Chapter 297

"Bai Yu, what a good name."

Before he finished speaking, Xu Beiyou opened his mouth and spat out, a white sword energy shot out from his throat.

Bai Yu leaned back almost at the same time. Although she was not hit by the sword energy, a strand of long hair was cut off and drifted away with the wind.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Xu Beiyou's figure exploded, and the Tianlan sword in his hand exploded.

Moment of youth.

Sword drawing is not necessary to draw the sword.

I saw a bright brilliance that was so fast that I couldn't see the trajectory clearly.

Bai Yu half-kneeled on the ground, and at the critical moment, he stretched the longbow in front of his body.

Tian Lan, who was just waiting to destroy the gold and cut the jade, slammed on the bow fiercely, but failed to cut off the long bow. After the two collided, there was a clear and crisp sound.

Bai Yu's hands were broken, and she slid back more than ten feet, leaving two long marks on the ground.

She smiled bitterly in her heart, knowing that she was still careless in the end, she didn't expect that the young master of Jianzong still had the strength to fight back after hitting her three arrows in a row, let alone that this person was so scheming, and after hitting her third arrow He could take advantage of this opportunity to get rid of her decisively.

Thinking of this, Bai Yu couldn't help feeling a little more apprehensive.

She is not afraid of this person's cultivation level, but is afraid of the young master of the Sword Sect who still does not forget to calmly balance his mind when he is in a death situation. The fight between the two is not only a competition of force, but also a battle of wits, especially in the same situation. , Evenly matched is like a game of chess, if you make a careless move, you will lose the whole game.

Bai Yu recited silently in her heart until she died, and her heart was as hard as iron. Regardless of the blood dripping from her hands, she drew the bow again.

However, this time she drew the bow but did not take the arrow, but used her own martial arts intentions as the arrow. Bai Yu had never played fancy bow skills before, which does not mean that she is not proficient in this skill. It was Xu Beiyou's chest hit by three arrows in a row.

Xu Beiyou felt as if a martial arts master punched his chest three times in a row, his blood was surging, and an abnormal flush appeared on his face.

Xu Beiyou let out a breath of foul air while drifting backwards, and then made a false move.

Just now he stabbed Bai Yu's sword with Que Xie, but now the Que Xie sword was sealed by Bai Yu with Qi Qi and he carried it on his body. As if they were one body, they can be controlled like an arm without needing energy. Following Xu Beiyou's movements, a red light flashed across Bai Yu's waist, but Xie Xie returned to Xu Beiyou's hands.

Bai Yu stretched out his hand to press his ribs, and there was blood flowing between his fingers.

Holding two swords in his hands, Xu Beiyou advanced instead of retreating, and said with a gentle smile, "Miss Bai, do you know that soldiers never tire of deceit?"

The woman snorted coldly, and at the same time her figure retreated sharply, a series of afterimages appeared with her fingers. As the bowstring vibrated continuously, fists turned into arrows. With just a long bow, the arrows were shot like rain.

The dense forest was turned upside down, and countless towering ancient trees fell down. Xu Beiyou's figure walked through it like a phantom.

As long as Xu Beiyou gets within three feet of him, even Bai Yu's superb bow skills will inevitably lead to defeat.

Bai Yu knew this well, the movements in her hands became faster and faster, and the invisible arrows became more and more dense. With this power alone, if she was put on the battlefield, it would be no problem for one to outnumber one thousand.

Xu Beiyou sneered in his heart, I don't know who has cultivated such a woman, who really doesn't give a damn to men.

There was a rustling sound, and the next moment, the assassins, who had been separated by the two for a long distance, finally arrived. Save and shoot Xu Beiyou.

At this time Xu Beiyou finally no longer intentionally hide his clumsiness, relying on his supreme sword body not to dodge or dodge, despite the crossbow and arrows added to his body, he still slashed horizontally with one sword.

Then twelve heads flew high.

But these assassins didn't die in vain, they exchanged their lives for Xu Beiyou to stop for a while, and Bai Yu also seized this excellent opportunity without any accident, and once again opened the distance between her and Xu Beiyou.

Bai Yu took out the fourth arrow from the quiver behind his back, bent his bow and set the arrow, the bow was like a full moon, and the arrow pointed at the center of Xu Beiyou's eyebrows.

At first glance, this bow looks ordinary, but if you look closely, you will find its peculiarity. The bow has two sides, one side is yang, which appears white, and the other side is yin, which appears black.

This bow is called Yin Yang Breaking Potential, and it can be freely switched between Yin and Yang.

