That year, that cicada, that sword

Chapter 268 Returning South After Traveling North

Chapter 268 Returning South After Traveling North

Xu Beiyou also handed Wei Wuji a letter he had written a long time ago, in which he described in detail the process of the attack on the Temple of Demon Suppression, and even did not hide much about what happened to him, but only shared a few of his dreams. Take it with me.

Although Mu Xiuyu is bound to be destroyed by Lin Feng, but now that he is on the cusp of the storm, it is meaningless to hide his clumsiness. It is better to take these out to increase his weight and bargaining chips, so that he will not easily become an abandoned child.

After getting what he wanted, Wei Wuji, who can be called the governor of the secret guard mansion who can be said to be all-in-one, would not waste any more time on Xu Beiyou, so he left.

After Wei Wuji left, Xu Beiyou opened the envelope, and there were actually two letters in the envelope, one was Xiao Zhinan's letter with beautiful handwriting, and the other was Han Xuan's letter with forceful writing.

Xiao Zhinan's letter was very simple. It had nothing to do with the court situation or any "business". The impression of His Royal Highness Qi Wang is not bad.

As for Han Xuan's letter, there are only four concise words, the word Nangui.

The founding father of Taoism is Daozu, and under Daozu is Zhuangzu. Zhuangzu advocates obedience to the way of heaven and abandons artificiality, leaving the Nanhua Sutra handed down from generation to generation. There are 33 chapters in the Nanhua Sutra, including seven inner chapters, fifteen outer chapters, and miscellaneous articles Eleven, the saying of Xiaoyao Dixian is taken from the "Xiaoyaoyou" in the inner chapter of the Nanhua Jing, and the method of the three swords learned by Xiao Huang is even from the miscellaneous chapters of the Nanhua Jing.

Although Han Xuan is a member of Confucianism, he also read Zhuang Zu's Nanhua Jing. He named Xu Beiyou two characters, Beiyou, just quoting the outer chapter of the Nanhua Jing, Zhi Beiyou, in which Zhi is the name of the entrusted person. Therefore, the word Xu was used instead, so the name Xu Beiyou came into being.

Names in ancient times, names and characters complement each other, either synonymous, antisense, or complementary, such as Xiao Jin’s watch character Huaiyu, which is taken from the four characters of Huaiyu, while Xiao Yu disassembled the word Yu When it opens, one fire rises one day, the other stands side by side, and the two suns stand side by side, shining brightly, so the word is Mingguang, and it is also like Xiao Bai and Xiao Taibai. Yin, the north is Xuan, and the moon is Taiyin, so it is Xuanyin.

Now Han Xuan is taking the name of Xu Beiyou. He originally wanted to use the sentence "Knowing Beiyou is above the Xuanshui" to take the name Xuanshui for him, but the current emperor Xiao Xuan already has a name of Xuanshui. Han Xuan is in the temple, so he can't He didn't shy away from one or two, so he did the opposite, taking the opposite meaning for Xu Beiyou and returning to the south.

Traveling to the north means traveling to the north. The north is mysterious, and the mysterious is remote. Therefore, the north is an unknowable place. Traveling to the north means that the "Tao" is unknowable. If you can return to the south, the "Tao" can be known, and the great road can be expected. Longevity is expected.

Xu Beiyou put the letter back into the envelope, and whispered to himself, "Return to the South, Return to the South, Sir, are you going to tell me to return to the South after traveling to the North?"

There is an autumn rain outside.

Xu Beiyou put the envelope into his sleeve, staring at Qiu Yu outside the house in a daze.

I don't know how long it took, Song Guanguan went and came back, and reported softly: "Young master, Li Shidao personally handed over the greeting card."

Xu Beiyou was still looking at the rain outside, and asked, "Li Shidao? Is that the famous salt lord who is famous in both Huaihe Rivers and Huaihe Rivers?"

Song Guanguan nodded and said, "It's him."

Xu Beiyou chuckled, "He is well-informed. He will know when I come back. Since he came here in person, let him come in."

Song Guanguan retreated in response.

Not long after, the tall and tall Li Shidao walked through the rain curtain and came to the front of the hall, bathed in wisps of autumn rain.

Xu Beiyou stood up to greet him.

Seeing Xu Beiyou's white hair, Li Shidao lost his mind for a moment, but after all, the old man is an old man who has experienced a lot of wind and rain, so he concealed his surprise well, smiled and saluted, "Mr. Xu."

While Li Shidao was looking at himself, Xu Beiyou was also looking at this famous salt merchant in Huaihe and Huaihe Rivers. In terms of appearance, the old man was about sixty years old, with neatly combed gray hair and tall stature, he didn't look like a businessman , but more like a member of the army.

