That year, that cicada, that sword

Chapter 209 Recalling the Birth of Zhu Xian

Chapter 209 Recalling the Birth of Zhu Xian

On the tenth day of the seventh month, in Jiangdu, it was raining heavily, and dragons spit water on the city walls.

Xu Beiyou walked up to the top of the city alone with an old oil-paper umbrella, admiring this rare spectacle.

Heavy raindrops fell from the sky, hitting the umbrella surface with a continuous crackling sound, splashing a layer of fine water mist.

Just in this whiteness that filled the sky, suddenly there was a touch of unharmonious bright red, standing three feet away from Xu Beiyou's side, even in the heavy rain, there was still no moisture in the whole body.

This is a woman in a red dress, and said coldly: "Watching the rain alone? You have grown a lot more courageous, and finally you are no longer hiding behind women."

Xu Beiyou didn't take it seriously, and said: "Every time I saw you before, you always wanted to put me to death and then hurry up. This time, it's not easy to be able to speak well and not move."

The woman remained silent.

Xu Beiyou held onto the hilt of his sword, and said softly, "King Chujiang, why did you come to me on purpose?"

King Chujiang stared at the young master of Jianzong who walked into Jiangdu City openly, suppressed the killing intent in his heart, and asked, "I heard that there is a gap between you and Duanmu Yusu?"

Xu Beiyou stroked the hilt of his sword, and said lightly, "That's right."

King Chujiang said bluntly, "We can help you."

Xu Beiyou asked, "Help me? How?"

King Chu Jiang narrowed his eyes and said, "Of course you and I will join hands to get what we need."

"I am the remnant of the Sword Sect. When will the Daomen's Demon Suppressing Hall be willing to join forces with the Sword Sect's remnant?" Xu Beiyou said, "And joining forces with your Suppressing Demon Palace is tantamount to seeking skin from a tiger. The gain outweighs the loss."

King Chu Jiang sneered, "If you don't even have the guts, don't stay in Jiangdu, just go back to the northwest, maybe you can save your life."

Xu Beiyou said calmly, "Don't use this clumsy aggressive method, I know what to do."

King Chu Jiang asked coldly: "There is no room for negotiation?"

Xu Beiyou nodded slightly.

King Chu Jiang squinted at Xu Beiyou, as if he was considering whether to take this opportunity to kill the young master of Jianzong to avoid future troubles.

Xu Beiyou looked at the rain curtain, let go of the hilt of his sword, pointed to the scene of the dragon spitting water on the city wall under his feet, and said with a smile: "The city wall of Jiangdu was built during the Great Chu Dynasty, and it is still intact after thousands of years, but the scene of the dragon spitting water has not been seen for many years See, being able to see it once today can be regarded as the fate between you and me."

King Chujiang didn't make a sound, but just glanced sideways, and he really saw countless clear water streams hanging down from the gaps in the city wall, ranging from thick to thin, high and low, large and small. Curtain spectacle.

The king of Chujiang was fighting between heaven and man, and finally gave up the idea of ​​killing people now, and followed Xu Beiyou to look at the dragon spitting water at his feet.

After a while, King Chujiang suddenly said, "The people from the Sword Qi Lingkong Hall want to kill you."

Xu Beiyou hummed, and said, "I know."

Chujiang Wang said with a smile: "It should be your subordinate, but he wants to kill you instead. The so-called Sword Qi Lingkong Hall is really a joke."

Xu Beiyou said flatly: "The following offenses above did not start today, they have existed since ancient times."

King Chujiang snorted coldly, and his figure slowly disappeared into the rain.

Xu Beiyou sighed softly, put down the oil-paper umbrella in his hand, and looked up.

At this time, there was no cloud or rain in the nine heavens, only a golden sun in the sky, and the sun was shining brightly.

A blue luan with a size of one hundred feet fluttered its wings and sang clear, stirring up countless winds.

Not far from Qingluan, there was a person standing, stepping on the auspicious clouds, with his sleeves fluttering, and he was as graceful as a fairy. He just waved his sleeves lightly, and he dispelled all the strong winds that could destroy cities and mountains.

Qingluan whizzed past, rolled up countless raging waves in the sea of ​​clouds that was originally as calm as the surface of a lake below, and slammed into that person fiercely with the momentum of Mount Tai.

At the same time, the man was surrounded by misty cloud energy, and his whole body glowed with a kind of purple energy that can only be seen after Taoist real people attain Taoism and become immortals.

The man suddenly waved his big sleeves, bringing out a sky full of purple air, and slammed Qingluan hard on the head.

Qingluan wailed and flew upwards in a circle.

The man didn't pursue, but said calmly: "Senior sister, I've been merciful again and again, don't be ignorant of what's good or bad."

