That year, that cicada, that sword

Chapter 231 No Wind, No Rain, No Sunshine

Chapter 231 No Wind, No Rain, No Sunshine

Jade Immortal is an important weapon of the sect. Although it is controlled by the suzerain, it is not privately owned by the suzerain. Every suzerain has his own sword.

For example, the No. 12 Suzerain Wu Yanzi's saber cuts off the water, and if you use it to paddle the water, it will not fit when it is opened. No. The 13th suzerain Xu Lin's saber scares the salamander, and uses it to sweep the sea, and the whale salamander goes deep into it.The sword of Shangguan Xianchen, the patriarch of the [-]th generation, has a special purpose, which can distinguish Yin and Yang, and distinguish the six qi.As well as the sword Xuanming of Sun Zhongmou, the suzerain of the fifteenth generation, it was cast in response to the energy of the moon, the toad and the rabbit, and pointed at the moon, and the moon was reversed.

Among them, Duan Shui and Shocking Salamander have been destroyed, but Shu Gui and Xuan Ming still exist in the world, ranking among the twelve swords of Jianzong.

The Twelve Swords of Jianzong have their own uniqueness in terms of casting materials alone, and there is no obvious distinction between them. The reason why Shugui and Xuanming can rank in the top two among the Twelve Swords of Jianzong is because their masters for the sake.

In other words, the cultivation level of the sword master determines the difference between the Twelve Swords in Acquired.

Compared with Xuan Ming, today's Tian Lan is undoubtedly the difference between a child and a strong man.

Xuan Ming behind Xu Beiyou hadn't drawn out his sheath for a long time, not because Xu Beiyou didn't want to draw his sword, but because he couldn't.When this Gongsun Zhongmou's saber can be unsheathed and when it can be controlled by Xu Beiyou depends on a chance, it is not something Xu Beiyou can control as he pleases.

Chi Bing didn't say anything more, and slashed out with another sword.

Chi Bing's sword moves back and forth with two swords, one sword opening the mountain and one sword sweeping. To put it bluntly, it is nothing more than one horizontal and one vertical. Anyone who has learned swordsmanship for two days can use it, but not everyone Being able to use these two swords so domineeringly is really a coincidence, just these two swords made Xu Beiyou tired of coping.

This sword is still a mountain-opening style.

The sword light on the sword turned into vigorous sword energy again, and when the sword fell, it seemed that the Milky Way poured down, surging towards Xu Beiyou overwhelmingly.

Not to mention the depth of Chi Bing's kendo cultivation, but in terms of his own experience, he can be said to be experienced in many battles, and has rich experience in facing the enemy. He knows that if he is compared with Xu Beiyou, who was taught sword 36 by the suzerain What kind of exquisite moves, they are definitely out of class, this is Xu Beiyou's advantage, but also his disadvantage.

But on the other hand, his advantage is also Xu Beiyou's disadvantage. What he relies on is the human fairyland that is far higher than Xu Beiyou's, so he made up his mind from the beginning to use force to overwhelm people, break through all tricks with one effort, and use His own cultivation level crushed Xu Beiyou to death.

At this point in the battle, Chi Bing's sword energy is already terrifying. Although it can't be said to destroy cities and mountains, it is just easy to break mountains and rocks, and the key is that his domineering sword intent is gradually rising, and he is nowhere near the peak of his own sword intent. It's far away.

Chi Bing is extremely confident in his peak sword. Even a great master who has just entered the realm of the earth fairy has three points of fear. A mere ghost fairyland interface will definitely end up dead or alive with this sword.

Outside the east wall of Gongsun Mansion is an alley. At the entrance of the alley under the patter of autumn rain, there is a carriage pulled by four horses and a heroic general in heavy armor.

The official surname of the third-rank general is Yu, and his single name is Kuang.

The identity of the person in the carriage is self-evident.

The world is well aware of the feud between Qi Wang Xiaobai and Liao Wang Mutang. After the two became kings and vassals, they both held military power, so the left and right arms of the two are particularly eye-catching.

Zha Qing and Yu Kuang were both close ministers of Emperor Xiao, and they were as famous as Zhang Wubing and Wei Wuji.

Zha Qing, as Mu Tangzhi's confidant, is now the left governor of the Northeast Army, with a high position and authority. On the other hand, Yu Kuang, who joined Xiao Bai, seems to be completely incomparable with Zha Qing, but he is only a commander of only three thousand soldiers.

It’s just that there is an old saying that once the emperor and the courtiers, although Yu Kuang is only a small third-rank governor today, after Xiao Bai ascended the throne, as a former minister of Conglong and an old man in Qiandi, how can he be limited by a left governor? ?
Two people, two paths.

Xiao Bai in the carriage suddenly asked, "Yu Kuang, who do you think will win?"

