That year, that cicada, that sword

Chapter 230 The Negative Sword Draws the Sword 1 Success or Failure

Chapter 230
The two swords collided.

Xu Beiyou's ray of sword energy destructively split Chi Bing's majestic sword energy into two, and went straight to Chi Bing.

Chi Bing's face remained normal, and he immediately changed to holding the sword with one hand in his right hand, and quickly drew a sword formula with his free left hand.

I saw that the sword aura that had been divided into two did not dissipate, but turned into two independent sword auras, and after a short pause, they continued to shoot towards Xu Beiyou.

With a scoff, a thin red line was cut on Chi Bing's chest, and then blood oozes out.

Although Xu Beiyou dodged a sword qi, he was blasted by another sword qi on his shoulders, and his entire shoulder was instantly bloody, exposing bones with a strange luster.

Xu Beiyou's face trembled slightly, and he returned to calm in an instant. After experiencing the piercing pain of cultivating the supreme sword body, this level of injury meant to Xu Beiyou that the sea was too difficult for him.

Xu Beiyou moved his shoulders a bit, with the sword bone as the internal support, the impact was not too great.

Chi Bing squinted his eyes and looked at Xu Beiyou's shoulder, slightly surprised. He didn't understand what kind of method it was, but he didn't want to give Xu Beiyou any chance to breathe and heal, so he raised his sword and ran forward again.

The biggest difference between Domineering Sword and Guidao Sword lies in the use of "momentum". Guidao Sword pays attention to moving with the trend, just like falling flowers follow flowing water, it can only go down but not up, while Overbearing Sword can follow the trend It can also go against the trend, Chi Cing has brought the essence of the domineering sword to the extreme. It is clearly a situation of equal shares, but it makes people feel hard to resist.

Xu Beiyou didn't dare to take it lightly. The left and right swords were divided into two, and the right hand Tianlan used the sword eleven to split the light. Four identical Tianlan appeared next to the right hand, while the left hand was evil, and the sword nine was used. The left hand is full of Quexie's sword shadows layer upon layer.

If it is said that Chi Bing is pragmatic and every sword is real, then Xu Beiyou is practical, there is fiction in the reality, and there is reality in the fiction.

Although it is inevitable that one mind and two purposes will lead to impure sword intent, the advantage is that there are so many changes that make it hard for people to guard against, and they don't know the true and false.

Chi Bing used the mountain-opening style to shatter countless sword shadows, and moved forward step by step.

However, there are still four Tianlan hidden among dozens of sword shadows, piercing Chi Bing's vital points all over his body from all directions.

Chi Bing had no expression on his face, and suddenly stopped his progress, stood still and swept again, just like the previous mountain-opening pose, simple and direct, without the slightest fancy at all, completely using force to press people .

Fifteen sword shadows disappeared in an instant, but four swords still pierced Chi Bing's body, three false and one true.

Another wound was added to Chi Bing's body.

He didn't care about this. Although Jianzong was not good at cultivating physique, he was very talented, and ordinary skin and flesh wounds would heal quickly. Nine Platinum Sword Qi came to play this kind of trick of cutting flesh with a soft knife, but it didn't have much effect on him.

Xu Beiyou's face was a little dignified, and the blood from the wound on his shoulder began to flow down his arm slowly.

Although this injury is not enough to affect his combat power, he is still not in the realm of human immortality with vigorous vitality, and it will inevitably become a hidden worry if it continues to drag on.

Xu Beiyou took a deep breath, and the two swords in his hands staggered one after the other, posing an offensive and defensive attacking gesture.

Chi Bing exhaled lightly, and began to charge forward for the third time.

This time Chi Bing still took one step at a time, each step bursting into a lotus flower pattern on the ground, and each step would create circles of energy ripples when it landed.

Every time he stepped on the ground, it shook Xu Beiyou's heart like a dull bell, making Xu Beiyou's heart beat faster and faster, and an abnormal flush appeared on his face.

Xu Beiyou still didn't draw his sword.

In the end, Chi Bing took nine full steps, stomped heavily on the ground and left a spider web crack, and gathered his momentum to the extreme.

Xu Beiyou's face suddenly turned extremely pale, and both swords came out together.

