That year, that cicada, that sword

Chapter 269 A Fellow Countryman Comes from the Northwest

Chapter 269 A Fellow Countryman Comes from the Northwest

After all, Jianzong has been rooted in the south of the Yangtze River for many years. Although he is a bit vulnerable in front of Daoist sects, he is still a huge monster that cannot be easily shaken in front of ordinary monks.

Three days after Xu Beiyou issued the order, Song Guanguan and Gui Ding returned to Gongsun's mansion and came to the study to meet Xu Beiyou.

It is said that in the era of Gongsun Zhongmou, Song Guanguan ranked the last among the twelve sword masters and rarely had the opportunity to speak, but in the era of Xu Beiyou, because of the love between the master and servant, she rose to the top. As the actual speaker of the Sword Qi Lingkong Hall, she will report to Xu Beiyou this time.

"My lord, after investigation, it turns out that group of thieves came from the northwestern border, and they specifically picked out wealthy families or caravans. This time they entered Huzhou from Shuzhou, and then came to Jiangdu from Huzhou. More than a dozen crimes were committed, most of them chose to spend money to avoid disaster, and there were a few who carried it to the end, all of which suffered heavy losses. The incident reached the Dark Guard Mansion, Northwest Dark Guard Mansion and Jiangnan Dark Guard Mansion jointly mobilized more than a hundred people to round up, But they didn't even catch their shadows, this is the detailed information of those giant thieves."

Xu Beiyou took a brochure handed over by Song Guanguan, browsed it briefly, put the brochure on the table, and said: "I was born in the northwest, and I'm still half of my fellow countrymen, and all of them are characters above the realm of ghosts and immortals. The people are even in the realm of immortality, such a force, why don't the imperial court and the Taoist sect care about it?"

Song Guanguan said: "These people are meticulous, and they are very measured every time they make a move. They will never provoke the imperial court and Taoist sects. In addition, they are very powerful and can flee thousands of miles away at the slightest disturbance, so the imperial court and Taoist sects will not They went to great lengths to encircle and suppress them."

Xu Beiyou pondered for a moment, and said: "Compared to them, the twelve wolf thieves who died under my sword are like children playing around, but there is one thing I didn't understand. The river is no better than the northwest. After all, the northwest is a place of bitter cold. There is often no human habitation for hundreds of miles, so it’s fine for them to run rampant there, but Jiangdu is the prosperous place of the three dynasties, there are countless high-level people, even Taoist sects can’t do whatever they want here, so why do they dare to come here to cause trouble?”

Zhang An was also present at this time, and she was more delicate than Song Guanguan. After a little thought, she said softly: "Young master, does someone invite them here?"

Xu Beiyou said flatly: "Why did you come here? It's hard to say now. As long as you don't come for our Jianzong, you can ignore it."

Zhang An's expression changed slightly, and he said, "What if it's aimed at our Jianzong?"

Xu Beiyou said unhurriedly: "Senior Sister Zhang, you send someone to check on Li Shidao and see if he has behaved abnormally during this time."

Zhang An understood clearly that Xu Beiyou was worried that Li Shidao would join forces with this group of Northwest thieves to set up a scheme. He nodded and said, "I'll arrange it immediately."

Xu Beiyou hummed, and then said: "The reason why I agreed to Li Shidao is because many people now feel that our Jianzong is already in turmoil, so let's let them see that Jianzong is still Jianzong, not just any cat or dog. capable of bullying."

Song Guanguan said in a deep voice, "My lord, leave this matter to us."

Xu Beiyou nodded after thinking for a while and said: "Now the Sword Sect is the strongest in the Sword Qi Lingkong Hall. Even without Chi Bing and the other four, there are still eight sword masters, and with the help of the Jiange, it is enough to destroy this group of giant robbers. Let Jianqi Lingkong hall do this, Yujia and Xuanyi are involved, and you and Guiding will assist you, give this group of people a meeting gift, let them know what is going on in Jiangdu How tall is it. Whoever invited them to Jiangdu can almost be tested out."

Gui Ding, who had been pretending to be dumb all this time, finally opened his mouth and flattered him, "The young master has a clever plan, which can be said to kill two birds with one stone."

Xu Beiyou smiled lightly and said, "Run the errand well, don't make any mistakes, I am free to care about it in my heart, and I don't need you to flatter me."

