Chapter 270

Jiangdu is located in Jiangzhou. As early as the Great Chu Dynasty, Jiangdu itself was the capital of the Great Chu, so Jiangzhou became Zhili Prefecture logically. It was not until Dazheng changed the East Capital to the capital that Qizhou and Yanzhou were divided into separate parts. The new Zhili Prefecture.

Until now, there is still the saying of North and South Zhili. North Zhili naturally refers to Zhili Prefecture, which is now the imperial capital of Gongwei, while South Zhili refers to Jiangzhou.

At that time, Lu Qian started an uprising in Jiangdu, with the great river as the boundary, he divided the world with Emperor Xiao, one south and one north. Jiangzhou was where his troops were stationed. Most of them were abolished, and even most of the elite navy was taken away by Wei Wang Xiaojin during the conquest of Weiguo. Today's Jiangzhou can be said to be extremely civilized and military, and has not heard the sound of gold and iron horses for decades.

A group of people entered the territory of Jiangzhou, stopped and stopped, as if they were traveling in mountains and rivers. The leader was a young man with indistinguishable appearance, dressed in black brocade clothes, riding on a pitch-black steed, with a casual figure. Shaking from side to side with the back of the horse, the whole person looked very lazy.

Besides him, there are eight other people who can't do it, they can be called "grotesque". There are strong men, old men in sixties with a goatee, warriors covered in iron armor, barefoot monks with blue scalp, and finally a couple who can be called immortal couples. The male is naturally The jade tree is facing the wind, holding a folding fan, and the woman is also pretty and lovely, holding a jade flute in her hand.

In addition to these nine people, there was also a carriage, in which were bound two people, a woman in her twenties and a young man who had not yet reached the crown.

The young man walking in the front clearly distanced himself from the crowd behind him. Perhaps he felt uncomfortable sitting, so he simply turned around, lay on the horseback, and lazily said, "Lao Liu, those who Has the identity of the person been found out?"

In Jianghu, seniority is not based on age, but on the actual strength of each person. The most powerful, even a ten-year-old child, is still a leader. The weak, even an octogenarian. You can only stand aside and listen to other people's orders.

The old man with a goatee replied: "He is from Jianzong. Jiangnan has always been the territory of Jianzong, White Lotus Sect and Wenxiang Sect, but the latter two fell apart after the Dingding war, and some of them refused to submit The imperial court fled to the Western Regions, and most of the rest of the time just dormant, not as good as Jianzong."

The young man let out a groan, with a gentle and charming smile on his face, and said, "It turns out to be Jianzong, who was the top of the nine ranks back then. He has produced such great figures as Shangguan Xianchen. , Murong Xuanyin, the leader of Xuanjiao, and Taiyi Jiuku Tianzun of Taoism rushed to Jiangdu one after another, but they all returned home without a feather. These are two great masters of the [-]th floor, and they are both high-ranking and powerful people, far from being alone. If Shangguan Xianchen or Gongsun Zhongmou were alive, they would naturally not be afraid of them, but Jianzong is just a group of orphans and widows, how can he still have such strength? I can’t figure it out, it’s really hard to figure it out.”

The man with a height of nine feet grinned and said: "Boss, there are rumors in the world that the wife of the master of the sword sect had made a marriage contract with the real head teacher of Taoism. The strength of the realm, the two great masters of the [-]th floor realm naturally cannot do anything to Jianzong."

The young man rolled his eyes at him, charming and natural, "Idiot, let's not talk about the fact that the sect master wants to ascend, so he won't go down the mountain easily. Man, could it be that the headmaster of the Taoist sect will take action against his own people?"

The enchanting woman smiled and said: "That's not sure. Men, they have always been a person who forgets righteousness when they see sex. Since Mrs. Jianzong is his old love, let alone a few people from the same sect, they are relatives." When Lao Tzu comes, he will call as usual."

The immature young man took over the conversation and said in a low voice: "Be careful, be careful, I heard that Master Zhangjiao is close to ascension, whenever his name is mentioned, he will be able to feel it, and the person who mentions him The higher the level of cultivation, the more this is the case, and his biological father, Ye Chong, has long since passed away, so if you talk about him and his deceased father like this, you are not afraid that he will attract a thunderbolt to strike you to death?!"

