That year, that cicada, that sword

Chapter 302 The Controversy Between Buddhism and Taoism Emerges

Chapter 302 The Controversy Between Buddhism and Taoism Emerges

In today's practice world, it is an indisputable fact that the Taoist family is the only one.

Although the Confucianism sect is very powerful in the secular temples, it is actually completely attached to the imperial court. Famous scholars and Confucian scholars have become officials one after another, but it is difficult to shake the imperial power. They can only prostrate at the feet of Xiao's sect, which is laughed at as a broken spine The domestic dog, no longer has the majestic scene that the emperor and the scholar-officials ruled the world together during the Great Chu Dynasty.

Xuanjiao flourished in the last years of the Great Chu Dynasty, just like today's Daoism. At that time, Confucianism, one of the three religions, collapsed in front of Xuanjiao.

However, it flourished and then declined. In that competition, Xuanjiao was defeated by the combination of Buddhism and Taoism, and the later built iron cavalry was also expelled from the Central Plains by the Emperor Taizu of Zheng. , Since then, Xuanjiao and Houjian can only live in a corner, and there is no such thing as the heyday of the past.

In the last years of Dazheng, the Xuanjiao caused a farce where the five elders went their separate ways after the death of the leader, which indirectly led to the chaos of the Five Kings in Later Jian. Fortunately, Wanyan Beiyue and Murong Xuanyin were born, and they were unified and later built. Only one person integrated the Xuanjiao, and then there was a bit of ZTE atmosphere.

As for Jianzong, needless to say, Shangguan Xianchen fell into a slump after his death, and was almost wiped out by the Taoist sect. It is a blessing to be able to leave behind a ray of incense.

Among the current sects, if they don't talk about victory or defeat, they only say that they have the strength to fight against the Taoist sect. After counting, there will only be one Buddhist sect left.

Since the millennium, most of the time, Buddhism has adopted the attitude of being wise and safe, not seeking merit but seeking no faults, so in the previous great changes in the world, Buddhism has been slightly affected, but if you don’t dare to gamble, you can’t take a lot. Therefore, it is always difficult to truly enter the world like Taoism or Xuanjiao.

Speaking of the relationship between Taoism and Buddhism, it is very complicated. The two are inseparable. They are both opponents and allies. Whether it was facing the Confucianism of the Great Chu Dynasty or the Xuanjiao that was built later, the two can join forces to fight against the enemy. But once the powerful enemy is defeated, they will fight with each other again. The battle between Buddhism and Taoism has been going on and off for 2000 years since Buddhism came to the west.

Taoism has five halls and twelve pavilions, eight veins and nine peaks, Tianshi Mansion, and many branch Taoism all over the world.

In contrast, Buddhism has three temples and six courtyards, three major ancestral courts, and other Buddhist temples all over the world, but the King Kong Temple in Baozhu Kingdom and the Molun Temple in Daxue Mountain in the Monan Grassland have established themselves, so the current There is only one temple and six courtyards left in the Buddhist sect, and the Baozhu ancestral court among the three major ancestral courts is also occupied by the King Kong Temple, which makes Buddhism more and more powerless in the struggle between Buddhism and Taoism, especially after the battle of Dingding. Great prosperity, Buddhism can only retreat again and again.

After all, for Emperor Xiao back then, the Daoist sect was a timely gift, and the Buddhist sect was just icing on the cake. It was clear at a glance which of the two was more important.

The ancestral court of Taoism is located in the southeast, so the Buddhism shrank to the northeast with all its strength. The Taoism sent the Temple of Demon Suppression to walk the world, and the Buddhism had to create eight tribes to protect itself.

The eight divisions are taken from the Buddha's eight divisions of heaven and dragon protectors, which are heaven, dragon, yaksha, gandharva, garuda, kinara, asura, and mahuraka. Among them, heaven, dragon and asura The three are the most powerful, with four golden arhats.

Arhat fruit position is a Buddhist saying, and there are Bodhisattva fruit position and Buddha fruit position on it, which correspond to the earth fairy realm, fairy realm and heaven fairy realm respectively.

The four golden arhats are also four great masters of the earth fairy realm above the twelfth floor realm.

The four are Di Shitian and Da Brahma of the Sky Department, Dragon King of the Dragon Department, and Great Asura of the Asura Department.

Zhang Wubing used to be the Dragon King of the Dragon Division, and he was at the bottom of the four. After Zhang Wubing resigned as the Dragon King of the Dragon Division, Buddhism elected a new Dragon King, and this new Dragon King became the well-deserved No. 1 among the four. [-]. Known as the eight divisions of Tianlong, the master of the eight divisions.