Yu Kuang, who was sitting on the coachman's seat, replied: "As far as the current situation is concerned, Chi Bing has a better chance of winning. The two are about [-]-[-], Xu Beiyou three, Chi Bing seven."

Since Yu Kuang is as famous as Zhang Wubing, he has already stepped into the realm of the Earth Immortal, his own cultivation is only stronger than Xiao Bai's, and the fight between the Human Immortal Realm and the Ghost Immortal Realm is just a child's play for him Home is average, the result will not have too many surprises.

Xiao Bai whispered to himself: "Could it be that the first disciple of the Sword Sect of this generation will drown in Jiangdu City just after setting foot in the rivers and lakes?"

Yu Kuang didn't make a sound.

Xiao Bai also knew the frivolity of his confidant general, and he didn't expect him to speak up on this kind of matter, so he said to himself: "If Xu Beiyou loses tonight, then we will leave for Beijing tomorrow morning."

Yu Kuang remained motionless, but nodded slightly.

Jianzong is no longer the Jianzong of the past, especially after the death of Gongsun Zhongmou, the situation is even more dire.The realm of Zhang Xueyao and others is high, but after all, they have not yet reached the point where one person and one sword can calm the world. For the nobles of the Xiao family who sit on the world, Jianzong is a delicious piece of fat, but a lost Jianzong is rare. The Lord is tasteless chicken ribs.

At this time in Gongsun Mansion, Xu Beiyou faced Chi Bing's mountain-opening sword with a calm expression, and Yi Tianlan used Sword Thirteen.

Sword thirteen, sword 36 is the most domineering sword.

To dominate the hegemony.

The sword energy leaked out like a tide, even repelling the raindrops falling from the sky.

The two swords collided violently.

The rainwater all over the ground was suddenly pulled by the air machine, and it jumped into the air in an instant.

The skirt of Xu Beiyou's clothes was blown back violently, his skin burst open with wounds, and his skin was ripped apart.

Xu Beiyou was still waiting, waiting for Xuanming behind him to unsheath himself.

He is a full realm behind Chi Bing. Chi Bing's immortal realm is cultivated step by step. If the mansion and lower dantian qi sea are not damaged, the qi in the body will not be exhausted, but Xu Beiyou is different. No matter how many strange methods he has, the qi in the body is still at the level of ghosts and immortals. Qi mechanism is like water without source and tree without roots, it will dry up sooner or later, at that time he will be a fish on the chopping board, ready to be slaughtered.

Therefore, Xu Beiyou wanted to make a desperate fight while the energy in his body was still sufficient.

After Chi Bing's one-sword mountain-opening stance, it turned into a sweeping stance again. Obviously, Xu Beiyou, who was still in the realm of ghosts and immortals, had no way to force the number one master of the Sword Qi Lingkong Hall to use his bottom-pressing skills.

With a sweep of the sword, Xu Beiyou retreated hastily, but was still cut by the sword energy on his chest, and blood spattered everywhere.

A bit of blood flew high, then began to fall with the room, and finally just landed on the head of Xuanming's sword.

Xuan Ming, who had been as silent as a dead thing since Gongsun Zhongmou's death, suddenly trembled slightly.

The trembling sound was not loud, but it was especially clear amidst the rustling and raining.

Xu Beiyou only felt that his heart suddenly became brighter. He spared no effort to run all the energy mechanisms in his body, and said in a deep voice, "Get out of the sheath!"

The best method is to control the sword with Qi.

Xuan Ming, who was behind Xu Beiyou, seemed to be held invisibly all the time, slid out of the scabbard with a clang, circled around Xu Beiyou for a circle, and came to Xu Beiyou's side, "standing side by side" with him.

Chi Bing squinted his eyes, and said darkly: "It's kind of interesting, you actually let the Xuanming Sword come out of your body, but with your level of cultivation, I don't know how much of the power of the Xuanming Sword can be exerted."

Xu Beiyou's heart was like still water, he took off the scabbard at his waist and threw it back, and then threw Tianlan back in his hand, and after throwing it, Tianlan returned to the sheath.

Then Xu Beiyou slowly stretched out his hand to hold Xuanming's sword hilt.

Xuan Ming trembled again.

Shocking, as if there was great anger, resentment, hostility and murderous aura.

Xu Beiyou closed his eyes and didn't look at everything in front of him. He just calmly felt the mystery in his hands, and his mind was slowly immersed in it.

Chi Bing was afraid of Xuanming Sword's overwhelming sword intent, so he didn't dare to act rashly.

After a while, Xu Beiyou opened his eyes again, but there was no clarity in his eyes, only violent killing intent.

The sword is soaring.

The rain curtain falling over Xu Beiyou's head suddenly froze at this moment, and then was pushed back to the sky by the sword energy.

Dark and thick rain clouds rolled endlessly.

There is neither wind nor rain nor sunny.

(End of this chapter)

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