Chapter 253

It is not uncommon to talk about aristocratic families in the south of the Yangtze River. Any family with a head and face and an orderly inheritance of more than a hundred years can be called a family, but not every family dares to call itself a powerful family.

The so-called family clan refers to those with noble and prosperous families. The people in the clan have been officials for generations and occupy high positions, and the former officials of the disciples are all over the world. The family status is formed on the basis of one family and one surname, which can overwhelm the discourse power of the local state capital. Court officials, thus effectively ruling the state capital.

Looking at Jiangnan in the past hundred years, there are only two surnames that can be called aristocratic families. They are the Fu family that has been destroyed and the Xie family that is now in full swing. They can control the government in peacetime, and can participate in the world in times of chaos.

If you look at the entire world in the past hundred years, the Xiao family and the five great families of the Wei State who have not yet become the royal family can be called aristocrats. There are many major sects such as Taoism, Buddhism, Confucianism, Sword Sect, and Xuanjiao. A big shot from a wealthy family.

In the great chaos in the last year of Dazheng, the countless families in the world were divided into two factions. After the first battle of Dingding, the Xiao family and Xie family soared into the sky, while the Fu family, Zhang family, and Gongsun family disappeared directly. The Shangguan family, an ally, also fell into a slump, but in any case, if a tiger dies, it may not be able to be called a family anymore, but Shangguan Qinghong, the last family leader, still upholds the pride and pride of the past. dignity.

There was a saying in the cabinet during the reign of Dazheng Shenzong that there are three hatreds in life, and if you fail to be promoted to the top three at the beginning of your official career, if you don't marry a woman with five surnames, you can't edit the history of the country.The five surname women in the second hate refer to the five surnames of Ye, Zhang, Murong, Gongsun and Shangguan.

Back then, the Shangguan Clan was one of the five surnames, and could compete in the world, and the head of the family could sit at the same table with Xiao Huang.

Shangguan Jinhong, the lord of the year, even almost married a Shangguan woman to Xiaohuang.

Back then, the Shangguan family gave birth to a Shangguan Xianchen who was rampant all over the world.

The collapse of the family was not the fault of one person. For Shangguan Qinghong and Gongsun Zhongmou, perhaps the elder brothers Shangguan Jinhong and Gongsun Bofu who passed away early were more fortunate, because they didn't have to see the family collapse, and they didn't have to be displaced. Uphold the last decency and dignity of the aristocratic family.

Perhaps it was because she was used to wearing bunts, but Shangguan Qinghong, who suddenly changed back to brocade clothes, was still not used to it. She slowly rolled up the wide sleeve of her right hand, revealing a wrist as old as dead bark, and asked slowly : "Taiyi saves Ku Tianzun?"

"It's this seat." The old Taoist said coldly, "Who are you?"

Shangguan Qinghong's clear eyes became deep, and he said calmly: "Junior Shangguan Qinghong."

Taiyi rescued Ku Tianzun said lightly, and asked again: "Who is Shangguan Xianchen to you?"

Shangguan Qinghong replied neither humble nor overbearing: "It is my uncle."

Taiyi rescued Ku Tianzun and said: "It turned out to be Shangguan Xianchen's nephew. Shangguan Xianchen was the first in swordsmanship, the first in killing, and the first in realm cultivation. Xiao Yu, who came here with the general trend, can't be regarded as a loser, I wonder how much you can have as much as Shangguan Xianchen?"

Shangguan Qinghong said: "My uncle has the appearance of a fairy who has not appeared in a thousand years. How can we dare to compete with the bright moon when we wait for the light of fireflies?"

Tianzun Taiyi rescued Ku Tianzun smiled, his laughter was dark and piercing, and said: "I still have some self-knowledge, if Shangguan Xianchen is alive, I should retreat here, and dare not say a word, but you are not Shangguan Xianchen, and you are not a Shangguan Xianchen. What is standing in front of me?"

Shangguan Qinghong didn't care about the belittling contempt in Taiyi's words of saving suffering Tianzun, and said lightly: "My uncle was the only one in the world back then, and he held two swords, one was called Qingping, the other was called Zhuxian, now Qingping has belonged to the Taoist sect In my sword sect, only Zhu Xian's sword is left."

Shangguan Qinghong paused for a moment, then said in a deep voice, "It's just a sword."

——Ronghua Square, Gongsun Mansion.

After many days of silence, the small attic in the back mansion finally opened the door slowly, and Xu Beiyou walked out of the attic exhaustedly holding Xuan Ming in his hand.

