Chapter 1270

Today is the 22nd of the first lunar month, Jiazi Day, and it is also the day when the cabinet agreed to hold the enthronement ceremony.

At the hour of the hour, the Huanghuang ceremonial guards came out from the Daqi Gate, guarded by the emperor's own army, and accompanied by various clans. There were tens of thousands of people.

Although the weather is still very cold, people standing on both sides of the Royal Road are full of people who came to see the excitement. After all, the last time I saw such a battle was when Emperor Taizong was in power, and now it is Emperor Taizong's daughter who wants to inherit How can people not be curious about the father's throne, the princess who is about to ascend the throne and also quelled the rebellion of the three vassal kings.

Because the Daqi Dynasty did not have the rule that brothers end up with younger brothers, after discussing with the officials, Xiao Zhinan believed that he could not inherit the throne from his elder brother Xiao Bai, but should inherit the throne from his father Xiao Xuan. The so-called dispute between the big clan and the small clan.

Fortunately, both brothers and sisters were born to the same father and the same mother, and there was no distinction between the first and second sons, and Xiao Bai's reign was too short, so there was no resistance on this point, so Xiao Zhinan's succession to the throne this time was not due to He inherited the throne from his elder brother Xiao Bai, but from his biological father Xiao Xuan.

Today's Xiao Zhinan rode directly in the emperor's Luanjia, pulled together by sixteen horses, and the whole carriage moved forward slowly like a small moving palace, leaving the imperial capital and heading for the Circular Mound Altar.

At this time, around the Circular Mound Altar, there were nearly one hundred thousand dense iron armors, surrounded by layers, standing awe-inspiring.

In the tide-like army of black armor, another line of path was divided, leading directly to the Circular Mound Altar, and on both sides of the path stood soldiers holding ritual halberds.

On both sides of the path, banners billowed, covering the sky and the sun.

The civil and military nobles of the Manchu Dynasty had already left the small Weiyang Palace, and came to the Circular Mound Altar in order of rank.

After a while, a low-pitched horn sounded, and then amidst the continuous sound of the horn, a huge guard of honor car was faintly visible at the end of the official road.

The emperor's personal guards are around the car, also black horses with black armor, covered with a cloak of the same color, moving with the wind, majestic.

All the officials and the guards were silent for a moment at this moment, but the silence was only for a moment, and soon the officials and the army knelt down to greet each other.

Soon all the officials heard the sound of wheels rolling over the snow on the snow-covered official road, and the sound of neat and heavy horseshoes stepping on the snow.

When the emperor Luanjia slowly stopped, first the son of heaven dismounted from the horse, and then the clan dismounted, all wearing mianfu.

"Hundreds of officials welcome the new king!" Zhang Bao, the chief supervisor of ceremonies, shouted in a sharp voice.

Immediately, a military guard stepped forward and opened the door of the emperor's car, and then Xiao Zhinan, who was dressed as an emperor, walked down the car slowly.

The Dagon uniform of the Daqi Emperor is the most revered, and it is a twelve-chapter clothing, embroidered with dragons, fire, Chinese insects, sun, moon and stars.

At this time, Xiao Zhinan was wearing a black and red twelve chapter uniform and a twelve-pronged emperor's crown on his head. He didn't see the femininity of a woman, and he looked more majestic and solemn.

"Long live my emperor! Long live! Long live!" At this time, the ministers did not need anyone to lead the call, and almost simultaneously uttered a mountain cry!
Xiao Zhinan still stood beside Luan's chariot, motionless.

All the officials raised their heads, and all their eyes showed a little surprise.

Then I saw a person coming out of the imperial chariot and got out of the car.

That man was Wei Wang Xu Beiyou.

Under the eyes of all the officials who were half astonished and half astonished, Xiao Zhinan took Xu Beiyou's hand and walked slowly towards the Circular Mound Altar on the snowy path.

The deafening roar of the mountains came to mind again.

Before arriving at the Circular Mound Altar, Zhang Baisui had already been waiting here. He held a gorgeous red sandalwood box in his hand and followed him step by step.

What is in full bloom in it is the traditional jade seal that symbolizes the orthodoxy of the country.