This person is Murong Xuanyin, the strong dragon crossing the river who has set foot in Jiangdu, and his cultivation base on the [-]th Floor of the Earth Immortal is second only to Qiuye in the whole world.

Although Murong Xuanyin is the leader of Xuanjiao, his methods are not limited to Xuanjiao, no matter it is Taoism or Buddhism, he has dabbled in it, and he is very good at stealing teachers, so he is known as the master of all dharmas.

At this moment, a large white lotus suddenly appeared at Murong Xuanyin's feet, blooming and swaying in the wind.

These white lotuses surrounded Murong Xuanyin.

After Murong Xuanyin said a good word, he suddenly floated up and stood in midair.

Hands together.

In an instant, behind Murong Xuanyin, a statue of hundreds of feet was born, pointing to the sky with one hand and pointing to the ground with the other, presenting the appearance of being the only one who respects me.

The dharma image fell and was suppressed on countless white lotuses, which seemed to have become the lotus platform under the Buddha's seat.

Murong Xuanyin floated on Faxiang's shoulder, and turned to look east.

In that direction, there should be a sword coming east next.

Zhang Xueyao was the only one in the Liuli Pavilion in the East Lake courtyard. She was kneeling on the ground with a sword box on her lap.

She reached out and stroked the sword box lightly, recalling many old events that she thought she had forgotten for no reason.

Recalling the past, the state of Wei was still called the state of Wei, where there were still five great families, instead of the three great families of today, and remembered the marriage that was betrothed to him right after he was born but never came to fruition.

I remembered that Master, who is more like a father, treats other brothers and sisters harshly to the point of inhumanity, but he is the only one who is lenient towards himself.

I remembered the anxiety of holding a sword for the first time.

I remembered the uneasiness of killing the first time.

Remembered too much.

In the end, her memories were fixed in the East Lake Courtyard, the two red candles that night, and a young man and woman standing in front of the red candles.

There is a tradition in the state of Wei. The newlyweds have to stay awake all night in front of the two wedding candles. If one burns out first, the other one will be extinguished, which means that the couple will grow old together, live and die together.

That night, the candle that symbolized Gongsun Zhongmou burned out first. When she wanted to extinguish the candle that symbolized her own wedding, she was stopped by Gongsun Zhongmou. The one who left was more relaxed and waited on the Naihe Bridge, and the one who left later had to work harder, so there is no need to make a clear distinction.

She didn't think much of it at the time.

I never thought that it was a prophecy.

Zhang Xueyao slowly closed her eyes, pressed on the sword box, and said the word "open box" softly.

The sword box opened, and the sword energy filled the air.

The air dragon with purple and blue colors meanders out and gently surrounds Zhang Xueyao.

Zhang Xueyao whispered to herself: "Zhu Xian, I am not your master, but my master and husband have both been your masters, today I want to borrow the sword with this little incense, will you borrow it? "

The next scene was shocking.First there was a sound of a sword, and then the sword box that was originally lying on Zhang Xueyao's lap stood upright on its own, and a sword rose slowly. The pavilion went straight to the sky, and a huge vortex was born in the sky, with misty clouds and dense thunder and lightning.

People in the world often say that the word "Tianzhu" is the word "Tianzhu".

If the Taoist ancestor personally used this sword, he only needs to shake it lightly, and the light of the sword can kill people. Even if he is a god of a thousand calamities, he will not be able to escape this calamity.

Zhang Xueyao opened her eyes, looked at the sword, and smiled knowingly.

Sure enough, Qingfeng in his hands is more reliable than others. The three of them were cornered by Murong Xuanyin and asked for help everywhere, but no one was willing to help. Now they can only ask Zhuxian again.

Back then, Emperor Xiao was only in the realm of the twelfth floor of the Earth Immortal, but with the unparalleled Tianzi Sword, he was able to kill Fu Chen on the eighteenth floor of the Earth Immortal. Today, Zhang Xueyao also wants to bet on the fairy sword of her royal envoy. Zhu Xian can hurt Murong Xuanyin.

Zhang Xueyao didn't reach out to hold the sword, this fairy sword with its own spirituality hung in the air by itself, walking side by side with her.

"Let's go." Zhang Xueyao said silently.

One person and one sword disappeared in the Liuli Pavilion in an instant.

Almost at the same time, Murong Xuanyin, who was standing above the nine heavens, suddenly became solemn, stretched out a finger, and drew a deep blood groove between his eyebrows, like a vertical eye.

The entire popularity machine skyrocketed.

After a while, as expected, a sword came from the east.

The sword energy of purple, green and red pervaded the world, even immortals would be intimidated.

(End of this chapter)

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