, His Majesty the Emperor will definitely let me live."

Lan Yu said: "Back then, Xiao Jin specifically reminded me to be careful of you, Han Wenbi, and it was true that what he said later, there was an accident in the 20th year of Taiping, but it's all in the past, so I won't talk about these past things gone."

Han Xuan smiled and said: "Speaking of Xiao Jin, I think of many old people. Looking back now, Wei Jin, Xu Lin, Xu Yan, Min Hang, Zhuge Gong, Yang Bofu, Han Xiong, Xie Gongyi, Sun Shiwu, Duanmu Ruisheng, Qu Cang, Li Rusong, Tang Chunyu, Xiao Gongyu, Xiao Shu, Zhang Haijiu, Li Chen, Chen Han, Shi Le, and Zhou Jingchao are all dead, and you are the only one left among the 24 heroes of Lingyan Pavilion appointed by Emperor Taizu Gao I'm two now."

Speaking of this, Han Xuan pointed to a group of young people not far away, "See, those are Min Chun's grandson Min Chun, Xu Lin's great-grandson Xu Yi, Wei Jin's granddaughter Wei Yuanyi, and Xie Gongyi's grandson Xie Suqing, Xiao Shu Xiao Mohe, the son of Xiao Gongyu, Xiao Quji, the grandson of Xiao Gongyu, Duanmuyu, the son of Duanmu Ruisheng who is dead, Qu Changan, the son of Qu Cang, and my adoptive son Nangui, who are now in the temple , are all juniors of you and me."

Lan Yu sighed deeply, and then persuaded: "The new generation in the temple replaced the old ones. When you were young, there were old ministers like Sun Shiwu and Zhou Jingchao in front of you. At that time, you told me that two meals a day were enough. There is no danger of freezing all year round, and as a commoner, you really don't have any stagnant spirit of being underappreciated. You only feel that you have to serve the country with what you have learned, so that you can not leave any regrets. Now that you are old, you are not ashamed. The country, so after the eldest princess ascends the throne, you can take advantage of the situation and leave it to the young people to do it, so you can take care of yourself."

Han Xuan smiled and nodded, "It's time to retire."

(End of this chapter)

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