Chapter 298

The dust dissipated.

After Xu Beiyou broke twelve big trees in a row, he was nailed to an ancient pine tree that was a hundred years old with an arrow. Tian Lan tried to stop Tian Lan who was stabbed in the chest, but couldn't stop the blood trickling down.

It turned out to be a lose-lose ending.

It was also thanks to Bai Yu's background in Wuxiu's lineage, and his strong physique, that he was able to withstand Xu Beiyou's sword. If it was replaced by other people in the fairyland, he would have died on the spot by this sword.

But Xu Beiyou's side was even more unbelievable. I saw him holding the feather arrow with both hands, "pulling" his body from the arrow inch by inch, and then tearing off the broken robe on his body, revealing the golden jade silk woven It's just that this invulnerable inner robe has been pierced with two holes, and there is a bloody mess underneath.

Compared to the pain he suffered while cultivating the Supreme Sword Body, the pain caused by these injuries is nothing to mention, not even enough to make Xu Beiyou blink his eyelids. , only a warm smile, and said in a warm voice: "Miss Bai, don't blame Xu for not knowing how to pity and cherish jade."

Xu Beiyou's current cultivation is not in his body's aura, but in the sea of ​​consciousness in the Zifu, so no matter how many injuries he has on his body, as long as it is not fatal, it will not affect his combat power, and he also has a body that is comparable to Taoism and Buddhism. The supreme sword body of the golden body is the most unafraid of exchanging injuries with others.

One arrow for one sword, in the end it was Xu Beiyou who made a big profit.

Bai Yu raised her head reluctantly, pursed her lips tightly, and did not speak.

If the temple is a cloud palace overlooking the world, then the left, right, front, rear, and middle armies are the five Optimus Prime stones that support this magnificent palace. Supporting an army, each army has a complete system from the school lieutenant, the captain, the commander to the commander, and the commander, and Baiyu is a member of this system.

The Daoist sect has nine peaks and eight veins, five halls and twelve pavilions. Since the imperial court can compete with the Daoist sect, apart from recruiting talents from all over the world and most of the Confucian sects who entered the court as officials, there are also martial arts masters who came from the army. Fifty-six out of ten of the masters live in the armies of various places, and they are very good at the art of joint attack. At that time, the governor Wei Jin once used the power of the army formed by the elite soldiers of the three thousand army to forcibly overwhelm the Southern Border Ten Thousand Gu Dao. Formation, and win the battle.

Not to mention that there are thunder ballistas, Shenwei general guns and many other powerful weapons in the major armies, even the great masters of the earth fairy realm dare not underestimate them.

It's a pity that whether it is a large-scale military formation, or ballistas and heavy artillery, they are all important weapons of the country. If there is no military order from the governor's mansion, even the governor of the left should not move lightly, so this attack only used three thunder ballistas , and even the sky fighters were not dispatched.

The young Bai Yu is now a commanding official, and one step further is the real power of Dutong who commands nearly [-] troops, second only to the governor-level general who is in charge of an army.

Bai Yu's attack and killing of Xu Beiyou this time was based on the orders of a military chief at the level of the governor. The governor promised to promote her to the position of deputy governor after the success of this mission. If she does not agree, then replace her with another An obedient person came to sit in her seat, under the combination of kindness and power, a powerless Baiyu could not tolerate disobedience, Baiyu had no choice but to come here to fight Xu Beiyou with her life.

Bai Yu struggled to get up to pick up the Yin-Yang Potential Breaking Bow that had fallen to the side, but after shaking it a few times, she still couldn't stand up.

Are you going to die?

She once used the longbow in her hand to kill countless enemies, but when it was her turn, it was an extremely strange feeling.

There are fears and relief, mixed feelings, mixed feelings.

Bai Yu has never regretted coming here, because the army pays attention to military orders like mountains and rivers. If you understand it, you must implement it, and if you don't understand it, you must implement it.

It's just that she still has some unspeakable regrets. After all, she is not yet 30 years old, she has never seen the world, and she has never met a person who makes her fall in love. Maybe it is because she is close to life and death. I, no matter winter, summer, cold or heat, have made false claims again and again, and my hands are full of scars.

