Chapter 223

Xiao Bai didn't say anything more, after putting down the window curtains, the carriage drove away with a bang.

Only Xu Beiyou and Song Guanguan were left in front of the Gongsun Mansion, Song Guanguan couldn't hide his worry.

The word "violent death" itself reveals a smell of blood, which is fine for ordinary people, but it is not really nonsense, but if it is replaced by the dignified king of Qi, it has to be taken seriously.

Qi Wang Xiaobai will never aim at nothing.

Just as Song Guanguan was about to ask, Xu Beiyou had already raised his hand to stop him, and said calmly, "If a dog is in a hurry, he will jump over the wall, let alone a person? I have pushed some people too hard, so naturally some people will take a risk. As long as I let you If you die in Jiangdu City, many things will be settled."

Song Guanguan was not surprised at all. She was born in Jianqi Lingkong Hall, and she has done a lot of dirty work of killing people. Naturally, she knows that Jianqi Lingkong Hall has no possibility of surrendering. Sooner or later, she will have to fight face to face. The worry on his face was even heavier, obviously he was not very optimistic about his son's ability to gain an advantage in force.

Xu Beiyou said with a smile: "It's not so easy for them to take my life. Later, you go and invite those two senior brothers to my study. I have something to explain to them."

Song Guanguan responded softly, turned and left.

Xu Beiyou stood alone in front of the door for a while, and then turned around and walked in to his study without haste.

When he came to the study room, the two guards Zhang Xueyao sent to him were already waiting here. After seeing Xu Beiyou, they saluted respectfully, and did not ask Da Chaoyue for half a second.

Xu Beiyou returned the salute with a smile, sat down behind the desk and raised his hand to signal for the two to sit down as well, and then said: "Senior brothers, you were appointed by your mother to protect me, so I will say something clearly, Jiangducheng today It’s not peaceful, I, Xu, am not indifferent to the world, so it is inevitable that I will have some enemies, and I have to work hard during this period, two senior brothers, be more energetic, and don’t let people take advantage of the loopholes.”

Two Jianzong disciples who were over [-] years old looked at each other, and the older one asked tentatively: "It is my duty to protect the young master Zhou Quan, so naturally I dare not slack off, but I just dare to ask the young master. Who are the enemies of the Lord? So that my brothers and I can know."

Xu Beiyou said flatly: "Speaking of enemies, there are quite a few. The Demon Suppressing Hall of the Taoist School, Duan Muyu, the young governor of the Dark Guard Mansion, and those rebellions in the Sword Qi Lingkong Hall are all counted. But don't worry, the real big shots will With Master and the others dealing with it, there will never be any earthly immortals coming to seek revenge."

Hearing the first half of Xu Beiyou's words, both of them turned pale, but when they heard the second half of Xu Beiyou's words, both of them breathed a sigh of relief, stood up and said in a deep voice, "Please rest assured, young master, I will wait for you." You must do your best.”

Xu Beiyou nodded with a smile, and waved his hands to indicate that the two of them could step back.

After the two of them exited the study, Song Guanguan walked into the study, with a cold face on his face, and said softly: "Young master, these two people probably already have the idea of ​​saving their lives."

Xu Beiyou waved his hand, and said indifferently: "It is expected and reasonable, they are disciples of the Sword Sect and not dead soldiers of the Sword Sect, so they would give their lives to me so easily. Most of them will also care about it like this, the thoughts of these two people are not a crime, don't care about it, and don't need to say it out, lest they let them have other thoughts."

Song Guanguan nodded slightly.

Xu Beiyou said with emotion: "Master used to say that killing people can't solve the problem, but it can eliminate the problem, so the world's affairs are nothing but a matter of one sword, and one sword can kill the world's people and the world's affairs can be settled. As a disciple of Jianzong, I want to exercise power Whether it's good or not, it doesn't matter if you cling to it, in the final analysis, you still can't forget the three-foot green sharp edge in your hand, this is the foundation of the people in my sword sect."

——Compared with Xiao Zhinan's carriage, Xiao Bai's carriage is less exquisite but more grand. The entire inner wall of the carriage is made of small pieces of rosewood, and there are not so many exquisite decorations with hidden mysteries, and there is no room for lying down and resting The soft couch has only one small table and five seats, and the five seats are integrated with the carriage. The top seat is the main seat, and there are two guest seats on the left and right sides. Xu Beiyou was sitting on the first seat on the left hand side just now. .