Gui Ding lowered his head carefully, respectfully.

Zhang An and the other three were about to retreat, when they suddenly heard Xu Beiyou asking them, but also asking himself, "Why don't I go and meet these Northwestern fellows in person?"

The three of them looked at each other, but none of them dared to initiate a conversation.

As Xu Beiyou became more and more powerful, especially after Chi Bing and other rebels were removed, his majesty became deeper and his actions became more unpredictable. No one in Jianzong dared to despise him as before. After all the hair is white, the cultivation level of the whole body is also unclear, and it becomes more and more unpredictable, and one dare not easily speculate.

Xu Beiyou waved his hand, and the three stepped back.

After he was left alone in the study, he picked up the booklet on the desk that recorded the detailed information of this group of Northwest thieves, his eyes were dim, and he couldn't think of a word for no reason.

It has been twenty years since I was appointed in a defeated army and was ordered to be in danger.

Coincidentally, Xu Beiyou is just 21 years old this year.

He was born in the first year of Taiping, and in that year, Han Xuan, the second assistant to the cabinet, was dismissed and returned home on charges of forming a party.

Today's Jianzong is indeed at the time of defeat, in danger.

Eventful autumn.

After a long time, Xu Beiyou put down the booklet in his hand, discarded all distracting thoughts, and his mind slowly sank into the Zifu, and began to practice the Weiyang Sword Sutra handed to him by Song Guanguan.

This is one of Shangguan Qinghong's relics. It was originally handed over to Song Guanguan to practice, but this method needs to be broken and established as a premise. Back then, Shangguan Qinghong changed from a cunning sword to an immortal sword. According to this method, Xu Beiyou's cultivation base of dragon and tiger alchemy has completely disappeared, which is exactly the essence of this method, and it is not a small coincidence.

If the Dragon and Tiger Alchemy is to cultivate Qi, then the Weiyang Sword Sutra is to cultivate the soul. The former is from reality to emptiness, and the latter is from emptiness to reality. Undoubtedly, the difficulty of the latter is much higher than the former After all, no one can open the upper Dantian Zifu from the very beginning, which is why the Weiyang Sword Sutra has to be broken and established after the opening, because since the creation of this method, it has been for those fallen immortals to practice However, no matter how you fall, the loss is only the energy in your body, and your own soul will not change much.

When Shangguan Xianchen was born, one person and one sword stirred up the general situation of the world. Countless immortal masters either died or were seriously injured by his sword.Wuchen, the master of the Daomen Suppressing Demon Palace, was injured by Shangguan Xianchen's sword. Xiao Huang, who practiced, cherished his talent and passed on this volume of Weiyang Sword Sutra to Xiao Huang.

Later, Emperor Xiao transferred the Weiyang Sword Sutra to Shangguan Jinhong, the patriarch of the Shangguan family. Shangguan Jinhong had no interest in it, so he gave it to his younger brother Shangguan Qinghong. Finally, through the hands of Song Guanguan, it finally arrived at Xu Beiyou's home hands.

It has to be said that the word fate originated from Shangguan Xianchen and Zhu Xian, and finally belonged to Xu Beiyou because of Zhu Xian.

About two hours later, Xu Beiyou slowly opened his eyes. The fundus of his eyes was like an ancient well, with the reflection of a sword looming.

Ever since the battle between Xu Beiyou and Taiyi to save Ku Tianzun, he didn't know whether he should be reborn, or he should be said to be in a state of madness. Anyway, Xu Beiyou felt that he had a wonderful feeling in his whole body. In its mastery, it can turn clouds and rain with a wave of hands, exhale into wind, exhale into rain, and sneeze into lightning and thunder.

However, one thing is undeniable, Xu Beiyou began to gradually understand what it was like to be an immortal. If he used to work hard to make up for his weakness, then he doesn't need to do so now. It's also unusual, he even has a feeling that can be called "one method can master all methods", especially in the way of swordsmanship, he can master Sword Sixteen in just half a month. That's the proof.

Since the Weiyang Sword Manual has the word "sword" in its name, it naturally belongs to the way of swordsmanship. Therefore, under the premise of opening the Zifu Consciousness Sea, Xu Beiyou's cultivation speed can be said to be rapid, and he will be able to achieve minor success by the end of this year. At that time, he was no different from Chi Cing at the peak of human immortality in terms of realm alone.

(End of this chapter)

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