Then he saw Song Guanguan sitting on the steps in front of the door.

At this time, the sun was setting and the sky was getting late, and the blood-red sunset dragged the woman's back for a long time. Hearing the movement behind him, Song Guanguan turned his head to look, and when he saw Xu Beiyou, he hurriedly got up and said, "My lord."

Xu Beiyou was slightly surprised and asked, "Why are you back?"

Based on Xu Beiyou's understanding of Song Guanguan, she is not a disobedient person who will make her own decisions. Song Guanguan, who was supposed to be practicing under Shangguan Qinghong's sect, came back suddenly, there must be a reason for the incident.

Song Guanguan lowered his head, bit his lips and said, "Master asked me to come back, it seems that something important happened."

Xu Beiyou's face became serious, and he said softly, "What's going on?"

Song Guanguan hesitated for a moment, and said: "The maidservant is not very clear, but I just heard from the master that someone from the Demon Suppression Palace came to provoke, and then the master went to the East Lake Courtyard to discuss with the Suzerain. After the Master came back from the East Lake Courtyard, he Let me go back to Young Master first, and...and..."

Xu Beiyou didn't rush to urge, but eased his tone, and said softly: "Don't worry, speak slowly."

Song Guanguan carefully took out a three-inch-thick booklet from the small luggage that he carried with him, and said softly: "Before he left, Master gave me his life-long cultivation experience, and told me that if I have any problems in cultivation in the future, I can go to the representative. The suzerain asks."

Xu Beiyou said in a deep voice, "Uncle Shangguan is explaining the funeral?"

Song Guanguan nodded silently.

Xu Beiyou leaned on the ground with Xuanming in his hand, stroked his forehead with one hand, and muttered to himself: "What is the big deal? It involves the Temple of Demon Suppression, and makes Master Shangguan go to the point of resolute death. Did Chen Ye, the master of the Demon Palace, make a move in person? But it shouldn’t be. A big man like him will never make a move in person until the very moment. There is also the teacher's wife and Aunt Qin, why bother to let Master Shangguan come forward, could it be that the entire Suppressing Demon Palace is mobilized?"

Xu Beiyou himself never thought that he would tell the truth of the whole matter in just a few words.

A master and a servant stood in the setting sun for a long time, Xu Beiyou took a deep breath after regaining consciousness, and said in a deep voice: "It's useless for you and me to speculate here, it's better to go to the East Lake other courtyard first, and see the teacher's wife We'll do the math later."

Song Guanguan nodded and said: "Everything is arranged by the young master."

The two left Gongsun Mansion together and went outside the city.

Song Guanguan saw the Xuanming sword on Xu Beiyou's back and asked, "My lord, have you stepped into the realm of immortality?"

Xu Beiyou shook his head and said, "Right now, I can only initially control Xuanming, and there is still a long way to go before absorbing Xuanming's sword energy and will."

Song Guanguan snorted, took another deep look at Xuanming, and suddenly remembered the old master.

If the old master was still alive, Jianzong would never be as precarious as it is today. First, there was civil strife in Chibing, followed by the attack from the Demon Town Hall. It can be completely separated and disintegrated by the wave.

I don't know when the son will grow to the level of the old master, and he will be able to protect a huge sword sect behind him.

Compared with Song Guanguan, Xu Beiyou was more worried.

Now that he is the young master of Jianzong, it can be said that Jianzong is closely related to him.

After the overthrow of Jianzong, it was possible to rebuild because of the old people such as Gongsun Zhongmou, Zhang Xueyao, and Shangguan Qinghong, as well as the wealth accumulated over the past thousand years. Live a share of incense, and even make a comeback.

Today's Jianzong no longer has the solid background of the past, and after experiencing another catastrophe, it may not be able to stand up again.Moreover, Xu Beiyou didn't think that the Daoist sect would show mercy. When the building was about to collapse, the Demon Town Hall, as the murderous knife in the hands of the Daoist sect, would not be able to do a complete extermination.

At that time, not only will Xu Beiyou not be able to fulfill his master's last wish, he may even be in danger of protecting himself.

When Xu Beiyou and Song Guanguan left the city through the Shence Gate, they were stopped by a middle-aged woman just after walking a short distance.

This person is also a familiar face. She has followed Zhang Xueyao for many years and commanded many maids, but at this time she is quite different from the usual one. She is dressed in a sword costume with a sword behind her. She said in a deep voice: "Young master , the princess has an order, please stay in Jiangdu City and don't leave the city easily."

(End of this chapter)

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