Since ancient times, the two items of salt and iron have been the imperial weapon.The so-called salt merchants are merchants who pay salt tax silver to the salt transport envoy in exchange for salt imports, and then transport and sell table salt.

Salt merchants were further divided into nest merchants, transport merchants, market merchants, general merchants, etc. Among them, the general merchant had the closest relationship with the imperial court and the wealthiest wealth, and was the giant among the salt merchants.

Salt merchants are already wealthy, and becoming a giant of salt merchants will make them even richer. The old man is the number one salt merchant general merchant in the Lianghuai area. The silver was 90 taels, but another [-] boatloads of food was given away for nothing. This is not a small amount of money. Xiao Bai's request for merit naturally also had the old man's name on it. Not long ago, the imperial court issued a decree to seal him as a six-year-old. Pin Sanjie, according to the temple rules, the old man is already an official, but Xu Beiyou is still a businessman without even fame.

Of course, the accounts are not calculated in this way. Zhang Xueyao, Qin Mumian, and Tang Shengyue also have no official status, but they can influence the political situation in the south of the Yangtze River, and even influence the selection of the left commander of the Jiangnan Army. Even Wei Wuji, Zhang Wubing and others have high regard for him due to his high-level status.

Xu Beiyou stretched out his hand to signal the old man to sit down.

The old man was not too polite, and after taking his seat, he supported his knees with both hands, and with a big sword, he said: "The old man is not a person who likes to beat around the bush, so he just speaks out when he has something to say, and he came here to bother him this time because he wanted to ask Mr. Xu for a favor. "

Xu Beiyou leaned forward slightly, "Boss Li, please tell me."

Li Shidao said slowly: "A few years ago, Mr. Gongsun was still in Jiangdu. At that time, Jiangnan was not as smoky as it is today."

The old man's tone was a bit more emotional, and he said: "Mr. is the head of the Gongsun family. He behaves well, is not angry but powerful, and is generous in his hands. He gives alms widely. No matter rich or poor, high or low, he will respond to every request. Don't say that it is us People, even Xie Suqing and others have also received the favor of the master. If there is any major matter, it will be resolved by the mediation of the master. It can be said that the master was a fairy-like figure in Jiangnan at that time. People don't know."

Xu Beiyou just held the teacup with his fingers and trembled slightly, causing the tea to ripple slightly.

Master Li sighed, "Mr. Gongsun is gone now, Mr. Xu is Mr. Gongsun's successor, so I can only ask Mr. Xu for help."

Xu Beiyou put down the teacup he was about to pick up, and asked softly, "I don't know what it is?"

Li Shidao was silent for a moment, and said in a deep voice: "Recently, a group of unknown rogue cultivators came from the north. Two silver coins to redeem people. To be honest, Mr. Xu, the old man met Lafayette Zhang not long ago, but Lafayette said that now she has delegated power, regardless of these things, now the young master is in charge of the Sword Qi Lingkong Hall, so this matter I still have to trouble the young master."

Xu Beiyou narrowed his eyes and said, "In other words, this group of people are not domestic dogs, but wild dogs."

Li Shidao nodded and said, "Eight or nine is not far from ten."

Xu Beiyou said slowly: "Since I have taken over Master's class and am in charge of the Sword Qi Lingkong Hall, then I have no responsibility."

Having said this, Li Shidao got up and bowed his hands in salute, and said: "The old man is waiting for the good news, and I will take my leave."

Xu Beiyou picked up his teacup and took a sip, "I'm sorry to send you off soon."

The tall figure went out the door and left in the autumn rain.

Song Guanguan who was standing beside Xu Beiyou said softly, "My lord, Guiding is quite familiar with this matter."

Xu Beiyou hummed, and ordered: "You explain the matter first, and let Gui Ding check the details of those people. At the same time, you also go to Jiange to say hello. After all, they have been local snakes for many years, and their basic connections are not in vain. Need not."

Song Guanguan promised to leave.

When Song Guanguan stepped out of the threshold, Xu Beiyou suddenly said, "Guanguan."

"Young Master, what else do you want?" Song Guanguan turned his head suspiciously.

Xu Beiyou smiled and said, "Be careful yourself."

A sincere smile appeared on Song Guanguan's face, and he hummed heavily.

After Song Guanguan left, Xu Beiyou said to himself: "Since I want to take over the burden of the master, I will naturally do what the master can do back then. The master is in the yin, and there is nothing he can't do. I am in the yang, fearless and fearless. .

(End of this chapter)

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