Chapter 35 Thousand Buddha Cave outside Yumen Pass

Although Xu Beiyou never mentioned it, when he came back from the ancient battlefield, the seed of ambition in his heart had completely germinated. He was no longer satisfied with Danxia Village, he wanted to go out to see the vast world outside, and even He began to yearn for the world depicted by his master.

This young man who was born in the Northwest and grew up in the Northwest is not willing to be in the Northwest. He has no feelings of "wealth is nothing more than cloud smoke", nor does he have the mentality of "the most important thing in life is to be happy". His idea is very simple. To be a master, you just Like the woman riding saluzi, she is an indescribably precious person.

Even in his heart, there is an idea that has never been put into words. His future wife should not be a village girl who doesn't know anything, but at least she should be a little girl like Zhiyun. If it is possible, It is best to be a lady like the girl who rides Sa Luzi.

He doesn't want his son to be like himself in the future, spending 20 years of his life facing the loess and back to the sky.

So he is like a drowning person, desperately grabbing whatever he can catch, constantly enriching himself with his cultivation, knowledge, and insights. He hopes that the next time he stands in front of Duanmuyu, he will not pretend to be calm, But really calm and calm.

Xu Beiyou understood very well that an ordinary person might not be able to get hold of something that a son of a noble family has had since he was born, and even if he could get it, he would have to pay a huge price that ordinary people can't imagine.

More importantly, going from one world to another requires not only hard work, but also enough luck and opportunities.

Now, he already has the opportunity, all he has to do is work hard.

After having dinner with Zhiyun, Xu Beiyou went back to his room alone, lit the oil lamp and began to study the "Book of Books Direct Explanation" written by Yixiang through the ages. For Xu Beiyou, it was like a protracted Xu Beiyou was already a little dizzy after reading for more than half an hour, which made him miss his husband very much. If he was by his side, he would definitely be able to explain the content to himself.

Xu Beiyou didn't go to bed until midnight, but now he seldom sleeps, and mostly uses meditation practice instead, trying to absorb the remaining sword energy and spirit as soon as possible, break through the third-rank realm, and become a master in the true sense.

The second-rank realm, even if it is placed in the imperial capital, is enough to serve as a second-class internal guard.

A martial artist's cultivation base is like a minister in a temple. Only high-ranking officials of the first and second ranks can be regarded as entering the core of the entire empire. There is an invisible but clear-cut boundary line.

On the other side, Gongsun Zhongmou did not enter the city, but continued westward along Dunhuang City.

In the far west of the entire empire's territory is the Yumen Pass, which is "the spring breeze does not pass through the Yumen Pass". Between the two, there is a continuous Buddhist cave with a total of more than [-] caves. There are more than [-] colored sculptures such as Feitian, so it is called the Thousand Buddha Cave, which is the largest Buddhist cave in the world.

Gongsun Zhongmou's destination is the Thousand Buddha Cave.

The Thousand Buddha Cave is a well-deserved holy place for Buddhism. Its reputation is second only to the Buddha of the third generation in the ancestral courtyard of Buddhism. However, unlike the ancestral courtyard of Buddhism, outsiders are not prohibited from entering here. many.

Gongsun Zhongmou did not show up during the day, but waited patiently until night, when a bright moon hung high, before he formally entered the Thousand Buddha Cave.

In fact, there is still a supervisor monk appointed by the Buddhist sect in the Thousand Buddha Cave to prevent You Xiaoxiao from stealing statues and scriptures.

At this time, when the moon and stars were thinning, the supervisor monk led a young monk, who was also his only apprentice, to inspect the Buddhist caves one by one.

The supervisor monk is already middle-aged, but he looks very handsome. If he has not been ordained to become a monk, he must be a refined old man not inferior to Gongsun Zhongmou.After all, men are like wine, the older they are, the more mellow they will be.

He held a torch in one hand, and led his apprentice in the other, with a Jiedao hanging from his waist.The supervisor monk is actually a term for the outside world. Inside the Buddhist sect, it is customary to call it the cave guard. This position has been passed down for hundreds of years. Most of them are used to exile monks who commit crimes. The middle-aged monk is no exception. He was personally exiled by the head of the Buddhist sect. to this place.