It is said that there are gods standing three feet above the head, and the enchanting woman didn't dare not believe it. She shrank her head and muttered: "Master Zhangjiao is a fairy figure in the sky. There are a lot of adults. How can you care about such a small character as me? Seeing this scene, the young man on the horse laughed and said: "Look at your talents, I don't think you need a Taoist head teacher to do anything, if any big Daoist comes, you will be so scared that you will kneel down and beg for mercy. "

The immature boy said hesitantly: "The sky is big and the earth is big, and living is the biggest. Only by living can we seek the avenue of longevity and live happily. Boss, do you think this is the case?"

The young man snorted softly, looked up at the high sky, and sighed: "That's the truth. If you are a land flying fairy or a flying fairy, if you can't live, you are a flower in a mirror and a moon in the water. Shangguan fairy What about the dust, so what about being invincible in the world? It’s not that he died, even his sword sect was almost overthrown. Thinking about how high-spirited and high-spirited the two of them were when they rode into Zhongdu together, and then Looking at it now, Emperor Xiao has passed away, but the head teacher is expected to go to the sky to be a free and easy person, so there is more than a world of difference between the two?"

Seeing that the crowd was getting further and further away, the old man couldn't help but cleared his throat, and interrupted forcibly: "I don't want to talk about the past, just talk about the present, and the sword sect is weak. That's just compared to Taoism. For us, sword Zong is still looking up at the mountains, not to mention that Jianzong itself is the sect, but only that it is in charge of the silk, salt and iron, rice grain and shipping business in the south of the Yangtze River. If we attract Jianzong to spy on us, our trip to the south of the Yangtze River may add many variables."

The young man squinted his eyes and said slowly: "Our small battle can't disturb Zhang Xueyao. I heard that a young master of the Sword Sect was born recently. It is very extraordinary. First, he broke through the level of the Demon Town Palace alone. He came to the south of the Yangtze River from the northwest, and then held the power of Jianzong in just half a year. If Jianzong makes a move this time, it is likely to be the intention of this person. I just want to meet the young master of Jianzong for a while, Let's see if he is really as powerful as the rumors outside."

The man among the fairy couple folded his folding fan and smacked his palms lightly, and said with a smile: "I'm afraid that the young master of the Sword Sect will avoid his sharp edge, and he doesn't dare to stand out, but his subordinates came to die."

The woman holding the jade flute said: "But I heard that the young master of the Sword Sect once personally killed a master at the peak of human immortality."

The young man sat up straight on the horseback, and said sarcastically, "I didn't take him seriously. I still want to learn the methods of Taoist Qi Xianyun. A few years ago, I had a fight with Qi Xianyun in Linxian Mansion. Lost, the little girl claimed to be the peak of the human fairy realm, but in fact one foot has already stepped into the earth fairy realm, and I haven't seen her for a few years, I'm afraid she has already achieved the fairy realm. I'm not afraid of Qi Xianyun, but would I be afraid of him?"

While speaking, a long sword appeared in the young man's hand and was placed horizontally in front of him.

When the other eight people looked at the sword, there was undisguised fear in their eyes.

The eight of them are not the same regardless of appearance or origin, but they have one thing in common, that is, they have all been defeated by this sword, and because of this, they became the subordinates of this person, and followed him all the way from the northwest. Jiangnan.

The name of this sword is Zidian. The sword is four feet long, the handle is three inches long, and the whole body is purple.

In detail, this sword has a lot to do with Jianzong. It is one of the twelve swords of Jianzong. It is as famous as the other sword Qingshuang, and it is also called Zidian Qingshuang.

I don't know where this young man is, and he was born carrying purple electricity. When Xu Beiyou was still practicing the sword manual left by Gongsun Zhongmou in Danxia Village, he had already defeated all masters below the Northwest Great Wall with one sword. , broke into such a big name and got the nickname Crouching Tiger.

The young man looked up at a streak of light passing by the sky, and said with a light smile, "It's finally here."

(End of this chapter)

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