Chapter 261

In Jiangdu City, Xu Beiyou also held out a sword.

This sword is the kingly sword in Sword 36, Sword Thirteen!
Compared with Jian Thirty, which completely oppresses others with power, although Jian Thirteen is also majestic, it has room for both the enemy and itself, and there is no risk of backlash, but it will not hurt oneself and at the same time it will not hurt. With the incomparable power of Sword Thirty, it can only be said that you can't have both.

This sword gathered all of Xu Beiyou's cultivation base, and engulfed Xuanming's own sword energy, it actually forcibly broke through the demon-suppressing tower of King Zhuanlun.

Just after breaking through the Demon-Suppressing Tower, this sword thirteen became the end of the crossbow, which was dismissed lightly by the king of the wheel, and then took advantage of the opportunity when Xu Beiyou's energy was floating after using the sword thirteen, the whole person slammed close to him. Xu Beiyou folded his hands and pushed hard on Xu Beiyou's chest. The latter flew backwards and smashed three walls in a row before landing with a bang, buried by a pile of bricks and tiles.

The wheel runner took off one of his gloves with a cold face, revealing his pale right hand, and then the nails on the five fingers grew to nine inches long at a speed visible to the naked eye, and the whole body shone with a dark luster.

The experience of bringing back to life this time is not entirely harmful to King Zhuanlun. Now his body has a bit of a bronze armored corpse, and he has practiced this technique with several secret methods in the Yin Talisman Sutra. The Xuantong named Yuantu was sharper than ordinary swords made of ordinary iron, so it was perfect for taking off Xu Beiyou's head.

The runner king put his five fingers together, his nails like swords, and strode towards the ruins.

A hand stretched out from under the ruins, and with a clatter, Xu Beiyou leaned on Xuanming and slowly got up, but his complexion was gloomy, and the energy in his body was gradually collapsing, obviously he was seriously injured.

The King of the Wheel kept walking, and said with a sarcasm: "You are only in the realm of ghosts and immortals, even if you hold Gongsun Zhongmou's saber in your hand, what can I do? Today I will make your life worse than death!"

Xu Beiyou didn't speak, leaning on Xuanming with both hands, just staring at the King of the Wheel who was getting closer and closer to him.

Zhuanlun Wang sneered in his heart, the master of Jianzong, Gongsun Zhongmou, was indeed not someone he could contend with. If he was still alive, he might have no hope of revenge in this life, but since he was dead, the remaining Jianzong were just a group of orphans Widowed mother, this time with the help of the first chief deacon coming out of the mountain, he will not only kill this young man who has inherited Gongsun Zhongmou's mantle, but also overthrow the Jianzong who has gathered Gongsun Zhongmou's hard work for half his life.

Now that this kid has been caught by him, and the fight just now has broken the sea of ​​energy in his dantian, abolishing his dragon and tiger alchemy cultivation base, which makes Zhuanlun Wang have an urge to look up to the sky and laugh , Gongsun Zhongmou, if you have a spirit under the Nine Springs, and see the heirs you have cultivated so hard end up today, will you regret what you did that day?
Now that my cultivation base has been greatly damaged, if it wasn't for the recent heavy losses of the Town Demon Palace, I am afraid that I would not be able to keep the position of the tenth deacon. This is an opportunity to leave the Demon Suppressing Palace and go to other palaces to become the master of any palace. Although it is not as powerful as the Demon Suppressing Palace, it can still make up for the cultivation base and seek a good death.

The wheel-running king looked at Xu Beiyou with hot eyes, as if a hungry ghost saw the naked beauty, and was about to pounce on it and do it wantonly.

Because of the shattered sea of ​​qi, Xu Beiyou's whole body's qi collapsed, and even the Zhuxian sword qi hidden deep in his spine showed signs of getting out of control. At this moment, he couldn't move at all, and could only watch the runner king walking towards him.

King Zhuanlun was not in a hurry to kill Xu Beiyou immediately, as he said just now, killing people was not the only purpose, he also wanted to vent his hatred before killing people, so that Xu Beiyou's life would be worse than death.

With a wave of his hand, Xu Beiyou's shirt was torn horizontally, and then Xu Beiyou's chest burst into a series of bloody splotches. The flesh and blood were opened, and the bones were visible.

