That year, that cicada, that sword

Chapter 222 Don't Die in Jiangdu City

Chapter 222 Don't Die in Jiangdu City

Xiao Bai was noncommittal, approached Xu Beiyou and said in a voice that only the two of them could hear: "Beiyou, in fact, I don't like Duanmuyu, but if you want to be my brother-in-law, you must Show some sincerity, just 50 taels, isn't it too little?"

This is the second time Xiao Bai said the word "too little" to Xu Beiyou, but this time Xu Beiyou failed to answer the word "many".

Xu Beiyou's face froze, he gritted his teeth and said, "This 50 taels of silver came from the Zhang family, and someone from Xu pledged another 50 taels of silver, for a total of 100 million taels of silver."

At this moment, the scene was quite treacherous. Many merchants who usually boasted that they had experienced big storms just felt breathless at this moment. What is the concept of 100 million taels of silver?More than half of the people here could not afford so much money even if they were bankrupt. At this time, they looked at Xu Beiyou again, but they were really looking up at the mountain.

If you dare to let the majestic King Qi give an explanation, and after the King Qi gives an explanation, he will directly take out 100 million taels of silver, whether it is a stupid young dude or a hero with a beautiful heart in his chest, he can do what ordinary people can't, this is not ordinary people.

There is no doubt that after today's incident, Xu Beiyou's name is really going to spread throughout Jiangdu. Anyone with dignity knows that there is Mr. Xu in Jiangdu, who is a powerful person who spends millions to challenge King Qi. If you lose, you have to look at who your opponent is, which is called losing is glorious.

Xu Beiyou naturally didn't think so much, he was simply forced to this step by Xiao Bai.

In fact, talking about the common people in the world is too imaginary for Xu Beiyou, but talking about the future is a real and vital benefit. Xu Beiyou is not a moral saint, and it is not easy to compare the two.

One million taels of silver is almost his bottom line, if Xiao Bai continues to open his mouth like a lion, then he can only take the risk of offending His Highness King Qi.

Fortunately, Xiao Bai did not continue to say anything, but showed a satisfied smile, asked the chief minister to take out the pledge book, and said with a smile: "Xu Beiyou pledged 100 million taels, everyone, please."

Tang Yuerong was the first to get up with a blank face, took a pen and wrote in the notebook that the Tang family had pledged 50 taels, followed by Luofu, and since the three largest families had surrendered, the others naturally did not dare to hold on In the end, they pledged donations one after another. According to their own differences, the number ranged from tens of thousands to tens of thousands, and the minimum was 1 taels of silver.

Borrowing his strength, Xiao Bai used Xu Beiyou's strength to hit all the wealthy businessmen present, and then followed the trend. This set of tactics is neither incomprehensible nor unsophisticated, and everyone in the audience can't help but sigh, this is the future The emperor, lost in the hands of such a person, is not wronged.

The banquet for 400 people came to an end after everyone pledged donations, and Xiao Bai was the last one to leave the courtyard after everyone dispersed.

"Yu Kuang, go and stop Xu Beiyou, and tell him that the king has something to say to him." Xiao Bai ordered.

The pro-military commander who followed behind him immediately walked out.

Jiang Bin asked softly, "Your Highness seems to have known Mr. Xu for a long time?"

"It doesn't count as acquaintance, just heard about it." Xiao Bai turned and walked out, "I heard my sister mentioned it, quite an interesting young man."

Jiang Bin's face darkened for a moment.

Xiao Bai half-talked to himself: "Han Xuan's adopted son, Gongsun Zhongmou's disciple, how can a young man taught by these two be so boring?"

Not long after, Xu Beiyou got into the chariot of Xiao Bai's vassal king and met Qi Wang Xiao Bai.

Since the death of the Southern Ghost Emperor, the Taoist forces in Jiangnan have been completely dormant. In addition, Murong Xuanyin retreated, and the three Jiangnan Lafayettes were able to free up their hands again. Xiao Bai.

Xiao Bai only left Yu Kuang to drive the car himself, and turned away the rest of the people, leaving only him and Xu Beiyou in the car.

Xu Beiyou didn't have too much panic, but he didn't dare to take it lightly. He sat in the carriage, lowered his head slightly, and asked softly, "I don't know why His Royal Highness Qi summoned Xu?"

Xiao Bai, who was sitting on the main seat, waved his hands, and said with a bit of playfulness in his words: "It's nothing serious, I just want to meet you, and see who it is that can make my eyes look higher than the top." My younger sister has blue eyes."