On that day, the new Dragon King was invited by Qiu Ye to travel thousands of miles to watch the battle on Biyou Island in the East China Sea. Afterwards, he said bluntly to Qiu Ye, "The poor monk is born to be aggressive. I hope that one day, I can learn from Tai Yi, the number one deacon of the Town Demon Palace." The Immortal Sword to save Ku Tianzun."

In this regard, Zhenren Zhangjiao just laughed it off generously and did not reply.

Qin Mumian looked at the young monk and said softly, "The Dragon King has arrived in person, so I can't help but pay attention to it."

The monk made a flower shape, and there was a small flower with the color of glass on his fingertips. He asked with a smile, "Does benefactor Qin know this thing?"

Qin Mumian was slightly taken aback, and a look of nostalgia flashed across his face, "Is it Qiuyue who gave it to you?"

There is a Bodhi tree planted by the Buddha himself in the Buddhist ancestral garden. The Bodhi tree blooms once every hundred years. Then it can be made into a magic weapon called Baosehua.

As for Qiuyue, he is an eminent Buddhist monk who can be called together with Qiuye for a while. In those days, there was a saying that there are three autumns in the world, namely, Qiuye of Taoism, Qiuyue of Buddhism, and Qiusi of Molun Temple. The representative of the family once had a battle in Dongdu, which had not yet been renamed the imperial capital.

The final result of that fight was that the snipe and the clam fought each other for the fisherman's profit, and Xiao Huang, who was still unknown at this time, got a great fortune. The process was full of twists and turns. Fu was not Qiuye's opponent, so he invited Qin Mumian, who was living in Qiutai at that time, to join forces to fight against the enemy, and the reward was this precious flower.

A treasure-colored flower is naturally a very good magic weapon for Qin Mumian, who was only in the realm of human immortality at that time, but for Qin Mumian today, it is dispensable, but the affection in it is very important. Special, to paraphrase the words of Buddhism, this is an unfinished karma back then.

The Dragon King said softly: "This is exactly what the abbot asked the poor monk to hand over to the benefactor Qin."

Abbot, the head of Buddhism.

In Buddhism, monks in different positions have different names.Those who have just started are called "novice monks". After passing the teaching and receiving precepts, they are called "bhikkhu". The monks who do this work are called "deacons".

Only highly respected monks can be called monks. Many women usually call young monks monks when they offer incense. It is quite respectful.

As for the higher level, it is the monks at the first level of the courtyard, that is, the hall master, the back hall, the west hall, and the first seat.

In addition to the major heads, there are also the masters of Buddhist temples in various places, all of whom are called hosts.

The master of a temple can be called the abbot, but not the abbot. The abbot is elected from among the many abbots. After the promotion ceremony, he can be called the abbot.

The head of the Taoist sect teaches Qiu Ye.

Qiuyue, the abbot of Buddhism.

Not an old enemy is better than an old enemy.

Qin Mumian's face softened a little, "You brought an old thing from 60 years ago to see me, it's well-intentioned."

The Dragon King smiled and said: "60 years ago, you and the abbot were allies. 60 years later, between you and the Taoist sect, don't forget how the Taoist sect crossed the river and demolished the bridge back then. For the sake of love, the Wenxiang Sect must be driven to extinction.

Qin Mumian stared at him and asked slowly, "What do you want to say?"

The Dragon King said bluntly: "The poor monk wants to join hands with the benefactor Qin to drive the Daomen out of this beautiful Jiangnan."

Qin Mumian sneered and said, "Kicking out a Taoist school, and entering another Buddhist school, Jiangdu is still Jiangdu, I'm wasting my time. If you say such a thing, will I do it?"

The smile on the Dragon King's face became wider, "Of course the benefactor Qin won't do it, but what if the poor monk promises to give up the Taoist workshop to the benefactor?"

Qin Mumian raised his eyebrows and said, "Can you make the decision?"

The Dragon King said: "When the abbot arrives, he will give the opportunity in person, and all affairs in the south of the Yangtze River will be decided by the poor monk."

Qin Mumian said in a deep voice: "Even if you can make the decision, why do you do it? Don't talk about the Buddha's salvation of all sentient beings. If everyone in the Buddhist school is so compassionate, I am afraid that there will be no such word as Buddhism in this world. .”

The young monk smiled, "The poor monk wants Jiangdu to belong to the benefactor, and Jiangzhou to belong to my Buddha. Qin benefactor, do you agree or not?"

(End of this chapter)

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