Chapter 37

The gentle attitude of King Zhuanlun invisibly eased the tense atmosphere in Zhenmo Hall and the Dark Guard Mansion, which secretly relieved many Xiliang generals, and also relieved Lu Chen who was rushing to Dunhuang City.

The forces of all parties in the Temple of Demon Suppression are intricate, and the Temple of Demon Suppression can even be regarded as a microcosm of the internal struggle of the Taoist sect. The King of the Wheel is the confidant of Zhenren Zhangjiao, and his attitude is the attitude of Zhenren Zhangjiao.

Since the head teacher cares about old feelings and is unwilling to break his face, then the battle between the Demon Town Hall and the hidden guards will probably not be able to be fought.

The undercurrent surging in Xiliangzhou showed signs of calming down gradually, but all of this was limited to the east city, and Xu Beiyou in the west city still didn't know anything about it.

In the past few days, except for the necessary meals, Xu Beiyou stayed in the room alone for the rest of the time, reading the "Shu Jing Zhi Jie".Master once said that Confucianism also has awe-inspiring spirit, reading books may not be impossible to read a world of immortality, that Zhang Shoufu was a leading master of Confucianism back then.

The master also mentioned that the three religions of Confucianism, Buddhism and Taoism are combined, and now the Taoist sect is the leader of the monks in the world, and the masters in the sect are like a cloud, the most in the world.Although Buddhism does not show mountains and dews, there may be a few Buddhas and monks who face the wall and meditate in the ancestral courtyard.Confucianism is now in decline, but every hundred years there must be a leader who is immortal in meritorious service, speech, and morality. Now that Zhang Jiangling, the leader of the previous generation, has passed a hundred years, someone should stand up and provoke the burden of Confucianism .

Xu Beiyou doesn't care whether he can cultivate the awe-inspiring spirit of Confucianism. He learns more about the world through book travel. Only when he truly understands the world can he survive in this world better.

In this regard, Xu Beiyou was not in a hurry, and proceeded step by step.

Finally, on the fourth day after arriving in Dunhuang, Xu Beiyou roughly read the first time "Shu Jing Zhi Jie".

Many days of reading made Xu Beiyou feel dizzy, and he couldn't look at anything anymore, so the next day, he left the inn with Zhiyun and started to tour Dunhuang City.

Xu Beiyou generously bought a bunch of food, and walked with Zhiyun while eating.From time to time in the city, you can see strong and sharp soldiers. The army is clean and tidy. Most of the Gaoliang children who eat, drink and have fun kill people while talking and laughing with a knife on the horse, and subdue the beautiful girl with a gun when they go to bed.

Xu Beiyou has to admit that the children of these aristocratic families have been influenced by their family background since they were young, and they have no shortage of good teachers to teach them. , and the superstructure of the entire empire is propped up by these elites.

The common people at the bottom are more than a thousand miles behind at the starting point. When the children of the common people are still grazing cattle and sheep for their livelihood, the children of the aristocratic families are already reading aloud with the great Confucians. , The children of the aristocratic family tune the plain piano and read the golden scriptures. When the children of the common people just understand the ways of the world, the children of the aristocratic family already know how to step on the low and praise the high, and have even learned from their parents that there is a sword in the belly and a sword hidden in a smile.

The children of the common people were pulling a creaking broken cart behind them, and the children of the aristocratic family sat in a gold and jade carriage pulled by fine horses.

The gap is no less than the difference between heaven and earth. It is really difficult for the bottom to enter the upper world.

Therefore, people at the bottom often have to pay multiple times of hard work and hardships, and have enough luck before they can set foot in the strange world above their heads.But this process, for the children of the family, is just a matter of course, not worth mentioning at all.


If things are uneven, they will cry out, and so will people.

Xu Beiyou was unwilling to be content with this, he was not satisfied with this world, so there was a big injustice in his heart.

Since there is a great injustice, if you don't sing it, you will be alone, and if you sing it, the world will hear it!
Now that we arrived in Dunhuang City, we had to take a look at the world-famous Thousand-Buddha Cave. After walking aimlessly in Dunhuang City for a long time, the two decided to go out of the city to see the legendary Thousand-Buddha Cave.

There is a distance of fifty miles between Dunhuang and the Thousand Buddha Cave. When the two of them could see the outline of the Thousand Buddha Cave, it was almost sunset. Zhiyun sat directly on a piece of gravel, wrinkled his small face, and rubbed his hands with his hands. Calf, no longer willing to take a step forward.

Xu Beiyou was fine. Seeing that the distance was not long, after a little thought, he decided to simply carry Zhiyun on his back.Zhiyun's feet and legs were already numb at the moment, and she felt that these legs and feet did not belong to her. After hearing Xu Beiyou's proposal, her physical fatigue defeated the woman's reserve. On Xu Beiyou's back, his hands wrapped around his neck, his face flushed slightly, it was really cute.

In this way, the man carried the woman on his back, and the woman carried the burden, and the two continued to head towards the Thousand Buddha Cave.

Fatigue gradually went away, and reserve once again occupied the high ground.

Zhiyun suddenly understood what riding a tiger is difficult to get off.

It was the first time that Zhiyun had such close contact with a man, Zhiyun's heart beat violently, his hands around Xu Beiyou's neck were tightly twisted, the man's aura so close at hand made Zhiyun a little silly, and he regretted letting him carry him on his back.

Today Zhiyun is still dressed in the wide robe, which can not only cover the wind and sand, but also cover the face, and can avoid many unnecessary troubles.It's just that no matter how wide the robe is, it can only serve as a shield. When there is no gap between the two, Xu Beiyou can clearly feel the softness of the two balls on the woman's back. Even through the clothes, this kind of intimate contact makes the uninitiated Xu Beiyou from personnel affairs was a little at a loss, his whole back became stiff, in order to cover up this embarrassment, he could only bury his head and hurry.

The little Taoist nun seemed to have noticed Xu Beiyou's embarrassment, so she became even more shy, blushing as if she was about to drip water.

The sunset dyed the western sky red, and the clouds were like fire.

The girl's blushing face is reflected against the blood-red sunset, and it is hard to tell whether it is the setting sun that sets off the girl, or the girl lights up the sunset. At this moment, this picture is breathtakingly beautiful.

It's a pity that Xu Beiyou couldn't see this scene.

Zhiyun quietly lay on Xu Beiyou's back. After a while, she gradually got used to this strange and novel state.

Zhiyun still tightly wrapped her hands around Xu Beiyou's neck, and gently rested her chin on his shoulder, letting Xu Beiyou's hands support her legs. She closed her eyes and breathed lightly.

The breath blowing on Xu Beiyou's ears made him feel itchy, and then this itching spread to his heart, causing him to start thinking wildly, and the thought that had finally calmed down began to pop up again, like leeks, crop after crop .

Xu Beiyou's mind became muddled at this moment. The Four Books and Five Classics he learned on weekdays were useless, and the sword 36 taught by his master was also useless. At this moment, he could only rely on himself.

Xu Beiyou summoned up his courage to feel the softness of his hands and back.

This feeling is very familiar, he remembered the first time he stabbed the body of the dark guard with the Tianlan sword.

Also very soft and very stimulating.

Then he somewhat understood why the master would say that a beautiful woman is the most destructive with a sword.

There is also a sword in this world, which kills people without seeing blood, and kills people invisible. This sword is called woman, and it is designed to kill foolish men in the world.

(End of this chapter)

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