That year, that cicada, that sword

Chapter 262 One sword enters the city and pierces the heart

Chapter 262 A sword enters the city and pierces the heart
The Wheel-Running King walked up to Xu Beiyou, stepped on it hard, and Xu Beiyou's left arm creaked.

The Wheel-Running King laughed presumptuously and said, "I can't hope for longevity in this life, so you are worthy of wealth and glory?"

Before he finished speaking, the Wheel-Running King stepped on it again, and the arm finally snapped off.

The King of the Wheel stepped on Xu Beiyou's chest, as if in a maddened state, and said madly: "Xu Beiyou, after you die, when you see Gongsun Zhongmou on Huangquan Road, tell him, his sword sect, die!" Already!"

Xu Beiyou opened his eyes with difficulty, his vision was blurred, and he murmured two words softly.

Zhu Xian.

A sword came from outside the city.

This sword integrated Shangguan Qinghong's lifelong cultivation.

This sword just pierced Taiyi's rescue of Ku Tianzun through his heart.

This sword has been wielded by successive masters of the Sword Sect.

This sword has slaughtered countless earth immortals.

One Sword to Execute the Immortals stirs up the vicissitudes of the situation.

The blood-red setting sun was like a veil, cut off by a sword.

Going forward without hesitation, the sword energy is unparalleled.

The speed of this sword was so fast and the sharpness was so sharp that before Zhuan Lun Wang had time to react, the sword had already pierced through his heart, his entire aura collapsed, and he retreated uncontrollably.

After piercing through the Queen of the Wheel, Zhu Xian's sword finally turned into the end of a crossbow, drawing a mysterious trajectory in mid-air, and piercing directly in front of Xu Beiyou's body.

At this time, Zhu Xian lost the purple and blue sword energy covering the outside, revealing his original appearance. The sword is three feet nine inches long, four inches nine inches wide, and the sword edge is as clear as water, which is exactly the same as what Xu Beiyou saw in his dream No two.

On the other side, the wheel-running king retreated more than twenty feet before he stopped. The expression on his face gradually froze, and his whole body began to tremble violently.

Zhuxian, Zhuxian, Zhushenxian.

Immortals can die, let alone earth immortals?
The Wheel-Turning King stretched out his hands to tightly cover his chest, and there were blazing green flames bursting out from between his fingers, eyes, mouth, nose and seven orifices.

He returned to the mortal world with the method of reversing the wheel of life and death. He was no longer a stranger, but almost a corpse demon. At this time, Zhu Xian passed through his heart. There was a lot of blood, but after all, it was still the genus of the fairy sword, and it was extremely lethal to the filthy things. This time, he might not survive.

Since it is inevitable that he will die, before he dies, he will take Gongsun Zhongmou's descendants to Naluo Huangquan together.

The wheel-running king suddenly raised his head to the sky and screamed.

In an instant, all the clothes on his body were shattered, revealing the dark iron skin underneath, and then cracks appeared on the skin, and dark green flames also spewed out from these cracks.

In a short while, the Wheel-Running King had turned into a Burning Man, and all of his Jiazi cultivation base was released at this moment and turned into flames.

The flames soared into the sky, dyeing a small half of the sky.

Before Xu Beiyou's eyes, the scene he had just seen in his half-dream and half-awake reappeared, the blazing flames, the collapsed city, and the decapitated master of the Earth Immortal, dressed in white, holding immortals in his hands.

But this time the dream didn't stop abruptly, but had a new change.

After the head of that high-ranking Earth Immortal was beheaded by Zhu Xian, a dazzling golden light suddenly bloomed, illuminating the night, dispelling the darkness, and coating the whole city with a layer of gold. exception.

The golden light became more and more intense, and then the ground and the entire city began to tremble.

Xu Beiyou's consciousness returned to the perspective of the white clothes. At this time, he had returned to the ground from the sky, calmly looking in the direction of the shock.

A moment later, the golden light broke through the flames, and a tall figure shrouded in the golden light broke through countless ruins, and walked towards Xu Beiyou step by step, or towards the white robe holding Zhu Xian.

As the figure got closer, Xu Beiyou also gradually saw the appearance of the person who came. It was actually a monk wearing cassock and monk's clothes. His body was covered in gold, and he seemed to be an Arhat who had come into the world.

The monk's body seemed to be extremely heavy. Every time he took a step, the ground would tremble. He walked all the way, leaving a fragmented piece of ground on the ground behind him.

