That year, that cicada, that sword

Chapter 303 Want to Join Forces to Take Millets from the Fire

Chapter 303 Want to Join Forces to Take Millets from the Fire

"A person has a face, especially a woman."

"Women need to be coaxed. It is not a woman who coaxes herself to make up her eyebrows and temples."

Xu Beiyou finally met the Buddhist eminent monk mentioned in Zhang Wubing's letter. This eminent monk indeed has the appearance of an eminent monk. The only shortcoming is that he does not have the demeanor of an eminent monk. How taboo, although I have long heard the saying that "wine and meat pass through the intestines, the Buddha's heart sits", but Xu Beiyou still feels that this new dragon king is a bit too out of line.

When this person came to show his identity earlier, Xu Beiyou naturally hosted a banquet to cleanse him up. When the wine was half drunk, he somehow mentioned the woman. Who would have thought that the master's words would be "an epigram". After Xu Beiyou tasted it a little, I have to admit that this is true.

Taking advantage of his drunkenness, Xu Beiyou quietly looked at this monk. He has a handsome face and a charming expression. If one judges a person by his appearance, it would be more than enough for him to be a monk who knows the guests of the Dabaoen Temple and specializes in receiving ladies. But if he replaced Zhang Wubing Xu Beiyou, the new Dragon King, thought he was blind, so he really couldn't tell.

The monk seemed to be aware of Xu Beiyou's doubts, and he was not angry. He smiled and said, "Benefactor Xu, I don't know if you have heard such a sentence, people can't be distinguished, they are distinguished, so sometimes you have to understand Shouzhuo two words."

Xu Beiyou told the truth; "Xu has little talent, but he has never heard of it."

The monk didn't take it seriously, and continued: "People should not be too stunning, if one person takes over the family line, it will be difficult for the younger generations to continue."

Xu Beiyou's face felt uncomfortable for a moment, because he heard that the new dragon king seemed to be talking about him and the sword sect behind him.

Shangguan Xianchen is indeed a stunning person, and his aptitude and talent are even greater than that of today's Daoist Qiuye. His claim to be half of the Sword Sect is by no means a madman's lie, but that he monopolizes half of the Sword Sect's vitality, so After his death, Jianzong could hardly continue.

Being able to see through this point shows that this monk is not simple.

Xu Beiyou corrected his attitude, and said solemnly, "Thank you, Master, for your enlightenment."

The monk shook his head and said: "The poor monk just talked about some truths that he has realized since he entered the world. These truths cannot be learned from Buddhist scriptures, and they cannot be understood by facing the wall. Only by rolling in the world of mortals can one have a three-point understanding."

The monk does not know the real age, after all, it is the real realm of the earth fairy, it is not difficult to look like a child even at an advanced age, and Xu Beiyou once heard Zhang Xueyao say that after stepping into the realm of the earth fairy, one hundred years old is the way Threshold, after crossing this threshold, most of them will have a big change of mind, some will become innocent, laughing and joking like children; No difference.

Xu Beiyou couldn't help guessing secretly, could it be that this eminent Buddhist monk has already passed the hundred-year-old mark, and will be like this after a big change of mind?
Anyway, since this eminent monk is an expert above the twelfth floor of the Earth Immortal, there is no reason for Xu Beiyou to let it go. Now Xu Beiyou is like a real businessman, calculating carefully, counting the chips and money in his hand, if he can Please move this great Buddha to solve his urgent needs, then he doesn't mind paying some price.

The monk suddenly said: "The poor monk once learned the way of arithmetic from Master Qingchen for a few days, and he is especially good at deciphering characters. I wonder if Master Xu is willing to write a word and let the poor monk decipher it."

Xu Beiyou pondered for a while, thinking of his journey, how Master did it, he did it too, whichever way Master went, he would go that way. Zhongmou's past.

So Xu Beiyou dipped his fingers in some wine and wrote the word "Ye" on the table.

The monk looked at the word "Ye", frowned slightly, and said, "This word 'Ye' is not a good omen."

"What's the explanation?" Xu Beiyou didn't dare to regard the monk's words as the pretentious shocking words of a charlatan, and his tone couldn't help being a little more dignified.

The monk restrained the smile on his face, and after pondering for a while, he said slowly: "There is no one in him, no water in the pool, no soil in the ground, no horses to gallop, benefactor Xu may have a lot of unsatisfactory things recently. "

Xu Beiyou said solemnly, "I wonder if Master can save me?"

The monk stretched out his hand and smiled without saying a word.