This time, Xiao Bai didn't say the word "My King" which is extremely prominent, but used a more approachable word "I", but the bit of playfulness in it made Xu Beiyou instantly feel like he was on the verge of coming enemy.

"Xu is terrified." Xu Beiyou lowered his voice, coupled with this respectful image, it really seemed a bit terrified.

However, Xiao Bai was used to the acting skills of all kinds of old foxes since he was a child, so he naturally wouldn't believe that Xu Beiyou was really panicked, and said with a smile: "If you are panicked or not, you just need to understand it in your heart, I just want to tell you one thing , I only have this one sister."

Xiao Bai calmly said: "Father is the lord of the world, naturally not only mother and queen, but other brothers and sisters have the same father as me but half mother, and the only one who is a sibling with me is Zhinan. She has never eaten since she was a child. No matter what hardships I have gone through, there is nothing unsatisfactory, there was none before, and I hope it will be the same in the future."

Xu Beiyou raised his head and asked softly, "What is Duanmuyu?"

Xiao Bai frowned slightly, and said: "Although Duanmu Yu is nothing to worry about, Duanmu Ruisheng and Duanmu's family are troublesome. Over the years, they have taken root in the temple and played a very important role. Now it is an extraordinary time. Even the father has to deal with it. They hold back three points."

Xu Beiyou confronted each other with three points: "Then that means His Royal Highness King Qi can't think about it for the time being?"

Xiao Bai confessed frankly: "If I have something to think about, do you think I will talk to you calmly now?"

Xu Beiyou said in a deep voice, "Your Highness, please speak clearly."

Xiao Bai sighed softly: "The difference between a vassal king and a prince is a world of difference. As a vassal king, although he can garrison the fief and form a self-contained body, he is not too good compared to the ruling prince. Interfering in the government affairs of the court, I am now in Qizhou, and as the lord of one party, I am in control of the power, but in fact I have little influence on the court. If it is not because I am expected to inherit the great rule, I am afraid that the elders in the cabinet No one will take me seriously."

Xu Beiyou was silent for a moment, and said sharply: "One mountain cannot accommodate two tigers. There is already His Majesty on the mountain of Chaotang, so naturally there is no room for His Majesty."

Xiao Bai stared at Xu Beiyou coldly, making him feel the coercion of the Earth Immortal realm once again.

Xu Beiyou put his hands on his knees and tried to straighten his body, relying on the supreme sword body to barely support, and said with difficulty: "Your Highness can't exert strength in the court, so I can still be used, but I don't know if His Highness wants to use my hand to deal with it." Duanmuyu, I still have some thoughts about the husband behind me."

Xiao Bai suddenly restrained his whole body's momentum, and said with a light smile: "As expected, it was taught by Mr. Han Ge, and it can be seen through at a glance."

"Your Highness congratulates you." Xu Beiyou's upright body bent down slightly, his eyes lowered.

Xiao Bai said flatly: "Now you can't talk about setting foot in the temple. I am waiting for you to get the Sword Qi Lingkong Hall in your pocket. I hope you can do it before I leave Jiangnan."

This king, a widow, an orphan, and I, are very particular about how to call yourself.

I, only the Son of Heaven is available.

Solitary is the name of the prince.

Among the kings of this dynasty, if they are humble, they can be regarded as widows, which means people with few virtues. However, the word "benwang" is more popular nowadays.

Now, Xiao Bai has returned to using the self-proclaimed king.

Xu Beiyou said respectfully: "Please rest assured, Your Highness, Xu will definitely do his best.

It was almost dusk, and King Qi's chariot of the four horses roared past on the Qingshi street, and the idlers avoided it, as if they were in a deserted place, and stopped slowly until they reached the gate of Gongsun's mansion.

At this time, the Gongsun Mansion had already turned on the lights, and Song Guanguan was standing in front of the door waiting for the young master to come back. When he saw the roaring luxurious carriage, he subconsciously took a step back, showing a look of wariness.

But in the next moment, all the guarded look on her face faded, and she called softly, "Young master."

Xu Beiyou who got off the carriage smiled at her.

Behind Xu Beiyou, the curtains of the carriage window were slowly pulled up, revealing Xiao Bai's handsome face, and said calmly, "Xu Beiyou, you must not die violently in Jiangdu City."

Facing such unfavorable "bad words", Xu Beiyou just shook his head and said firmly, "No."

(End of this chapter)

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