The monk saluted "Xu Beiyou" with palms together, his face showed compassion, and sighed, "It's just a battle of will, why did the benefactor commit such a crime?"

Dressed in white, he didn't explain, but just responded with a disdainful sneer.

The monk shook his head and sighed.

Then there was another earth-shattering battle. The monk used the Buddha's invincible golden body to bear the twelve swords without any damage, but in the end he was hit by a sword without warning, and the golden body was still intact. The monk, on the other hand, had no chance of life and died in this city.

This sword is extremely mysterious, when it is used, it seems that time stands still, the collapsed city, the burning flame, and the flickering golden light are all still, only the blade is still moving forward, lightly placed on the monk's forehead.

Xu Beiyou recognized this sword because he had seen his master use it with his own eyes.

This sword is called Sword 23.

After the monk's death, Xu Beiyou inexplicably felt a heroic spirit of letting go between heaven and earth.

The next moment, he woke up suddenly.

I was still lying in an alley in Jiangdu City, there were no monks, only a wheel-running king covered in flames.

It just felt like a long time had passed, but it turned out to be just a short moment.

Zhu Xian, who was obliquely inserted not far in front of Xu Beiyou, seemed to feel it, and trembled continuously.

The Wheel-Running King stomped on the ground and walked forward, leaving a clear footprint on the ground with every step, and even traces of anger remained on the footprint.

This fire is corpse fire.

Taoist classics have recorded that among the genus of corpse monsters, the bronze armored corpse is the most famous. It is said that it is invulnerable to fire and water, and it is difficult to damage it with ordinary magic tools. It is almost comparable to the golden body of Buddhism. There is also the Hanba, which is comparable to the gods in the sky. It is not among the five elements, but transcends the three realms.

If the Zhuanlun King can maintain his current state without dying, and there is a thousand-year-old corpse to keep warm for hundreds of years, it may not be impossible to achieve the body of a drought, but these two requirements are extremely difficult, not to mention that the Zhuanlun King has already died One-time people, even the thousand-year-old corpse breeding ground, are hard to come by, so I can only think about it.

The life of the current wheel-turning king is not long, but his cultivation level at this time is even better than his heyday.

As the saying goes, it is nothing more than the case.

Zhu Xian pierced the body of Zhuanlun King with his sword, causing the energy in his body to fluctuate out of control, and all of them turned into corpse fire, as if adding fuel to the fire. Although it was only a temporary virtual fire, it was extremely ferocious before it was burnt out.

However, with the burning of the corpse fire, the mind of the Wheel-Running King gradually became confused, but with the last act of obsession, he strode to the front and back of Xu Beiyou's body, and he raised his palm and was about to smash it down.

At this moment, a strange light flashed in Xu Beiyou's eyes.

Zhu Xian, who was inserted obliquely on the ground, soared into the sky.

Countless sword qi appeared on the sky!

Two dragons with sword aura, one purple and one blue, raged in the sky.

Two mighty stegosauruses entangled and circled each other in the sky, touching the sky and grounding, which is a sight to behold.

Under the sword energy, Xu Beiyou, who was lying on the ground, stood up on his own under the traction of the energy mechanism. Two sword dragons descended from the sky, swimming around him slowly, and then Zhu Xian also descended from the sky slowly, staying In front of Xu Beiyou.

Xu Beiyou stretched out his hand to hold the hilt of the Zhuxian Sword by himself. The two stegosauruses poured into his body like rivers returning to the sea. Xu Beiyou's black hair turned white in an instant, and his originally clear eyes showed a The color of purple and blue.

Even the wheel-running king, whose body was burning to the sky, stopped in his tracks, in shock and uncertainty.

"Xu Beiyou" held his sword and looked around, with purple and blue aura overflowing from his eyes, as if the world couldn't contain him.

Inside and outside Jiangdu City, all the cultivators above the realm of Earth Immortals felt a surge of sword intent that could be described as incomparable.

Everyone who was already tense with their swords stopped one after another, all of them were surprised.

When did Jiangdu City hide such a person again?The depth of the sword intent, the sharpness of the sword intent, even the reincarnation of Gongsun Zhongmou is hard to match.

Especially the chief deacons of the Temple of Demon Suppression, they were deeply worried when they were shocked. Could it be that the seemingly declining Sword Sect still hides a figure like Dinghai Shenzhen?
If this is the case, is it necessary to teach Daoist to go down the mountain again? !
(End of this chapter)

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