That year, that cicada, that sword

Chapter 210 Murong Xuanyin's Way of the Sword

Chapter 210 Murong Xuanyin's Way of the Sword

Many sects have different emphases, Jianzong is good at attacking but not good at defending, and Jade Immortal is the well-deserved number one in attacking among all the treasures in the world. The combination of the two means that one sword can fight across borders.

The three colors of purple, blue, and red are overwhelming. Purple is immortal energy, blue is sword energy, and red is murderous energy. The three are entangled together and converge into an unprecedented sword energy. Neither the innocent body nor the golden body of Buddhism can completely resist it.

Just as Murong Xuanyin drew a vertical eye between his brows, the sword qi shot towards Murong Xuanyin one step ahead of Zhu Xian.

Wherever Murong Xuanyin looked, there was a surging sword energy like a great river tide, which seemed to engulf him completely.

Murong Xuanyin looked calm, opened his arms, and took a deep breath.

Then he relied on his majestic aura to block the all-conquering Zhuxian sword aura three feet in front of him. From a distance, it seemed that he had carried the entire tide with his own strength.

However, before Murong Xuanyin could completely dissipate the sword energy of Zhu Xian, Zhu Xian's body had already been slaughtered. Murong Xuanyin moved his hands to the left and right, and directly tore the wave of sword energy into two halves. , The steady stream of sword energy rushed past Murong Xuanyin's side like a tidal wave hitting a rock, bringing his skirt and hair on the temples violently fluttering.

Only in this way, he also opened the middle door in front of his chest, only to see a section of sword driving straight in, directly passing the Xuanjiao leader through his heart.

Blood oozes from the corner of Murong Xuanyin's mouth, but the energy in his whole body is still concentrated, he stretched out his hand to hold the Zhuxian sword on his chest, regardless of the blood dripping on his palm, and said with a smile: "There are countless mysteries in the world, in my opinion, they are just the same , are all born out of the three thousand words of the Taoist ancestor, so if one Dharma is mastered, all dharmas can be mastered. However, just as in Buddhism, there are Bodhisattvas who are compassionate and save all living beings, and there are Vajras who protect the Dharma with anger and fear. It also passed down the way of swordsmanship, which neither belongs to the Three Thousand Dao, nor does it belong to the Eight Hundred Side Schools, does not seek longevity, but only focuses on killing, and only in terms of killing methods, the swordsmanship is undoubtedly unrivaled in the world."

While speaking, the sword energy gradually dissipated, revealing the figures of Zhu Xian and Zhang Xueyao, Zhang Xueyao said calmly: "I have heard for a long time that Mr. Murong is famous for his mastery of all kinds of dharmas. Today, the three of my sisters joined forces. I hope you will not hesitate to enlighten me."

Murong Xuanyin nodded, smiled and said a good word, and then saw him holding Zhu Xian's sword with both hands, pulling Zhu Xian out of his chest inch by inch, the bloody chest and hands should be visible to the naked eye The speed is healing, and it has returned to normal in the blink of an eye, leaving no traces except for the torn clothes.

This is the Immortal Golden Body of Dacheng Consummation, and some people call it the Immortal Demon Body. Undefeated gold.

At this moment, Qingluan passed by again, turned into a peacock while flying, and sprinkled a colorful brilliance on the Buddha's Dharma image while flying. It was several feet in size, and was then sucked by the peacock, swallowing it alive.

Without the suppression of Faxiang, a piece of white lotus spread rapidly, and at the same time, the largest white lotus in the center slowly bloomed, and a person stood up slowly from it, it was Tang Shengyue.

Murong Xuanyin first looked at the peacock, and said with a soft smile: "Zhuang Zuyun, the debate of the six qi is endless, there is an unnamed god who passed down the Taoism from it, and the six changes of qi are the six changes of form, which is called Qingluan Bian, Peacock Bian, Dapeng Bian, Phoenix Bian, Golden Crow Bian, and Suzaku Bian, among them, Golden Crow Bian is not available in the realm of immortals, and Suzaku Bian is because even the nameless god who pioneered this method has not been able to practice it, so there are only the top four in the world. Bian has been passed down, I wonder if Senior Sister has ever practiced Phoenix Bian?"

Murong Xuanyin looked at Tang Shengyue again, and said unhurriedly: "Mr. Zun Shifu was still alive back then, what a powerful person he was! He was in charge of the Tianji Pavilion, secretly controlled the White Lotus Sect, and hid behind the scenes to manipulate the world. Xiao's father, son and brother played around with applause, and later supported Jiangnan Lu Qian with one hand, occupying half of the country, and sharing the world with Xiao Yu across the river. After Mr. Fu's death, his mantle was divided into two. I gave it to Sapphire, and the White Lotus Sect is passed on to you, I wonder how much you can be as popular as Mr. Fu back then?"

