That year, that cicada, that sword

Chapter 1335 List 1 Major Sin

Chapter 1335 List Ten Major Sins
As soon as the Xuandu formation was broken, Lan Yu, Xichen and others who were stationed in Linxian Mansion immediately sensed it. After sending a message to Qiuyue, Song Qingying and others who were in the Western Region at this time, the two groups of people split into two groups and began to climb the mountain. .

Before climbing the mountain, regardless of whether it is Lanyu and Xichen, or Qiuyue and Song Qingying, they all made it clear to their disciples in advance that no matter what the Taoism is like today, Xuandu is after all the Daoist Daoist temple in those days. As a guest's gift, don't act recklessly. If someone dares to steal and kill in Xuandu, he will not be lightly forgiven.

The thousands of monks who besieged the Daoist sect this time were mainly disciples of the major sects. With the major sect masters personally sitting in the town, they were naturally not comparable to the casual cultivators who rushed forward. They moved in an orderly manner. After ascending to Xuandu, Nothing out of the ordinary happened.

On the other hand, the Taoist monks above Xuandu saw that the Xuandu formation was broken, and the last bit of spirit disappeared, completely turning into a mess.Some people vowed to fight to the death to repay the sect with one death; some were desperate and cried and sang loudly; Afraid of things, hiding in a certain place shivering; some drifting with the crowd, at a loss at a loss at this time; there are also mature and prudent, starting to arrange for younger disciples to go down the mountain, so as to ensure that the inheritance of incense will continue.

In the midst of this chaos, Tian Yun slowly walked out of the Yuqing Hall holding the seal of Chief Governor of Zhidu, and stood on the 99 steps, overlooking the majestic Xuandu.

From today onwards, Xuandu is in his pocket.

He is the Dazheng Daoist who is in charge of the world's Taoist sects, and one of the world's two saints who is on par with His Majesty the Emperor who reigns in the secular world.

At this moment, an elderly Taoist appeared in his line of sight, walking up the steps, walking slowly towards him.

The appearance of this old Taoist made Tian Yun regain his senses from his ambition. Before he was dazzled by this great victory, he didn't dare to take it too seriously, so he hurried down the steps to meet this old Taoist .

Because this old Taoist is the only surviving Master Xichen among the eight elders of the Taoist sect. Now the person with the highest seniority in the Taoist sect is also the one who promised him the great position of teaching.

If Tian Yun wants to take the position of head teacher in a legitimate way, he needs the support of the old Taoist. Before he takes the position of head teacher, he has to be servile to the old Taoist.

Tianyun saluted respectfully, "Master Xichen's uncle."

The old Taoist glanced at him, with an incomprehensible smile on his face, "Okay."

Tian Yun was immediately overjoyed, "Everything depends on Master and Uncle."

Xi Chen stretched out his hand and patted the back of Tian Yun's hand, and said: "The Daoist sect is able to have what it is today, thanks to you."

In all fairness, this sentence is actually a pun, but Tian Yun never heard it when he was overjoyed, and it was only Xi Chen's compliment to him.

Tian Yun could hardly hide his joy on his face.

At this moment, Lan Yu and Qiu Yue walked side by side.

In today's world where Qiuye dies and Wanyan Beiyue ascends, Lan Yu and Qiuyue are undoubtedly the Big Dipper of Taishan. It means that the realm of the two people is as high as the eighteenth floor of the earth immortal, and it also means that the status and prestige of the two people are irreplaceable.From this point of view, Song Qingying, Zhao Qing, Bingchen and others are still a little behind.

Xi Chen glanced at the two juniors.

Sapphire nodded slightly, and Qiuyue clasped her hands together and nodded.

Xichen turned his head to look at Tianyun, who was beaming with joy, and said in a deep voice, "Tianyun!"

His tone was full of coldness.

Only then did Tian Yun suddenly wake up, feeling something was wrong.