At this time, Xiao Bai was the only one left in the carriage, sitting alone on the main seat made of red sandalwood, his face was as heavy as water, and he closed his eyes and meditated.

Yu Kuang, who was driving outside the carriage, said, "Your Highness, there seems to be some connection between Jiang Bin and the Sword Qi Lingkong Hall."

Xiao Bai opened his eyes, and said calmly: "The enemy of the enemy is a friend. Jiang Bin is from Duanmu's family, and Duanmuyu and Xu Beiyou have always had a gap, but they happened to catch up with Xu Beiyou's pressure on Jianqi Lingkongtang. The two cannot get along. It would be weird to start a piece.”

Speaking of this, Xiao Bai lifted the curtain and looked outside the car, and said calmly: "But with Xie Suqing, the governor and acquaintance, on top, Jiang Bin, the governor, must not dare to act blatantly. You must not use the masters of the Immortal Realm, if that's the case, Xu Beiyou's life is not so easy to take away."

Yu Kuang, who was outside the car, asked softly, "Your Highness, you mean that the East Lake Courtyard will take action?"

Xiao Bai was noncommittal, and said in a slow tone: "Gongsun Zhongmou has been in charge of Zhuxian for many years. He knew that his lifespan was short, so he started to cultivate successors and arrange the affairs behind him. Although he went to the battle of Biyou Island and died, but Thinking about it, the backhand has already been laid, and he will not let his heir die easily. And Han Xuan, he has no wife and children in his life, and there are very few relatives in his family, so he just counts on this adopted son to take care of him. Let Xu Beiyou die?"

However, Xiao Bai immediately changed the subject and said: "The truth is such a truth, but people are not as good as heaven. In the previous dynasty, even the dignified prince could be killed in the city, let alone a little Xu Beiyou? Is he dead or alive? It depends on how he is created."

"It's very lively in the imperial capital now. Han Xuan and Lan Yu are holding each other back, but generally speaking, the Lord Lan, who has been in the temple for decades, has the upper hand. Han Xuan may not be able to go to Jiangnan in a short time. While stretching out his hand, Duanmu Ruisheng, an old fox who is one of the three outstanding Qichus along with Han Xuan, is still hesitating between Lan Yu and Han Xuan, and he will only make a clear statement after my younger sister marries into their Duanmu family."

Yu Kuang said coldly: "Duanmu's house is such a filthy place, how dare you try to marry Her Highness the Princess!"

Xiao Bai smiled lightly, quite agreeing with the words of his confidant attribute.

There are several powerful and powerful families in the dynasty, the royal Xiao family does not talk too much, it has been passed down for more than a thousand years, its foundation is as deep as the sea, and it has its own rules and regulations. It's okay for my son to live in peace, but if he wants to rely on his family background to do evil, he will end up being imprisoned until he dies.

The Xu family, Xu Lin, the king of Xihe County, and Xu Yan, the head of the three heroes of Qichu, served as the head of the family successively. Later, a queen empress was born. Families are generally weak, and there are few clansmen who take advantage of their power to run amok.

Only the Duanmu family, before Conglong, was a huge family no less than the Xie family, with many people and miscellaneous hearts, and without the Xie family's internal rules, it was inevitable that they would be domineering once they gained power. Duanmu Ruisheng, as the head of the family, also held himself upright and acted according to others, so many dirty things happened in the clan. Although the Duanmu family tried their best to cover it up, they were still unavoidably seen by powerful figures like Xiao Bai.

This includes Duanmu Yu's purchase of many foreign houses, and Duanmu Ruisheng's 70-year-old concubine in several rooms when he was 16 years old. If not, Yu Kuang would not have called the Duanmu family a place of pickling.

On the other hand, Xiao Bai, as a vassal king, has only married a concubine so far, and he is extremely restrained towards female sex on weekdays. The father and son looked down upon it very much.

In Xiao Bai's view, self-cultivation, self-cultivation, family governance, and world peace mean self-control. You can't even do the minimum self-cultivation and self-control, and the way of regulating the family is even more messy. Talking about how to govern the country is a bit clever. It is difficult to become a great weapon after all.

After half a stick of incense, the carriage came to the closed Shence Gate of Jiangdu City. After Yu Kuang handed over the seal of King Qi, he opened the city gate and left Jiangdu City without any hindrance, heading for Xie Garden outside the city.

Xiao Bai in the carriage withdrew his chaotic thoughts, and said softly to himself: "The kid surnamed Xu is interesting. If he can go to the imperial capital alive, I will not object to being a son-in-law or not."

(End of this chapter)

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