Before coming here, he had already had his dharma name cut off, and his original lay name, Zhang Wubing, was used.

Walking in front of a Buddhist cave, Zhang Wubing suddenly stopped, looked up at the blurred big Buddha under the night, and sighed softly.

Then he whispered to his apprentice, "Come here tonight, go to sleep."

The little monk, who could hardly keep his eyes open, nodded and walked towards the residence in a daze.

Zhang Wubing turned around, turned his back to the big Buddha, and said calmly: "Please come and see the distinguished guest."

The monk's voice spread far away, covering the entire Thousand Buddha Cave.

After a while, there was a sound of footsteps that were not light or heavy, and the old man with the sword box on his back slowly appeared in front of the monk.

Zhang Wubing tossed the torch casually, and it happened to land between the two fingers of the big Buddha behind him, and he said calmly: "It turns out that Mr. Gongsun is here."

Gongsun Zhongmou looked up at the Buddha, and said with a smile, "It's rare that the Dragon King still remembers XX."

Zhang Wubing was still calm in the ancient well, and said flatly: "I am no longer the Dragon King."

Gongsun Zhongmou suppressed the smile on his face, sighed regretfully and said, "It was not the work of a wise man to drive out the Dragon King who ranks among the top three in military strength from the Eight Tribes. Is it Emperor Shitian? Or Asura?"

Zhang Wubing shook his head and said: "It's not them, they don't have such great power, it's the abbot who personally ordered to abolish my title of Dragon King."

Gongsun Zhongmou nodded, and suddenly changed the subject, saying: "I have met Murong Xuanyin."

Zhang Wubing seemed to have expected it a long time ago, and said coldly: "So what? You and Murong Xuanyin are both listed on the list of demon leaders in the Demon Suppressing Palace. One is second and the other is third. Do you still want to drag me? Going to be that fourth?"

Gongsun Zhongmou continued, "I also met Han Xuan."

Zhang Wubing's expression froze suddenly, and he frowned and asked, "So Han Xuan recommended me to you."

Gongsun Zhongmou shook his head and said, "Han Xuan only mentioned you, but didn't recommend you to me. He and I are not on the same path."

Zhang Wubing nodded and said: "That's right, Han Xuan is still thinking about returning to the court, so naturally he won't be a traitor like you."

Gongsun Zhongmou laughed, especially loud in the silent night.

Zhang Wubing was silent for a long time, and slowly asked: "You, the master of the Sword Sect, still want to re-establish the Sword Sect?"

Gongsun Zhongmou's expression was a little sad, "How many times have I dreamed of going back to the past, after all, I can't let go of my obsession. Although the master is no longer here, Zhu Xian is still there, the sword 36 is still there, and I, Gongsun Zhongmou, are still here. Unswerving."

Zhang Wubing sighed and said: "To go against the trend is to go against the sky, respecting the master Shangguan's immortal dust reaches the heavens and the earth, but the body dies and the dao disappears, so what can you do?"

Gongsun Zhongmou, who has been walking in the world for nearly a year, did not speak.

Zhang Wubing hesitated for a moment, and said in a deep voice: "It's not that the monk has let go of his anger, but the general trend. Even if the Jianzong has you, Gongsun Zhongmou, so what? The Lord is still there. At the court, even if Emperor Xiao is dead, so what? The first assistant Lan Yu is not dead, the governor Wei Jin is not dead, the Zhenbei Khan is not dead, Wei Wang Xiao Jin is not dead, and the later Jianguo Lord Wanyan Beiyue is not dead, and don't forget that Emperor Xiao personally built the Meishan Mausoleum for himself, no one can guarantee that he is really dead."

Gongsun Zhongmou was silent.

Just when the Dragon King was about to turn around and leave, Gongsun Zhongmou suddenly said, "I have taken in an apprentice."

Dragon King Zhang Wubing paused for a moment and said, "I also have apprentices."

Gongsun Zhongmou stepped back, and the voice came from afar, "Buddhism has the compassion of the Bodhisattva who can save all living beings, and also has the Vajra Anger who suppresses heretics. The Dragon King is the contemporary Anger. If there is a chance, I will let my successor come to visit again. Dragon King."

The voice gradually dissipated, and Gongsun Zhongmou's figure also completely disappeared.

(End of this chapter)

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