——When it was getting dark, Li Qinglian came to Xu Beiyou's place suddenly, and asked him to go to Zhang's mansion. Fuguifang and Ronghuafang are only a short distance away, and they are also close to Tianyuanfang. Even Zhang Zhaonu would not dare to go too far here Too presumptuous, Xu Beiyou didn't do what he thought, and went directly to Zhang's Mansion in Fuguifang.

After Xu Beiyou walked into the main hall, the scene in the hall was far beyond his expectations. Zhang Xueyao, Qin Mumian, Tang Shengyue, Tang Yuerong, and Luo Fu all gathered here. In Xu Beiyou's memory, the last time the five of them appeared together was When Murong Xuanyin entered Jiangdu.

With such a big battle today, things will never be small.

Zhang Xueyao, who was sitting at the top, said, "Everyone is here, Sister Qin, if you have anything to say, just say it."

Qin Mumian looked at Xu Beiyou and asked, "Nangui, you must have met that Buddhist Dragon King."

Xu Beiyou nodded and said, "Yes, I just hosted a banquet for this Dragon King to clean up the dust, but he didn't stay with me overnight, and insisted on going to the Dabaoen Temple to place an order."

Qin Mumian hummed, and said: "Fomen, or this Dragon King of Buddhism has a lot of ambitions. He came to Jiangnan this time to drive Taoism out of Jiangdu, and then let Buddhism establish a firm foothold in Jiangnan. Now he plans to join forces with us. , I called everyone out this time just to ask what you mean."

Zhang Xueyao had no intention of opening her mouth at all, but after a little hesitation, Tang Shengyue said, "It's easy to pull out the Jiangnan Daomen, and a mere Du Haichan is nothing to worry about, but the key is how to deal with the Daomen next." What is your reaction? After all, Jiangnan Daomen is not Chonglongguan, and we are far inferior to the imperial court with a big family and a great cause."

Qin Mumian said bluntly: "Qiuye and Chenye haven't come out of seclusion yet. First, the several peak masters joined forces to launch an attack on the Demon Suppressing Palace, and then the eight peak masters and the masters of all the palaces and pavilions began to attack each other. Everyone knows that Qiuye Ascension is imminent, and he has yet to appoint a first disciple, so who will take over the head coach will be very important."

"The last civil strife in the Taoist sect occurred during the three years from the third year of Jianwen in Dazheng to the fifth year of Jianwen."

"In the first year, under the pressure of Qingchen, the real person in charge, Zichen, also wanted to protect Qiuye, dethroned Qiuye as the first disciple, and imprisoned him in the Patriarch Hall."

"In the second year, Qing Chen secretly joined forces with Diao Yin, the great elder of Xuanjiao, Mu Guan, the abbot of Buddhism, Zhang Zai, the Grand Master of Dazheng, and Shangguan Xianchen, the Great Sword Immortal, and the five of them joined forces to force Zichen, the old head teacher of Taoism, to ascend early."

"In the third year, Tianchen became the chief peak master, and joined forces with other peak masters to quell the chaos in the capital Tianfeng, restore Qiuye's position as the chief apprentice, and then began to clean Zhulian wantonly."

Zhang Xueyao, who had been silent all this time, finally opened her mouth and said: "It's funny to say, in that Taoist accident, more Taoist disciples died at the hands of their own people than at the hands of outsiders. Many real people and celestial masters did not He died in the hands of our Sword Sect, and he didn't die in the rebellious army. In the end, he died in the hands of the Town Demon Palace and the Punishment Department. The root of the curse planted in the early years."

Qin Mumian can be regarded as half of the witnesses back then, and did not comment on Zhang Xueyao's statement, and continued: "In the end, Tianchen teamed up with Xiao Huang and defeated Qingchen, Shangguan Xianchen, Diao Yin and others in the battle of Dingding. With this, the chaos of the Taoist sect was completely ended, and Qiu Ye was promoted to the position of Daoist sect head teacher in Huanglong's early years, until today."

"According to the time, Qiuye has been the head teacher of this Taoist sect for two years. During these 52 years, he has taken in a total of thirteen disciples. Those are the twelve disciples, who are called the Twelve Golden Immortals of Taoism by good people. The name is a bit exaggerated, but it is true that everyone has the realm of immortality. The tallest and the most loved by Qiuye, while Tianyun, Wuyun and Baiyun are the three earliest disciples who have been in the Taoist sect for many years, and their respective forces are intertwined and deeply rooted. They are the three most powerful candidates for the position of head teacher. .”

(End of this chapter)

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