Chapter 1334

360 The five gods, demons, bodies and gods are united as one, perfect as one, so it is said that seeing the gods is not bad.

Xiao Shen's figure was dark and dull, but instead wantonly devoured all the light around him, he was like an extraterrestrial demon, he punched out with one punch, and the 360 ​​five demon body gods in his body punched together, the sky and the earth trembled, almost moving mountains .

The fist is lingering, destroying the dead.

Wufang Xiangyun disappeared immediately under this punch.

There was a look of horror on Qingchen's face.

Immediately afterwards, Xiao Shen slaughtered the green dragon, killed the white tiger, killed the red bird, killed the Xuanwu, and killed the unicorn, all in one go.

As soon as the five spirits were extinct, the black cloud that had been suppressed immediately returned and filled the Yuqing Palace.

At the same time, Xiao Shen also rushed towards Qingchen, his five fingers clenched into a fist, and the veins on his entire arm bulged, as if he had entangled several dragons.

Finally, Qingchen could no longer be indifferent, took off a vermilion gourd from his waist, unplugged it, and slapped on the gourd. Suddenly, there were countless electric light lasings from the mouth of the gourd, accompanied by the faint sound of thunder. The ox-haired Thunderbolt Flying Sword shot out, covering Xiao Shen who was rushing towards him like a violent storm.

This is a magic weapon that Qingchen has practiced for many years. It is called Leiyin Wanjian Gourd. It contains 99 ox hair flying swords, which are finer than silver needles. The sword is different, it is made of thunder stone, which is naturally close to thunder. After engraving the special thunder symbol on it, its power is greatly increased. When it is used, it shoots like lightning. The physical energy machine and martial arts physique can be regarded as both flying swords and lightning methods, which are extremely mysterious.

Daoism has been established for nearly 2000 years, and there are fifteen seals alone, and there are countless other powerful magic weapons.This magic weapon was originally left by a Daoist immortal who failed in ascension. Among them, Feijian has experienced the tempering of the thunder of heaven, and it has a bit of heavenly breath. Jiazi obtained this treasure before, and now it has been refined for a period of sixty years, and its power can be fully exerted to the point of ten percent, so it should not be underestimated.

I saw countless hair-thin sword glows carrying billowing thunder moving through the air, gathering together like a cloud of misty misty rain, after completely covering Xiao Shen, lightning flashed everywhere and sparks flew.

At the same time, Qingchen began to point and point, and arranged the ten thousand tiny flying swords in a certain mysterious formation, like the changes of stars in the sky, and like a drizzle, completely sealing off all the dodging directions of Xiaoshen.

However, Shen Xiao didn't even think about hiding. If you ask why the eerie and unpredictable Hong Deng can't act recklessly in the cave of Zhenmojing, all the reasons should be attributed to Xiaoshen. He is the well-deserved No. 1 in Zhenmojing. [-]. This is also the reason why the other three are headed by him. Facing Qingchen's method at this time, although more than a thousand thunder sword lights pierced into his body, causing him a lot of trouble, but for the For an eighteenth-floor martial arts master who is only second to Li Xiaocheng and Xiao Xuan in the realm of martial sages, these are just superficial injuries that are not enough to damage the root.As for the pain caused by these injuries, it is even more insignificant. To be able to persist for many years under the Demon Suppressing Well, who is not a person with an extremely strong will and can endure it? After hundreds of years, he still cares about this bit of flesh and blood pain?

Xiao Shen took a deep breath, and began to devour the vitality of the surrounding heaven and earth. With his body as the center, ripples rippled out layer by layer, forming a huge vortex composed of vitality of heaven and earth.

In one breath, he forcibly sucked all the vitality of the world within a hundred miles. At this moment, his extremely thin body changed into the appearance of a man. The body became crystal clear like jade, exuding a faint white light.

Then let the rest of the sword light shoot out, hitting his body, causing countless electric sparks to fly, but it couldn't hurt a single bit.Then he snorted heavily, and the muscles all over his body contracted suddenly, forcing out all the flying swords that had been shot into his body earlier.

Xiao Shen's voice rolled like thunder in the Yuqing Palace, "I can't do anything to this old man with these trivial tricks? Where is the Taoist Linglong Pagoda? Where is the Dutian Seal?"

Since Qingchen didn't have the Linglong Pagoda or Dutian Seal, he could only watch Xiaoshen's figure rise from the ground like a black rainbow.

Just one punch.

I saw this punch hit Qingchen's body hard, and then I heard the continuous thunder.

This punch was Xiaoshen's full strength punch. With one punch, the 360 ​​five gods in his body punched together, shaking the world.

This fist is like beating a drum, the fist is a drumstick, Qingchen is the beating of the drum, and the sound of thunder is the sound of the drum.

Qingchen didn't have time to dodge at all. After being hit hard by this punch, his feet left the ground and his figure flew out of the altar.

That's not all, Xiao Shen landed on the ground, with his knees slightly bent, and kicked vigorously, his body shot out.

Xiao Shen's ascending speed was actually faster than Qing Chen's, and he surpassed Qing Chen in an instant, clenched his hands into fists, and smashed hard on his back.

Qingchen slammed into the ground like a meteorite from outside the sky.

The entire Yuqing Palace seemed to shake.

A large pit with an unknown depth appeared on the ground, and Qingchen was lying at the bottom of this large pit, motionless and breathless.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, black clouds enveloped the altar where Qingchen was previously, corroding and breaking the restrictions on it one by one.

Tian Yun strode into the hall, first saluted the old man in black who was standing with his hands behind his back, and then slowly stepped onto the altar.

Tian Yun stood on this altar, which symbolized the core of the cardinal of the Taoist formation, and fell silent for a moment.

As the first disciple of Yunzi's generation, why does he want to get to where he is today?Helplessly, the master is confused, first doting on Qi Xianyun, then favoring Bai Yunzi, and always being indifferent to him as a big disciple, how can he not hate it?

Now that the master is gone, Bai Yunzi is probably dead. According to the promise made by Master Xichen's uncle, he will be the master of the Taoist sect in the future!
Tian Yun fixedly stared at the Zhidu Zongsheyin who was temporarily used to replace Dutianyin, and the corners of his mouth curled up.

Picking up this square seal, he is the master of Taoism.

What kind of twelve immortals of the Taoist sect, he, the eldest disciple, was the one who had the last laugh.

Tian Yun stretched out his hand to pick up the seal of President Fang Zhidu, and laughed madly.


At this moment, the sky outside the Yuqing Palace twisted, and the earth trembled, as if the sky and the earth were torn apart.

At this moment, all the Taoist monks in Xuandu were plucked at the same time, and their souls throbbed.

The earth is shaking and the mountains are shaking.

The color of the sky and the earth changed, the air mechanism was frantic, the lightning flashed and the thunder rumbled, and the earth trembled.

Numerous qi machines present a strange color that is so chaotic and mottled that it cannot be seen in the violent shock.Following the removal of the seal of Zhidu Zongdu, where the center of the Xuandu Formation was located, by Tianyun, which existed for nearly 2000 years, the Xuandu Formation, which contained the aura of mountains and rivers from nine peaks and eight rocks, completely collapsed.

(End of this chapter)

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