That year, that cicada, that sword

Chapter 252: Heavenly Venerable Taiyi Saves the Suffering

Chapter 252: Heavenly Venerable Taiyi Saves the Suffering

The East Lake courtyard outside Jiangdu City was completely silent, and the maids who came and went walked lightly and kept their breaths in silence, as if they were afraid of disturbing anything.

At this moment, there were only two people in the main hall, and the owner Zhang Xueyao looked at Shangguan Qinghong who was sitting at the head of her head and said slowly: "Senior Brother Shangguan, they should be arriving soon."

Shangguan Qinghong lost her usual gentleness and kindness, her face seemed to be a little older again, her tone was slightly helpless and bitter, and she said: "The Taoist sect is about to be wiped out, but this time it may not be Qiu Ye's intention. The people under the uncertainty make their own decisions. After all, it is something that the ancestors of the Taoist sect have not been able to accomplish. If it is done by them, it will be a great contribution to the heavens, enough for them to enter the Patriarch Hall after death and enjoy the future generations. The offering and worship of disciples."

Zhang Xueyao said softly: "It's almost time for the people from the imperial court to arrive, the Jiangdu is so big that it's not their turn to do whatever they want."

Shangguan Qinghong shook his head and sighed: "Relying on the mountains and mountains, relying on everyone to go, everything is better to rely on ourselves than to ask others. In the end, it is our Jianzong's business. It is unreasonable to completely rely on the court. Some things should be resolved by ourselves."

After a moment of silence, Zhang Xueyao said: "Then I will go and meet the number one deacon in person."

Shangguan Qinghong shook his head again, and said: "Since it is about my sword sect, it is not about you alone, acting suzerain. Not long ago, acting suzerain, you sent Zhu Xian to break Murong Xuanyin's immortal golden body. You can hide this matter from others, but you can’t hide it from me. The first chief deacon is already at the level of the eighteenth floor. If you force yourself to fight with injuries, you may die, so this matter is still left to the old man. Let's deal with it."

Zhang Xueyao shook her head and said: "Senior brother is practicing the Immortal Sword. The first chief deacon obtained the remnant spectrum of the sword 36 that Xiao Shen brought to the Taoist sect. He also cultivated the Immortal Sword. There is no chance of the Immortal Sword versus the Immortal Sword. Depending on the level of each person's realm, if the senior brother's realm is weaker than that person's, he is also close to death."

Shangguan Qinghong smiled and said: "Even if you die, you can't go. If you die in Jiangdu, how can I let this old man have the face to meet the Sect Master Gongsun under the Nine Springs?"

Zhang Xueyao lowered her eyes and remained silent.

Shangguan Qinghong sighed softly again, "Junior Sister Zhang, although you are the acting suzerain, but this time, I will let the old man Yuezu take the place, and I will go to meet the number one deacon for a while, and you will stay to serve as our sword sect master." Arrange a retreat, and if there is a contingency, our Sword Sect can at least leave some incense, so that we won't really go extinct."

Zhang Xueyao was silent for a long time, then nodded solemnly and said, "I see."

Shangguan Qinghong got up to say goodbye, before leaving, she finally said: "Do your best to obey the destiny, just do your best."

After Shangguan Qinghong left, Zhang Xueyao sat alone on the fragrant nanmu chair, with a thoughtful expression on her face, and lightly tapped the armrest of the chair with her fingers, making a crisp sound in the silent hall.

After a long time, she picked up the cup of cold tea next to her right hand and swallowed it little by little, feeling the coldness piercing her heart.

——Taiyi saves Ku Tianzun, the number one deacon of the Temple of Demon Suppression.

People who are not familiar with Taoism may think that he is just a deacon, and his status does not seem to be very high, but it is not the case. The first chief deacon is somewhat similar to the position of the chief eunuch, the rank is not high, but the authority is great, even The point where he can stand up to the master of the Town Demon Hall.

The master of the Demon Suppressing Hall belongs to the ranks of the masters of the pavilions, and there are eight peak masters besides the masters of the halls and pavilions.

If the head teacher of Taoism is regarded as the emperor, then the master of the palace is the courtier, the first disciple is the prince, and the masters of the peaks are equivalent to the kings. One of the eight peak masters must be selected to succeed the position of head teacher. Even when the first disciple is not enough to succeed the head teacher, or when the head teacher is unable to handle the internal affairs of the Taoist sect due to various circumstances, one of the eight peak masters can be selected as the successor. One of the principal peak lords is selected from among them to act as the head teacher, which is quite similar to the post of regent in the secular world.

