Chapter 24
After talking softly with Gu Yan for a few words, Duan Muyu waved his hand to signal Gu Yan to back down, looked at the prosecutor, and said with a light smile, "Old judge, you can eat food indiscriminately, but you can't talk nonsense. , I would like to ask a few words."

The inspector narrowed his eyes and said coldly: "The boy from the Duanmu family is young, and he is familiar with bureaucratic accents, but since you asked the old man, the old man might as well make it clear, don't treat our Town Demon Palace as a You idiots, you guys have to give an explanation for the matter of Chonglongguan."

The Dark Guard Mansion is divided into three major factions because of the three governors in the hall, and the Demon Suppressing Hall is definitely not monolithic. Let’s not talk about the natural grouping of the disciples of each line, and the difference between the outsider and the Taoist disciples, but the attitude towards the court. In general, it can be roughly divided into two factions. One faction advocates radical actions and comprehensively suppresses the Dark Guard Mansion, which has become more and more rampant in recent years, by force;Generally speaking, Ye Zui belongs to the moderate faction, while the procurator and judge is the radical faction.

Duanmuyu shook her folding fan lightly, and the corner of her mouth raised a slight arc, "Confession? What confession? Your Daoism is not good enough. You were wiped out by the remnants of Jianzong. Our secret guards kindly rescued more than a hundred people. We Gu Nian didn't ask you for an explanation for the relationship between the two families, but instead, you came to the door in a hurry, don't you think that our hidden guard is a soft persimmon, you can pinch it if you want!?"

The procurator and judge laughed angrily, "Okay, okay, okay, it really is an official word, this ability to reverse black and white is really powerful, but it is easy to say it, but it is difficult to say it."

"Oh?" Duanmuyu said with a half-smile, "Then according to what the old magistrate meant, how could it be the final decision?"

The inspector and judge restrained his expression, then slowly got up and took a step forward.

Just one step.

There was an oppressive and suffocating dead silence in the air instantly, as if in a summer rainstorm, he was panting dully, and even the light of the oil lamp in the hall began to shrink, and finally only remained at the few lights around the wick. inch.

Duanmuyu looked calm, and said calmly: "The judge, a master of ghost and fairyland, was born in the Western witch religion. He was active in the grassland 30 years ago. Later, because he offended King Daming of Molun Temple in Daxue Mountain, he had to join the Taoist sect. In order to seek asylum under his command, he became the chief deacon of the Temple of Demon Suppression 20 years ago, ranking No. 20. I have to say that you are also considered a person, even if you add those reclusive characters, you can barely be considered in the Taoist sect. Top [-] masters."

The old man said gloomyly: "Would it be possible for an ordinary person like you to speculate on Weiwei Daomen? The old man's cultivation is indeed not comparable to those of the great masters, but it is enough to deal with you."

While speaking, with the old man's foothold as the core, a circle of black ripples visible to the naked eye rippled, among which there were vaguely pale faces, distorted and frightening, with high-pitched and sharp voices, which ordinary people could not hear, not hurting things, only hurting people.

This method seems ordinary, but in fact it is beyond the category of martial arts, and can already be classified into the category of divine channel method.

Duanmuyu didn't dodge or dodge, just chuckled, "It's interesting to hear the roar of the ghost prison."

At the same time, the little girl standing beside him also took a step forward, stretching out her crystal white fist.

Just one punch.

This punch directly smashed the circle of black ripples that were about to touch Duanmuyu, and wiped away the white shadows in it without leaving any traces.

The inspector judge looked at the little girl who threw a punch. She had pigtails with red hair, a red dress, and shoes embroidered with red lotus flowers. "

The little girl responded with a soft and weak smile, then took a step back, and retreated to Duanmuyu's side.

At this time, Xiao Er, the inn's clerk, had gone to nowhere, only the shopkeeper and the shopkeeper's wife were left. I don't know if it was because the two of them had seen too many strong winds and waves, and they encountered such a situation of crossing the river and fighting against the giant python on the ground. The scene was so peaceful and fearless, the two stood side by side behind the counter, as if they were outsiders.

Of course there was Xu Beiyou sitting in the corner, but like the twenty or so hidden guards, he was reduced to the background of spectators.He was sighing from the bottom of his heart at this moment, as the master said, the most taboo people in the Jianghu are old people, monks, women and children, today in this small inn we have all of them.

In fact, Xu Beiyou likes to observe the faces of all living beings in the inn, whether fearful, or worried, or gloomy like water, or immobile like a mountain, all kinds of things, and then try to figure out the deep thoughts behind these faces, and even piece together the whole from a few words. The ins and outs of this matter gave Xu Beiyou a different kind of fun.

This is not taught by Master, but by Mr.

Han Xuan was born as a literati, and once lived in a first-class official. He spent his whole life fighting with others in the temple. He didn't want the child he brought up to become a martial artist who can only use force in everything. After all, in this world, many things are not the same. The sword will be the end.Of course, the detached state of "family affairs, state affairs, and world affairs are nothing more than a matter of a sword" must exist, but it is by no means what Xu Beiyou can achieve now.

Now the inn is in a situation where no one can do anything to anyone, so the expected big battle did not happen. Duanmuyu and the little girl sat at one table, and Gu Yan and a group of hidden guards sat at three tables to inspect the judge. Sitting at a table alone, and Xu Beiyou sitting at a table alone.

Duanmuyu glanced in the direction of Xu Beiyou, and then his expression froze.

Xu Beiyou didn't get up, he cupped his hands and said, "Where do we never meet in life, Xu Beiyou has met Mr. Duanmu."

Duanmuyu slowly closed the unfolded fan, and said lightly, "So it was you."

Xu Beiyou smiled, but did not speak.

Why did Han Xuan say that Xu Beiyou was grand?Because no matter whether he was facing the old man with the sword back then, or facing the noble young masters later, or even facing the wolf-like hidden guards and the Temple of Suppressing Demons now, even though his heart was overwhelmed, he still didn't show half of it on the surface.

With the depth of a city in the chest, the danger of mountains and rivers in the heart, being able to face the collapse of Taishan Mountain without changing his face, it can be said that he has calmness in the face of major events.

If Han Xuan could see this scene, he reckoned that he would feel very relieved, and then he would sigh in admiration. Those who have a thunder in their chest and a face like a flat lake can worship the general.

Today's Xu Beiyou just lacks the training of the world and a suitable position. Now he is like a sword embryo without a sharp edge. This is the first time that the blunt sword has become a new sword that can kill people.Then he killed people and drank blood in the secular world. This is the second start.

After that, Fang Cheng became a famous sword handed down from generation to generation.

Upstairs, the old man had already finished the two altars of fine Fenjiu mixed with the best drugs. The wine jars were put aside, and he stepped on the wooden floor under his feet step by step, making slight creaking sounds.

The sword box wrapped in Sichuan brocade leaned against the rammed loess wall, like an ordinary long wooden box, and it was not at all obvious that there was a unparalleled murder weapon hidden in it that was once unforgettable to the whole world.

After walking 36 steps back and forth, the old man stopped and looked at the sword box.

Now there is an undercurrent in the inn, but he can't make a move easily, because once it reaches the point where he is forced to make a move, it will be an irreparable situation, and it will leave many traces that cannot be erased. These are great hidden dangers.

And more importantly, he wanted to see what step Xu Beiyou could achieve by himself alone.

(End of this chapter)

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