Chapter 25

Seeing Duanmuyu, Gu Yan actually recognized Xu Beiyou, and when Xu Beiyou saw Duanmuyu, he was so "confident" that he didn't even get up. For a while, he couldn't figure out his details, so he smiled and asked softly: "This little brother But it’s just by looking at it, do you know that old gentleman just now?”

Xu Beiyou nodded and said, "It's my teacher."

Gu Yan's delicate red lips opened and closed slightly, revealing a charming smile, "Respect the master, walk like a dragon and walk like a tiger, and have an extraordinary bearing, dare to ask Gao's name?"

Xu Beiyou shook his head and said, "Duckweed has no place to live, so why should a passer-by ask?"

An imperceptible gloom flashed across Gu Yan's face, and after a flash, her obsessive attitude became more serious. She picked up the wine glass in her hand and walked slowly to Xu Beiyou's table and sat down. Squeezing a terrifying arc, he smiled like a flower and said, "Then let's toast to this nameless year?"

Xu Beiyou glanced at her, and asked calmly, "How do you toast without wine?"

Gu Yan didn't speak, but a hidden guard behind her slapped the table, and a wine glass filled with liquor flew up in the air, whirling and flying towards Xu Beiyou.

Xu Beiyou waved his hand, holding the wine glass with his palm, and saw the wine glass spinning continuously in his palm, as if he wanted to escape, but he couldn't jump out of the Five Fingers Mountain of Buddha.

Xu Beiyou stretched out his thumb and index finger to pinch the wine glass, raised the glass with both hands, and said, "Then drink this unnamed wine, please."

The doubts in Gu Yan's eyes deepened, she didn't dare to act rashly, she also raised her glasses with both hands, and said, "Please."

The two raised their glasses and drank.

Xu Beiyou didn't drink alcohol, and of course he wouldn't drink wine of unknown origin in the inn, let alone wine that had been handed by hidden guards, so before the wine entered his throat, it had already been transformed into a sword qi squeezed out of his lungs before it entered his throat. nothingness.Since ancient times, there has been a saying that sword immortals spit out sword pills to take people's heads. Sword six in sword 36 is similar to a sword. Take it out to make a flying sword.Xu Beiyou once heard his master mention that Shangguan Xianchen, the lord of the Sword Sect, had perfected this sword to the extreme. When he opened his mouth, it was a long river of sword energy running across the sky, which made people fearful and fascinated.As for Xu Beiyou, it's just a first glimpse of the door, but it's more than enough to deal with the matter in front of him.

This glass of wine has indeed been tampered with by the dark guards. The dark guards have never lacked these indiscriminate means. Gu Yan watched Xu Beiyou drink enough wine to stun a second-rank expert, but she didn't see Xu Beiyou even after waiting for a long time. When you fall down on the table, you know you have encountered a tricky idea.

The doubts in Gu Yan's heart became more and more serious. Judging from the hand that the person in front of him showed when he took the wine glass just now, he must have a high level of cultivation, and he is not a young man with no experience in the world. More importantly, he seems to be still with him Duanmuyu had a relationship with each other, although Gu Yan was respectful to Duanmuyu on the surface, but in fact he was not from Duanmuyu's faction, and many things were not easy to talk about, but Duanmuyu didn't know what was going on , actually kept silent, and acted as if he stayed out of the matter, coupled with the high-spirited old man who glanced at him earlier, it made Gu Yan, an old Jianghu, more and more confused about the depth of Xu Beiyou.

Gu Yan slowly retreated to her seat, subdued her obsequious attitude just now, her face sank like water, and she did not act rashly.

The procurator and judge who had suffered a little loss from the confrontation with Duanmuyu just now finally took a good look at Xu Beiyou, frowned slightly, and said softly: "It's not easy to have a third-grade cultivation at a young age. Master, this old man has barely been in this world of immortals for some years, he was lucky, he was not drowned, and he has seen many real masters in the realm of the earth, but he has never heard of the name "Zun Shi" character, I wonder if the little brother can help the old man solve my doubts?"

These days Xu Beiyou followed his master to the rivers and lakes, and combined with Han Xuan taught him to study, now he is very familiar with these polite words, and he smiled unhurriedly: "A virtuous person may not be famous among princes and princes, there are also celebrities in the mountains and countryside who pick chrysanthemums. It is so big, mixed with dragons and snakes, and there are countless masters, who can know everything? The younger generation travels around with the master, and the master once said that he has long forgotten his name and name. As the saying goes, why do we have to know each other when we meet?"

Duanmuyu, who had been staying out of the matter all this time, looked at Xu Beiyou, and there was a slight look of surprise in her slightly cool Danfeng eyes, and then she was a little dazed.It's no wonder that the woman who has always been on his mind has a soft spot for this person, but now it seems a bit interesting.Of course, Duanmuyu didn't think that the woman with unreasonably high vision would fall in love with Xu Beiyou, a bumpkin from the Northwest. He was more reflective of his every move after entering the Northwest, and where was the wrong move that made the woman leave halfway , and finally turned into a bamboo basket to fetch water in vain.After much deliberation, it still comes down to the trip to the ancient battlefield that Xu Beiyou participated in.

Thinking of this, the astonishment in Duanmuyu's eyes faded away, and turned into the unique sternness of aristocratic princes, which was fleeting.

Duanmuyu couldn't do anything to the woman who was so tall that he even looked up to, but she didn't mind taking out her anger on a small person, especially a small person who ruined his good deeds.

At the same time, the procurator narrowed his eyes, as if hesitating whether to make a move to try and lure out the old man behind Xu Beiyou, which he couldn't figure out.

Xu Beiyou focused on everyone's gaze, put his hands on his knees, and Tianlan lay across the table, even though his heart was already turbulent at this time, his expression was still as calm as a calm lake.

Even Gu Yan, a well-informed secret guard, couldn't help sighing secretly, what a mountain collapsed in front of him without changing his face!
At this moment, the sky completely darkened, and a big storm came unexpectedly.

This kind of storm seems to be the wrath of the heavens. I saw a line of darkness filled the sky and the earth at first, and then quickly spread to the entire sky and earth, and then the sandstorm roaring like a giant beast swept across the empty and deserted wilderness. Heaven and earth, everything has been confused.

The two-story inn is like an inconspicuous rock in the river, as long as it rains and the tide rises, it will be submerged in the big river waves.

The people in the house could only hear the wind and sand hitting the wall, making a fierce and rapid sound.

In front of such brilliant heavenly power, human power is really as insignificant as dust.

On the second floor, the old man was sitting on a wooden chair, leaning against the back of the chair, with his hands resting on the armrests, and his feet slightly separated, in a regular manner.

A poor-quality wooden chair was actually taken out of the style of a red sandalwood master's chair by the old man.

From this point of view, the old man is not like a swordsman walking around, but more like a red-robed official sitting high in the temple.

The only window in the room was wide open at this time, and the strange thing was that the wind and sand outside the window did not enter the room at all.

The old man looked out the window at the billowing yellow sand, and whispered to himself: "The wind and the cloud are changing, stay in the hotel early and watch the sky."

Then he turned his head and glanced diagonally at the downstairs lobby, and said with a smile: "The wind blows from Xiliangzhou, and the sword opens Longmen Mountain."

(End of this chapter)

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