In the end, Murong Xuanyin looked at Zhang Xueyao, and said with emotion: "Zhu Xian's sword is in this world, who in the world is equal to brother Zhongmou? Brother Zhongmou is my old friend. Back then in Qingming Palace, Zhongmou brother used Zhuxian to perform the sword. The sword energy soars to Xiaohan, even I dare not say that he is better than him, let alone the respected teacher Shangguan Xianchen, the living god, deserves to be the No. To get to where I am today, I can only say that good luck tricks people. I didn’t want to be hostile to you, but the current situation is such that I must take this sea route. Whether you can let me leave Jiangdu again depends on your methods.”

Murong Xuanyin's demeanor was calm and breezy, it didn't look like he was about to face a life-and-death bloody battle, but more like pointing the country.

"Stop talking nonsense." The huge peacock transformed by Qin Mumian flapped its wings suddenly, "In the end, I still see the truth under my hand."

Between the wings of the peacock, countless five-color brilliance scattered, beautiful and gorgeous.

At the same time, Tang Shengyue put her hands together, and countless white lotuses merged into one, turning into a huge white lotus platform that covered the sky and the sun, and on the lotus platform, a huge Buddha image slowly emerged.

Different from the self-respecting Buddha Dharma just now, this Buddha Dharma is in the posture of sitting in a good posture, with a big smile, and it is Maitreya Bodhisattva, one of the eight great Bodhisattvas in Mahayana Buddhism, which is also the future Maitreya Buddha.

The white lotus blooms, and Maitreya comes into the world.

Murong Xuanyin smiled lightly, whether it is Taoism or Buddha, they are inseparable from the essence of the three thousand words of the Taoist ancestor. As long as he is within this category, he has nothing to fear. Suppressed but not punished, so he dared to go to Biyou Island alone, and rescued Xu Beiyou under the eyes of Qiuye and Wanyan Beiyue.

But there are no absolutes in the world, Zhu Xian is an exception to Murong Xuanyin, he has thought of many countermeasures against this weakness that is not the fatal spot of life, but he has never had the chance to try, but today Zhang Xueyao did not let himself down, Sure enough, Zhu Xian was used, so there was no need for him to hide it.

In the final analysis, among the three, Zhang Xueyao, who threatened him the most, was Zhang Xueyao.

Murong Xuanyin stretched out his hand and pointed to the round of Yaoyang above his head.

Xuan, the color of the north.

Yin, the lunar month.

Therefore, Xuanyin is Beiyue.

There is no light in the sun, but the sun gives it.

Murong Xuanyin actually "picked off" a ray of golden sunlight out of thin air.

Since ancient times, there has been a saying of fighting poison with poison, so Murong Xuanyin's countermeasure was to use sword against sword, and the golden sunlight in his hand spread out like flowing water, turning into a radiant golden sword.

Murong Xuanyin held the golden sword, his palm and forearm were shrouded in golden light, and then swung it.

He is not good at using swords, so he doesn't deliberately pay attention to any exquisite sword moves, just waving the golden sword in his hand like a child playing around.

The golden sword stretched for more than ten miles in an instant.

There is a golden light between heaven and earth.

This golden light scattered the colorful brilliance and drowned Bailian Maitreya, invincible.

Murong Xuanyin stood in the air with a slight smile on his face. The power of this sword was beyond his expectation, but the overall effect was not bad.

The faces of the three women are extremely dignified. This golden sword seems to be virtual and real, real and illusory, and law like a sword. It is unpredictable. What's more difficult is that this sword uses the power of the sun. The sign of decline is that it rises again and again. In this way, even if Murong Xuanyin doesn't go to control the sword, he only needs to burst the golden sword, and he will lose to the three of them.

Murong Xuanyin raised the golden sun sword in his hand high, and the radiance was shining, his sleeves were fluttering, as if he was in a trance like a rising immortal.He smiled and said: "In order to deal with Zhu Xian, I have spent more than ten years thinking of two swords, one is the real sun sword used during the day, and the other is the real sun sword used at night, today I will use this Hold the real sword of the sun and ask the sword, the first in the world to kill the sword Zhuxian."

After finishing speaking, Murong Xuanyin raised his sword and pointed forward.

The golden light was suddenly restrained, covering his body, making him seem to be a huge ball of light.

This is Murong Xuanyin's sword.

Nearly invincible sword.

(End of this chapter)

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