That year, that cicada, that sword

Chapter 36 The Raptors Cross Jiangxi Liangzhou

Chapter 36 The Raptors Cross Jiangxi Liangzhou

Although Dunhuang City was built on the yellow sand, because of the large and small gates in the city, it is not inferior to the major cities in the hinterland of the Central Plains. Among them, such as building gardens and diverting water into the mansion, etc. can often be seen.And there is another point that is quite different from the Central Plains. There are many generals here, and every family raises private troops, ranging from thousands to dozens.

Xiliang generals call these private soldiers servants, and they are never stingy with gold and silver on weekdays. Their combat power is higher than that of the frontier army's main barracks. In his eyes, he regards the whole of Xiliang as his own private house in the backyard.

The inn that Xu Beiyou lived in was in the west part of Dunhuang City, where people from all walks of life and merchants lived here. In contrast, the east part of the city was where most of the generals’ mansions were located. There was a clear boundary between the two cities. It's two worlds.

However, the atmosphere in Dongcheng today is particularly gloomy, because there are two strong dragons crossing the river who are about to meet here.

After the incident at the Longmen Inn, Duanmuyu deeply felt that the situation was out of his control. With the disturbance from the remnants of the Sword Sect, the Daomen Town Demon Palace was bound to enter the game in a big way. On the other hand, in the Dark Guard Mansion, their focus of arrests has never been on swords. Zong's remnants, but the remnants of the White Lotus Sect who once ruled the south of the Yangtze River and confronted Xiao Yu across the river, so the Dark Guard House will not continue to invest in this matter.Closing in time is the code of conduct for the dark guards.

Without follow-up power, Duanmuyu understood that it would be difficult for him to have a chance to make a big splash in the northwest. Although Gongsun Zhongmou looked tempting, it was not something he could dream of overnight, so he chose to return to the imperial capital, no longer Involved personally.

As for the next endgame in the Northwest, it is natural to leave it to "Uncle Lu Shi" to deal with it. Who made Lu Chen the governor of the Dark Guard Mansion in the Northwest?Although I, Duanmuyu, have a father who is the governor of the Dark Guard Mansion, but I am still white and have no official position. How about the Northwest Dark Guard, it is my love to help you, and my duty not to help you.

Duanmuyu left the northwest without hesitation, and Lu Chen had to rush to Xiliangzhou himself.

The other raptor across the river was, without a doubt, the Daomen Town Demon Hall.

There are three survivors in the Longmen Inn incident, namely Duanmuyu, the little girl in red, and Meng Po.

After Meng Po fled, she found that the inspector and judge hadn't returned for a long time, so she knew that the colleague was probably dead. According to the rules, she reported the matter to the palace master, but she didn't know that Gongsun Zhongmou was involved later, so she took it for granted. Put the crime on the head of the Dark Guard Mansion.

This time, the Temple of Demons Suppresses sent a deacon and a deacon. The deacon is Ye Zui from the high-ranking Ye family, and the deacon is the top ten runner king.

The king of the wheel, the palace is located outside the Nether Woshi, facing the five turbid places of the world in the east.He ranks at the bottom of the Ten Halls of Yama, but ranks tenth in the Hall of Suppressing Demons, second only to King Qin Guang and King Yama.

Even when the Northern Ghost Emperor was in its heyday, the ranking was still below the King of the Wheel.

Regarding the two raptors crossing the river, the attitude of Xiliang generals and these local snakes is mainly defensive, but they are not hostile. Instead, they acted as a middleman. They set the abandoned site of the Xiliang Governor's Mansion as the place for peace talks between the two sides. .

Yes, peace talks.

The Demon Town Palace and the Dark Guard Mansion, which were once hidden in the dark shadows, with the rise of their respective masters, abandoned many of the past traditions and began to appear under the sun.

There is nothing new under the sun.

After all, they once assisted Xiao Huang to compete in the world together, and the layer of paper on his face still couldn't be completely torn.

Zhuanlun Wang and Ye Zui came to the Xiliang Dudu's Mansion one step earlier, and the two of them walked on a weedy path in the back garden of the mansion.