At that time, Zichen, the old head teacher of the previous generation, was promoted early for some reason. At that time, Qiu Yeshang, the first apprentice, was too young to take on the job of head teacher, so the master of Kaiyang Peak, Master Tianchen, acted as the head master. It's no different, it wasn't until Master Tianchen's ascension that Qiu Ye changed from the first disciple to the head teacher, and regained the authority that should belong to him.

It can be said that the power of the peak master has a lot to do with the peak master himself. If the peak master himself is high enough and senior enough, he can act as the master of the peak and hold the power alone. The ascended Master Tianchen is an example , the same is true for Qingchen when he had not betrayed the Daoist sect.

Back then, Qingchen was the peak master of Tianshu Peak, the most expensive among all the peak masters. After the master of the Demon Suppressing Palace fell from the dust-free state, Qingchen placed cronies in the Demon Suppressing Palace, controlled the power of the Demon Suppressing Palace with one hand, and even had The old head teacher, Zichen, fought against the court several times. He had forced the palace several times to depose Qiuye as the first disciple, and in the end it caused a terrible chaos. Lost Xiao Huang's northwest foundation.

It's just that in the end, Qingchen still made a bad move. First, he was defeated by Zichen, and then Tianchen cleaned up the mess. Not only was he himself convicted of ten major crimes, but all his henchmen and cronies were also uprooted, leaving him alone .

After this incident, Tianshu Peak's vitality was severely injured, from the top of the eight peaks in its heyday to the last in the current ranking, and it has not been relieved until now.

All in all, the number one deacon in the Taoist sect is a position comparable to that of the peak master. To become the number one head deacon, the title of Dazhenren can only be awarded to the realm of the earth fairy, which is only the most basic condition. Others such as qualifications, background Conditions such as education, mentoring, and combat power are even more indispensable.

All Dazheng who can become the number one deacon are all important figures in the Taoist sect.

Tianzun Taiyi Saved Ku took King Ksitigarbha and King Yama to [-] miles outside Jiangdu City, where the official road was divided into two, the wider one leading to Jiangdu City, and the narrower one leading to East Lake .

There is a courtyard beside the East Lake, which is the old man's destination.

However, the old man did not rush to step on the slightly narrow official road, but looked at Jiangdu from a distance, staring blankly.

Many years ago, the old man had been to Jiangdu, but at that time he was not in a high level and could not see much.Today is the first time he has come to Jiangdu city after he has achieved great achievement, and this time he has seen many things.

In his eyes, the entire Jiangdu is a magnificent formation, which covers Jiangdu and the area within a radius of twenty miles outside the city, and its subtleties are not even weaker than the Imperial City formation in the imperial capital and the Daomen's Shanmen formation. .

Because this large formation started from the royal family of Great Chu, and was re-arranged by the masters of the three religions when Hou Jian went south. It was almost perfect in the world. There is no other way but to start in the city.

As for Emperor Xiao after the battle of Dingding, the general situation has been determined, the defenders in Jiangdu City open the city and ask to surrender, the big formation is naturally useless.

After a long time, Tianzun Taiyi rescued Ku withdrew his gaze, shook his head and sighed: "The majestic Jiangdu, even if Shangguan Xianchen is reborn, a single sword cannot break through this mighty city."

Ksitigarbha and King Yama looked at each other and remained silent.

Taiyi rescued Ku Tianzun from looking at Jiangdu, and turned his head to look at the slightly narrow official road.

At this time, another old man came slowly from the end of the official road. He was wearing a blue crane cloak and black cloud shoes. Although his face was old, his eyes were as clear as spring water, and his white hair was not like that of Taiyi. Ku Tianzun spread it out like this, but neatly tied it into a bun and tied it with a jade hairpin.

The old man walks like a dragon and a tiger, and his sleeves are fluttering as he walks. Anyone who sees him will praise him for his demeanor of a celebrity, his demeanor of a fairy.

Until this moment, the old man is not like a fisherman, but more in line with his true identity, the head of the Jianzong's Punishment Division, or the leader of the Shangguan Clan who once produced such figures as Shangguan Xianchen.

The old man surnamed Shangguan quietly looked at the old man with white hair reaching the ground, and slowly stood up straight with his slightly hunched body after old age, with ripples around his body.

There was a soft chirp.

A strand of white hair slowly fell and landed at the feet of Tianzun Taiyi to save Kuku.

(End of this chapter)

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