Xiao Zhinan let go of Xu Beiyou's hand, took the red sandalwood box from Zhang Baisui, and under the eyes of everyone, slowly climbed up to the Circular Mound Altar step by step, followed by Xu Beiyou holding his sword.

At this time, an incense table has been set up in the center of the third floor of the Circular Mound Altar. In addition to the offerings to the heavens, there is also a golden three-legged wine bottle.

Xiao Zhinan slowly climbed to the top of the Circular Mound Altar, put the red sandalwood box in his hand on the incense table, and stood in front of the incense table.

Xu Beiyou retreated to the edge.

Then Zhang Baisui began to read the succession edict, the voice was not loud, but it could reverberate between heaven and earth.

"The first emperor collapsed, and the world was in turmoil. As a result, there were swords and soldiers everywhere, and people were dying. This is the autumn of life and death. Fortunately, thanks to the spirit of the ancestors, they survived the crisis... Today, looking up at the sky and looking down at the hearts of the people, it is the tree of martial arts. The traces are also bright and bright, and the virtues are in line with the period. The number of calendars is clear, and the letter can be known. Therefore, there are generals who advocate it before, and civil servants persuade it later..."

After the edict was read out, Xiao Zhinan took out from the red sandalwood wooden box the jade seal inherited from the first emperor of the Dragon Dragon. The golden three-legged wine bottle, worship the heavens.

More than [-] people witnessed this scene, and there was no sound except for the whistling wind and snow.

Xiao Zhinan poured the wine from the bottle in front of him, put down the wine bottle, and his voice spread to the nine heavens.

"I am the daughter of Emperor Taizong Wen, blessed by the heavens, and the spirit of the ancestors, so I supervise the country and train the government, and send the heroes and sages to the left and right. In the northwest, Yanzhou, Qizhou, Shuzhou, Huizhou, Yuzhou, Jiangzhou, Huzhou, Xiangzhou and the grasslands, southern borders, and other places in the state of Wei, there are bandits everywhere, and the generals are ordered to show their might and power, and the four directions are settled, and the people are safe in the fields."

"Today, the world is stable, and there are ministers of civil and military affairs, hundreds of ministers, and all the concubines to persuade them to advance, respecting me as the emperor, and taking charge of Qianli. Following everyone's request, on the 22nd of the first lunar month, the heaven and earth will be sacrificed to the altar of the Circular Mound, that is, the emperor is located in the Circular Mound. Altar. Changed to Yuan Jingyu. Respected the Taimiao, canonized the emperor Xu Beiyou as the king of Wei. Those who were granted the title of Sangong were Taishi Lanyu, Taifu Han Xuan, and Taibao Xu Beiyou. Illness. The three masters, the crown prince Taishi Wei Wuji, the prince Taifu Zha Qing, the prince Taibao Yu Kuang. The three young people, the prince Shaoshi Zhao Zongxian, the prince Shaofu Li Zhenji, the prince Shaobao Wenci. Announce the world, and the salty envoys hear Know."

After a brief silence.

Sapphire took the lead in prostrating the great gift of prostration, one word and one sentence, and the voice spread for several miles, "Long live my emperor, long live, long live, long live."

Then the voices of hundreds of officials and more than [-] troops rang out, and the voice of my emperor went straight to the sky.

However, Xu Beiyou suddenly felt very uneasy in his heart, and quietly went down to the Circular Mound Altar. The imposing Great Sword Immortal on the peak of the [-]th floor, for some reason, staggered a little today.

He came to Han Xuan who was the only one who didn't kneel down. The old man was still sitting on the chair with a big cloak on his body and thick felt on his knees. This was added by Xu Beiyou himself in case the old man would be cold.

Lan Yu next to him glanced at Xu Beiyou, but didn't speak.

At this moment, Han Xuan had his eyes closed, with a peaceful expression, and even a smile on the corner of his mouth, as if he was in a deep sleep.

Seeing this scene, Xu Beiyou felt a sharp pain in his heart, and he, who had never cried once in many life and death wanderings, actually shed tears.

He suppressed the choking in his throat, and he still had some luck in his heart. He wanted to explore the old man's spirit again, but found that the purple mansion was already empty.

(End of this chapter)

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