Previously, Bai Yu's first arrow used a yang bow, so it was powerful and heavy, just like Jianzong's four-nine platinum sword qi, the yang is the most rigid.The second arrow after that was a yin bow, the bow was filled with Xuansha Qi, which was designed to break the protective Qi and damage the Qi of others, like a gangrene attached to the bone, like the inanimate sword energy of the Sword Sect , to Yin is the most soft.

The third arrow, the intersection of yin and yang, conforms to the yin and yang two qi formulas of the Taoist school, and also implies the middle way of the Confucian school.

Because of this, Xu Beiyou blocked the first arrow, barely avoided the second arrow, but was shot through by the third arrow.

As for the fourth arrow, Bai Yu still chose the yang bow, which is the most yang and steadfast arrow.

Without the slightest hesitation, Xu Beiyou used Jian Shisan to fight tit for tat, and the sword energy soared into the sky.

——There is an open space in the southwest direction above Qingbai Valley. There are three terrifying thunder ballistas placed here. In addition to the officials, there are more than ten Taoist priests in Taoist robes. The leader is a middle-aged Taoist priest, wearing a white Taoist robe, standing in the mountain wind, with fluttering sleeves, and a fairy-like bone.

Beside the middle-aged Taoist stood a general in armor, holding a knife handle, looking at the wreckage of the carriage in Baiqing Valley, expressionless.

The middle-aged Taoist named Zuo Zhangbai said with great interest, "I thought it was a sure-fire death situation, but in the end Xu Beiyou was allowed to escape. If Xu Beiyou can return to Jiangdu alive, then Liu Dudu, you will not be able to eat and walk around. "

The middle-aged general known as Liu Dudu said calmly: "As long as I don't get caught, Yu Kuang can't do anything to me. On the contrary, you are just hiding in the dark and watching the show. Why didn't you take action just now?"

Zuo Zhangbai chuckled lightly and said, "We are the Heavenly Master's Mansion, not the Demon-Suppressing Palace. We never do the dirty work of killing people."

Liu Dudu sneered, "You only hide behind and borrow swords to kill people. No wonder I heard that the Daoist Heavenly Master's Mansion has two magic weapons, the sword and the sword. You hide the sword in your smile and the sword in your mouth."

"Thank you." Zuo Zhangbai didn't take it seriously at all, and said calmly: "This kind of thing should not be done by our Tianshi Mansion, but it's just that the Town Demon Palace, which should do this kind of thing, committed disobedience this time, which made Several peak masters who had long been dissatisfied with the Zhenmo Temple seized the opportunity and joined forces to launch an attack. In the discussion of the Yuqing Hall, apart from the chief deacon Taiyi who rescued Ku Tianzun, the second chief deacon, Emperor Fengdu, and the third chief deacon, The King of Tibet, the fourth deacon Yan Luo, and the fifth deacon Central Ghost Emperor have all been suppressed, and are now being held in the Punishment Department, and will only be handed down by the head teacher after he leaves the customs."

Liu Dudu's face twitched.

A total of four Earth Immortals above the realm of the tenth floor suppressed it as soon as they said it was suppressed. It can be seen how big the Daomen is, and it can also be seen what the Earth Immortals are like clouds in the Daomen.

Everyone in the world knows that there are five palaces and twelve pavilions above Xuandu, and the Demon-Suppressing Palace ranks first, but few people know that there is another palace besides the Seventeen Palaces, which is called Tianshi Mansion, which is personally controlled by the real person in charge , The status is respected.

There are big and small celestial masters in the celestial master's mansion, and their identities are noble. The big celestial master is almost equivalent to the master of the palace, and the little celestial master is no less than the big deacon in the Zhenmo Temple. Zuo Zhangbai is the 28th official of the celestial master's mansion. One of the little celestial masters who rushed to Jiangdu this time also followed the wishes of the big celestial masters above to clean up the mess for the Zhenmo Temple.

Zuo Zhangbai said slowly: "There are some things I shouldn't have said, but you and I are old friends, so I might as well tell you the truth. Something happened to Qi Xianyun, and the Great Heavenly Master thought that someone couldn't bear it and wanted to do it in advance. , In other words, the current Taoist sect has no energy to manage Jianzong, so no matter whether it is a success or failure this time, we will not make another move in a short time."

Dudu Liu was shocked and said, "Did Master Baiyunzi say that?"

Zuo Zhangbai nodded, and before turning around to leave, he left a sentence, "Master Zhangjiao can't retreat, several peak masters are fighting to the death, the situation is already a little out of control, the Great Heavenly Master suspects that someone secretly communicated with Emperor Xiao This is a song, so after this matter is over, you'd better inform Xiang Lan so that he can make preparations in case something happens."

(End of this chapter)

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