Swords collided.

There was an ear-piercing sound of gold and stone colliding.

A series of dazzling sparks collided between the sword edges, and countless scattered sword energy shot out, and several sections of the wall collapsed under the sword energy.

Xu Beiyou's face became paler, almost to the point of no blood.

Chi Bing's face became ferocious, he gritted his teeth, his eyes were like copper bells.

After the two swords were exhausted, they both retreated sharply at the same time.

Xu Beiyou kept exhaling Qi, his face gradually returned to normal.

Chi Bing exhaled heavily, but did not pursue immediately.


A drop of rain fell from the sky and hit Xu Beiyou's body.

Then two drops, three drops, ten drops...

The rain gradually became denser.

Xu Beiyou and Chi Bing were still in a state of confrontation, and the clothes on their bodies were soon soaked with rainwater.

The entire Houfu was dead silent, only the rustling of rain.

The rainwater fell on the ground and gathered on the ground to form a stream, diluting the strong smell of blood and taking away the blood that hadn't dried up.

Chi Bing's expression slowly returned to calm, and then he smiled, and said, "Rainy nights are easy to kill."

Xu Beiyou shook off the blood on his arm, and the blood and raindrops were thrown out together, and he said calmly, "Come and kill me."

The smile on Chi Bing's face faded, and the sword energy on the sword turned into a sword light, rising and jumping like flames, and once again raised the sword and charged forward.

After collisions and collisions again and again, Xu Beiyou seemed not to lose the wind, but in fact, the energy in his body was quickly consumed. On the other hand, Chi Bing, the energy in his body was still extremely strong. If Xu Beiyou had no other means, then he could only be consumed by Chi Bing. .

The rain curtain was cut apart, and countless raindrops were directly strangled by the sword energy into fine water mist.

Xu Beiyou frowned, pointed his toes, leaned forward and flew out, swiping his two swords together, his sword chi chiming.

This time, the two of them didn't cross each other again, only hearing a loud bang, Xu Beiyou flew backwards.

After all, sword energy was no match for sword light. In this round of confrontation, Xu Beiyou was completely defeated.

At this moment, a wall not far from Xu Beiyou shattered, and a person blatantly broke through the wall, piercing Xu Beiyou's back with a long sword.

The sword edge did stab into Xu Beiyou's back, but it never passed through, because the sword edge was stuck by Xu Beiyou's bone.

The sneak attacking assassin never expected that his sword could cut the man's bones continuously. Just when he was stunned, Xu Beiyou turned around and swiped his arm lightly, and the assassin's head was directly chopped off by this hand knife. , the death-defying head flew high, and rolled away after landing.

Almost at the same time, another assassin shot from another direction, and the sword came out like a shower, each sword pierced Xu Beiyou's vitals, and the dots of light pierced by the sword tip were connected together, making the eyes dazzled.

This is definitely a veritable fast sword. In this short period of time, the assassin made at least sixty swords, covering almost everything from the center of the eyebrows to the feet.

It's a pity that there was a series of sounds of gold and stone, not like stabbing people, more like hitting a sword head-on.

Seeing this scene, the more experienced assassin would retreat immediately, fully displaying the assassin's style of running thousands of miles away without a single blow.

But how could Xu Beiyou let him get what he wanted?Without hesitation, he threw Que Xie out of his hand, only to see a flash of crimson light, and this first-rank assassin was directly pierced through his heart, his body fell, and he couldn't die any more.

However, the evil castration continued, and it was only when it penetrated deeply into a rockery that it was considered to give up.

It took Xu Beiyou about five breaths of time to kill two Sword Qi Lingkong Hall assassins in a row. Minor wounds.

At this time Xu Beiyou only had a handful of Tianlan left in his hand. Although his internal organs were not injured, there were more than a dozen flesh wounds all over his body, and his whole body was covered in blood. Compare and compare.

Chi Bing looked at Xu Beiyou gloomyly, and finally his eyes fell on the Xuanming sword on Xu Beiyou's back, and sneered, "Master's Xuanming fell into your hands, it's really a hidden gem. At this point, why don't you Pull out Xuan Ming? If you don’t pull it out now, I’m afraid you won’t have a chance later.”

(End of this chapter)

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