Xi Chen said slowly: "Tian Yun, a disciple of the Taoist sect, peeped at the position of the head teacher, with ulterior motives, which is a major crime!"

"Because of attempting to take over the position of teacher, forming a clique for personal gain, and accusing his party members of slandering his fellow disciples Cang Yun and Ling Yun as sword sects, confusing right and wrong, the second major crime."

"Fearing the enemy and fighting cowardly, and causing the death of my fellow disciple Wu Yunsou, the three major crimes."

"Retreating before the battle, delaying the battle opportunity, causing heavy losses to the chief deacons of the Demon Suppressing Hall, causing the situation in the south of the Yangtze River to deteriorate, and greatly damaging the vitality of the Demon Suppressing Hall. The four major crimes."

"While Chen Ye, the master of the Town Demon Palace, was outside, he wantonly placed his confidants in the Town Demon Palace, and controlled the affairs of the Town Demon Palace by one person, and did not allow others to disobey him. His intentions cannot be questioned, and his crime is five."

"Yin makes his party members stir up internal strife in the palaces and pavilions. The six major crimes."

"Arbitrarily leaking the secrecy and important matters of the sect to outsiders, all kinds of specialization, cannot be enumerated, the seven major crimes."

"He didn't care about the friendship of the same sect, and designed to kill Bai Yunzi, a fellow disciple. His crime is the eighth."

"Entering the forbidden area of ​​the sect without authorization, opening the demon-suppressing well, and releasing the devil's head, the nine major crimes."

"Disregarding the friendship of superiority and inferiority, he joined forces with the demon boss of the town to attack the demons, and caused the death of Master Qingchen. He became insane. His crime is ten!"

"Such ten serious crimes have caused the anger of both humans and gods, and the laws of heaven cannot tolerate them. Throughout the past hundred years, there has been no one like them."

"After discussing with the master of the peak and the master of the palace, it has been decided that from today onwards, Tianyun will be expelled from the door and wall, and his Taoist name will be abolished. No genealogy, roster, tablet, or inscription should be named. law."

Tian Yun froze on the spot suddenly, not knowing what to say.

Just now he was still standing above the clouds, only one step away from the headmaster of the Taoist sect, but in a blink of an eye, he was knocked down by Yun Dun, and fell directly into the eighteenth floor of hell, not only gnawing his mouth full of mud , and will never stand up again.

This made him unable to react for a while.

Tian Yun looked at Xi Chen, and asked with a trembling voice: "Uncle Xi Chen, what... what does this mean?"

Xichen said expressionlessly: "Tianyun, you have caused trouble in the Taoist sect, and you should be punished according to the law, but God has the virtue of being good at life, and can also give you a way of life, and put you in the well of suppressing demons, so that you can repent of your mistakes. Maybe the day when I was released from the Demon Town Well."

Tian Yun's face turned completely pale, without even a trace of blood, and his eyes were full of despair.

Not to mention Lanyu and Qiuyue behind Xichen, Xichen is alone, he has no certainty of victory, let alone the three of them teaming up?Apart from waiting to be caught, the only way he can go is to seek his own death.

At this moment, Xiao Shen in black came out from the Yuqing Palace, and the white-clothed woman Jianxiu, the three-foot boy, and the burly man also came to his side, forming a confrontation with Xichen and the others.

There was hope again on Tian Yun's face.

But Xi Chen's next sentence made him completely despair.

Xichen waved the big sleeves of his black Taoist robe, and said expressionlessly: "It is said to clean up the muddy water, but after the muddy water is cleaned out, today's Taoist sect can't stand any trouble. Let's go, the promise made by the Taoist sect, no matter Whether the person who made the promise is a Taoist or not, everyone will keep it later."

There was a slight smile on Xiao Shen's face, he cupped his fists at Xichen and retreated with the three of them.

At this moment, there is only Tianyun left.

After being silent for a long time, he knelt down slowly and said sadly: "Tianyun accepts the crime and is willing to be punished."

(End of this chapter)

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