Judging from his face, the King of the Wheel is not very old, he seems to be about the same as Ye Zui, but his face is extremely pale, as if with a touch of sickness.But in the world of practitioners, judging people by their appearance is the most stupid way. A three-year-old child may be a master who has rejuvenated his youth, and a dying old man may also be a poor person who has gone wrong in his cultivation.

The real age of this wheel-running king is unknown, but he will definitely not be a young man who is less than [-] years old.

The Wheel-Running King stopped, looked at the dried up lake with his hands behind his back, and sighed: "Revisiting the old place, things are different and people are different."

Ye Zui asked softly, "The Wheel-Turning King has been here before?"

Turning the Wheel King turned his head and sighed, "Jiazi ago, I followed Daoist Master Zhang to the northwest. At that time, Emperor Xiao was not Emperor Xiao, and Daoist Master Zhang was not Daoist Master. As for me, I was just two hundred Daoist sects. Among the unknown disciples, some of them died and stayed here forever, and some of them did not die and were able to return to the Taoist sect. Sixty years later, Xiao Huangxian passed away, and the real person in charge lived on Dutian Peak. I also became a so-called transfer Wheel King."

"Some people think that our Taoist sect and the imperial court must be in an endless situation, but how can it be so easy to tear faces. People like the inspectors and judges shout and kill all day long, but for us old guys, in a few days Ten years ago, I was with another group of old guys who lay down in Xuewozi, killed grassland cavalry together, went south to the Central Plains, and even lived and died together. Now these old guys have become the imperial court's nobles and grandchildren, full of children and grandchildren, As for us, we have also become masters and ancestors in Taoism, and now we are asked to fight and kill, and the target of killing is still the old buddy back then, which is really meaningless."

Ye Zui was a little surprised, he hesitated to speak.

The Wheel-Running King smiled, and said slowly: "That's why I want to talk to Lu Chen. It is best to make peace and give an explanation to the Taoist sect. When we people die of old age, the old guys in the court will also die. No one will take care of you if you upset the world.”

Ye Zui said: "I am not the same as the procurator."

The Wheel-Turning King glanced at him, turned and left without saying a word.

The Wheel-Turning King returned to the main hall where he was preparing for the meeting, which had been cleaned up by the servants.

Po Meng was waiting here, and when she saw Queen Zhuanlun, she hesitated for a moment before carefully asking: "King Zhuanlun, do the higher-ups want Ye Zui to replace the inspector?"

Zhuanlun Wang sat on the main seat, with a leisurely expression, and said with a light smile, "Ye Zui is the grandson of the head teacher, and his family business is big, so it is inevitable that there will be a few bits and pieces. A deacon of the Temple of Suppressing Demons must have plans, and I don’t want to delve into the hidden secrets, but the head teacher has stopped paying attention to the affairs of the Ye family since Jiazi, and his thoughts are probably going to fail.”

Although Meng Po is already an old woman, in terms of actual age, she is more than 20 years younger than the King of the Wheel. When she first entered the Temple of Demons, the King of the Wheel was already one of the 72 deacons. , she is used to being cautious in front of the wheel king.

After hearing this somewhat vague answer, Po Meng didn't continue to ask, but instead asked: "The remnants of the Sword Sect mentioned by the Dark Guard Mansion?"

King Zhuanlun squinted his eyes and sighed: "The remnants of the Sword Sect, I was lucky enough to meet Gongsun Zhongmou, the first disciple of the Sword Sect, in the grassland. Killing someone is really wanton, I don't know if after Jiazi, there will still be the big romance in the past?"

Meng Po smiled and said, "After so many years, Gongsun Zhongmou is probably already a bad old man."

Zhuanlun Wang, who still retained his youthful appearance, said, "The way of swordsmanship does not preserve one's health, and the old handsome man will also become old and feeble. It's really embarrassing."

After all, the wind will be blown away by the rain and wind, only the imperial capital and Du Tianfeng can stand still.

(End of this chapter)

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