In a flash, Xu Beiyou had already arrived in front of her, the gentle smile on his face had long since faded away, he raised his hand to kill evil, the blade of the sword was red.

Bai Yu slowly closed her eyes, waiting for death.

——When Bai Yu woke up again, the surroundings were pitch black. She didn't make a joke about thinking that she had arrived in the underworld. She was very sure that she was still alive, but she didn't understand why Xu Beiyou didn't kill herself.

"The reason why I didn't kill you was not because I felt pity for you, but because I wanted to see who is behind you." Xu Beiyou stood not far from Baiyu, carrying on his back the bow that originally belonged to Baiyu. Xie was wrapped in his belt, holding Tianlan in his hand.

Bai Yu couldn't move, although she could speak, but at this moment she didn't want to say a word.

Xu Beiyou said to himself: "I didn't expect you to be able to speak. In fact, your identity is not difficult to guess. You are nothing more than a figure in the Jiangnan Army. As for whose subordinates you can find out."

Bai Yu remained silent.

Xu Beiyou was not in a hurry, and said slowly: "Do you want to ask, since I can check, why should I keep you? I will not hide it from you, because you are a vital witness. With you, we can Use this matter to make some articles and kick some restless roadblocks."

Bai Yu is not stupid, on the contrary, he is very smart. He can naturally hear the power of these words, and his head will fall to the ground in an understatement. She wanted to point directly at the big man behind her. Thinking of this, she felt as if someone had poured a basin of ice water on her for three or nine days, making her feel cold all over.

Not only because of Xu Beiyou's character, but also because of a series of things that are about to happen.

Xu Beiyou said softly: "I have an elder, I call her Aunt Qin, this Aunt Qin has some roots in the Jiangnan Army and knows many secrets, she once told me that this Jiangnan Army is not so much the Jiangnan army of the imperial court. It is better to say that it is Lan Xiangye's Jiangnan army, because from the former left governor Chen Qiong to the two right governors, and then many subordinate commanders, they were all promoted and arranged by Lan Xiangye, although one Chen Qiong has been removed now. , but in the end it treats the symptoms but not the root cause.”

Bai Yu finally spoke, "You'd better return to Jiangdu alive first, and then talk about this."

Xu Beiyou said with a smile: "This Bu Laobai girl is worried. I have already sent a letter with the flying sword to ask for help. If there is no accident, there will be a result soon."

Bai Yu said coldly: "I'm afraid that what is waiting is not reinforcements, but men who come to clean up the mess."

After every battle, there must be a special person to clean up the battlefield. If the enemy army is not dead, he will make up for it, so he is called the man who makes up the sword.

Xu Beiyou's face was calm, and he said softly: "If this is the case, I can only run for my life alone. As for you, it is likely that you will end up being killed and silenced."

Bai Yu pursed her thin lips and did not speak.

She had expected this fate from the moment she missed.

Xu Beiyou seemed to express his feelings, and sighed in a low voice: "The battle in the temple is a matter of life and death. Although there is no shadow of sword, light and sword, it is no less dangerous than the frontier battlefield. Now on the temple, it seems that the chief assistant and The dispute between the secondary assistants is actually a dispute between kings and princes. Your Majesty has endured it for 20 years. As the saying goes, if you don't say anything, you will become a blockbuster. Master Lan, who is in power for a year, will probably retire with peace of mind..."

Xu Beiyou's self-talking voice became lower and lower, and soon became unhearable.

That is, while the two were talking, more than ten figures appeared in Xu Beiyou's field of vision, and they were rushing towards this side.

As these figures got closer, Xu Beiyou also saw their outfits clearly.

The Xuansha heavy armor and the heavenly crossbow are exactly the elites of the secret guards that Xie Suqing promised to hand over to Xu Beiyou.

A group of people came to Xu Beiyou, knelt down on one knee, and the leader said in a deep voice: "By the order of Master Tongzhi, I have met Mr. Xu."

Xu Beiyou didn't ask the name of the person who came, and directly ordered: "Clean up the battlefield, cut off the head of Hao Erlang, a soldier who died here, and bring it back to Jiangdu City."

(End of this chapter)

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