Zhuanlun Wang grabbed forward with his five fingers like hooks, and five sharp sword-like nails pierced five blood holes in Xu Beiyou's body in an instant. Poultry ready for slaughter.

Zhuanlun Wang sneered and said, "Without Gongsun Zhongmou and his wife, without Han Xuan to support you, what are you? The young master of Jianzong? The first disciple of Jianzong? You are a dog who relies on people's power!"

Xu Beiyou was already drenched in blood, but he was still holding Xuanming tightly. The runner king, who had suffered a big loss, flicked his other hand to knock down Xuanming in Xu Beiyou's hand, and then continued: "I heard Do you still have some relationship with that Great Qi Princess? Why, you feel that Jianzong’s boat is too small to accommodate you, one mountain looks at another high, and you want to get on the imperial court’s big boat again?”

The runner king threw Xu Beiyou away with his hand, and when Xu Beiyou landed heavily, he said viciously, "It's true, your adoptive father Han Xuan is now the second assistant in the cabinet, which is second only to Lan Yu's position. , when he defeats Sapphire, he will be a person with great power. If you become a son-in-law again, not to mention the icing on the cake, you can also make the two of you and the Xiao family a family. How can such a great thing happen? to find?"

Zhuanlun Wang raised his right hand which had turned into Yuan Tu, his long nails glowed scarlet in the afterglow of the setting sun, and said softly: "But these have nothing to do with you, after I kill you today, you can only go to Huangquan Road It's such a daydream."

Xu Beiyou lay flat on the ground, and after a while a pool of blood formed under his body.

He was lying in a pool of blood, and his consciousness began to gradually blur.

It is said that when a person is about to die, he will recall his life experience in a flash. At this time, scenes of the past emerged in front of Xu Beiyou's eyes.

From the cliff outside Xiaofangzhai, the child holding Xia Chan, to Jiangdu City, the young master of Jianzong with four famous swords, stumbled all the way, narrowly escaped death again and again, with gains and losses , There are sorrows and joys.

Looking back suddenly at this moment, I realized that I had traveled such a long way, climbed to such a high position, and experienced so many people and things.

This was something he didn't dare to think of before.

Finally, the figure of Gongsun Zhongmou appeared in his mind.

I once remembered that the master said to myself, calm down and endure slowly, and you will get ahead after you endure it, just like stepping on others to take the lead. If one day, you find that there is no one to step on in front of you, then you are already Upper Class.

Becoming a master is Xu Beiyou's most simple wish. Whether it's going to the imperial capital to meet someone, or fulfilling the master's last wish to revive the sword sect, they all come from this initial wish.

Xu Beiyou was a little unwilling.

He has not yet seen the scenery of another world, he has not fulfilled his master's last wish, he has not fulfilled his promise with that woman, and he still has too many things to do.

He didn't want to die here, in this unknown alley.

A picture suddenly flashed in Xu Beiyou's mind, it was a round moon, hanging high above the night sky, and under the night sky was a burning city.

In the trance like a dream or waking up, Xu Beiyou seems to have become the person in the painting.

Xu Beiyou stood in the night sky, with the moon shining brightly above his head, and the burning city beneath his feet, the flames were like blood.He wanted to look down, but found that he couldn't control this body at all, as if he was just a passerby, looking at a memory that had become the past.

A figure broke through the sea of ​​flames and flew into the night sky with a terrifying aura that made the whole city tremble. This person's cultivation level was much higher than that of many immortals that Xu Beiyou had seen, but for some reason, Xu Beiyou was There is no fear at all, but a sense of pride that is nothing more than that.

Then Xu Beiyou saw "I" raised a sword, the blade was as clear as water under the moonlight.

This sword is very familiar, but also very strange.

The next moment, all the pictures became fragmented, and Xu Beiyou's perspective was no longer limited to the man holding the sword, but instead appeared in the night sky from a third perspective.

Looking down, Xu Beiyou only saw a figure in white beheading another person.

The immortal master who lost his head fell into the city, and the city began to collapse.

A huge wall engraved with dragon characters fell in the flames.

Xu Beiyou suddenly remembered the name of that sword.

Zhu Xian.

(End of this chapter)

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