Chapter 26

Han Xuan returned to his mansion, which was empty.

He came to the imperial capital alone. He has no confidantes, no wives, concubines and heirs. He doesn't even have many relatives and friends. He only has an adopted son who has been dependent on each other for 20 years, and he is still far away in Jiangdu. No matter how you look at it, it is a bleak situation.

There is a taciturn middle-aged man who sits in the mansion all the year round. This man is Han Xuan's personal guard, appointed by Emperor Xiao himself, but he has never seen this man make a move, so his cultivation level can only be said to be unpredictable.

But Han Xuan knew in his heart that it was fortunate that he had this guard by his side, otherwise he would have died without knowing why.

Temple battles have always been the most omnipotent. If there is a way to put him to death, there is no reason not to use it, but he is still alive and well. It seems that many wind, frost and rain swords that he cannot see have been killed by this The middle-aged man blocked it.

Han Xuan sat down on the recliner with a little difficulty, closed his eyes and rested his mind.

Many people only know that the three heroes back then were valued and promoted by Emperor Xiao together, and were sent out as officials with high hopes, but they didn't know that he actually entered the secret guard earlier than Duanmu Ruisheng.

That time the three of them were released together, and they had their own arrangements.

Xu Yan, because he was born in a family of generals and was born in a place where many battles have been fought in Zhongdu, he is used to fighting on the battlefield and has a handsome general, but he is inevitably lacking in matters of people's livelihood. Make Tang Qi's subordinates serve as inspectors.

Duanmu Ruisheng was born in a family. Under the precepts and deeds of his parents, he has his own style, but he has no knowledge of military affairs. At that time, the war in Houjian was stalemate, so he was sent to Houjian to obey orders under the blue jade tent.

As for him, Han Xuan, who was born as a commoner, his advantage is that he is familiar with the conditions of the city and the people, and understands the sufferings of the people. The disadvantage is that he lacks experience in getting along with the powerful and powerful families, so the structure is inevitably narrow, so he was sent to the Eastern Capital to follow the underworld at that time. Sun Ligong, the governor of Weidu, left and right.

Originally, according to Xiao Huang's meaning, Duanmu Ruisheng and Han Xuan were just generals, and only Xu Yan was handsome and would be the winner in the future to check and balance Sapphire, so only Xu Yan was released as a chief official, while the others The two didn't even have a clear official rank, no different from counselors and the like.

But perhaps God was jealous of talents, Xu Yan, who was most favored by Emperor Xiao, died early, but Han Xuan took his place, and Duanmu Ruisheng also logically transferred to the Dark Guard Mansion, taking over the position vacated by Han Xuan.

Han Xuan is very aware of the methods of the hidden guards, and also understands the kind of power that Duanmu Ruisheng holds in his hands. He is like a dagger, which cannot be used on the frontal battlefield, but can kill people secretly.

Now because of Xiao Zhinan's matter, there is already a sense of incompatibility between him and Duanmu Ruisheng.

Han Xuan folded his hands, gently rubbing his wrinkled fingers.

Regarding the matter between Xiao Zhinan and Xu Beiyou, he neither approves nor disapproves. Although Xiao Zhinan is an excellent woman, he does not think that she is a good match for Xu Beiyou. A poor boy in Shazi for 20 years, even though Xu Beiyou is no longer what he used to be, can the two really match each other?How many times can the dispensable affection between the two of them withstand the wind and waves?To put it bluntly, even without the wind blowing, just the disagreement between them can wipe out the love between them.

Although Han Xuan is already an extremely talented minister, he has never forgotten his poor background. In his opinion, does a high-ranking princess know what is suffering in people's livelihood?

You don't know the difficulty until you have experienced it. Seeing it doesn't mean you have experienced it. Can she really understand Xu Beiyou's burden?

If they are only gathered for profit, then for a princess who is not enough to affect the overall situation, is it worthwhile to push the entire Duanmu family to the opposite side?

Han Xuan's answer is that it's not worth it, and it can even be considered a loss.

However, Han Xuan respected Xu Beiyou's decision. Since this kid wants to marry the princess, he is not stubborn.

He is so old, and he is not an earth immortal with a lifespan of two hundred years. He has already stepped into the coffin with one foot, and maybe the other foot will follow him at some point. What else is he asking for? .

So he gave up his old face and went to meet His Majesty in person, and mentioned this matter on the sidelines, His Majesty did not refuse.

Otherwise, an emperor who ruled the world would be scruples about a small character who has just emerged?Such a king who is also known as the second sage in the world with the head of the Taoist sect will care about what his daughter thinks?

The young couple didn't have that weight yet.

Xiao Xuan was only jealous of Han Xuan, an old minister, so he made an unprecedented move to forgive him.

This is an honor that Crown Prince Xiao Bai never had.

It was also because of this that Yu Kuang and others knew the status of Han Ge Lao in His Majesty's heart, and also knew the status of Xu Beiyou in Han Xuan's heart.

Otherwise, how could the post-military governor, one of the five great left governors, hand over a fledgling role at a low price?

The old man did a lot and almost never put it into words.

Although Duanmu Ruisheng was undoubtedly offended by this move, Han Xuan did not regret it. As for this princess, why can your youngest son who is not in his sixtieth year marry her, but my adopted son can't marry her?

At Han Xuan's age, he would no longer waste time on the word regret. Even if he was really wrong, what he has to do now is to try to remedy it.

Both Han Xuan and Lan Yu can be regarded as half gentlemen, but Duanmu Ruisheng is a real villain who can do anything.If Han Xuan didn't expect it, Duanmu's family had already made a move at this time.

Han Xuan tapped the armrest of the chair lightly, a little uncertain where the old boy Duanmu would start.

He Han Xuan himself?Leaving aside the unpredictable guard beside him, even if Duanmu Ruisheng really succeeds, it will definitely anger the current emperor completely. stupid.

Xu Beiyou?It is also unlikely, after all, the situation in the south of the Yangtze River is strange and unpredictable, and now it is a place where earth immortals gather, and even a huge Taoist workshop has been breached, I am afraid that Duanmu Ruisheng does not have such courage to rob him of his edge.

The knocking sound stopped abruptly, and Han Xuan sat up abruptly, with a look of surprise on his old face.

Could it be Xiao Zhinan?
That's a dignified noble from the heavenly family, how could Duanmu Ruisheng have such courage?

Thinking of meeting Xiao Zhinan when he retired from court today, Han Xuan's face darkened slightly.

Did Xiao Zhinan notice something when he left Beijing in a hurry?
Han Xuan was silent for a long time, then lay back on the couch again, and began to close his eyes and concentrate.

He had a faint feeling, as if a hand from outside the temple quietly reached into the temple, stirring up the situation in the temple silently.

Han Xuan is a seasoned veteran of the temple, his intuition has always been accurate, and he also believes in his intuition, so even if this hand seems to exist, even if Han Xuan has no evidence to prove the existence of this hand, it can be He still thinks the hand is real.

If there is such a hand behind the scenes, who is his master?

A Daoist sect in full swing?
After many years of silence?
The Wei State that is ready to move?
Eyeing grassland?
Or those honorable families who seem to be docile but actually have different intentions?

Han Xuan was not sure about the answer.

He suddenly wanted to ask the current Chief Assistant, do you, Lan Yu, know these things?If you know, what is your attitude?Wait and see?Indifferent?Or should the inside and the outside cooperate?
Han Xuan turned his head and looked out the window.

At the end of summer and before autumn, the wind has already started at the end of Qingping.

(End of this chapter)

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