Chapter 38

The war between men and women has never stopped, and the result is either that the east wind overwhelms the west wind, or the west wind overwhelms the east wind, or both lose.

However, in this protracted war, men have an innate advantage, most of the time they are on the offensive side, while women are mostly on the defensive side.

As the saying goes, if you defend for a long time, you will lose, so the battle between Xu Beiyou and Zhiyun finally ended with Zhiyun jumping off Xu Beiyou's back and admitting defeat.

When the two arrived at the Thousand Buddha Caves, it was already getting dark, and most of the tourists in the daytime had left, leaving only one Buddha statue in the dark, without the spirit of the fairy Buddha in the daytime, it turned out to be Some eerie.

The two came to the hall cave in the middle in the dark. Zhiyun looked at the dark building, his back felt cool, and unconsciously lowered his voice, and whispered: "Why don't we go up?"

Xu Beiyou took out a fire pocket from his rucksack, lit it, looked at the pavilion built on the mountain wall with the faint light of the fire and moonlight, and said, "Everyone is here, it would be a pity not to take a look."

Zhiyun grabbed one of Xu Beiyou's sleeves, and his voice became softer, "But it's so dark, it's scary to look at."

Xu Beiyou said helplessly, "You are not afraid of the dead, but you are still afraid of the dark?"

Zhiyun muttered in a low voice, "Can this be the same? The dead are dead, just a stinky skin, but who knows what is in such a dark place, maybe there is a devil who eats people's hearts, or someone who sucks people's souls." Old demon."

Xu Beiyou understood that what the little Taoist aunt feared was not the darkness, but the unknown in the darkness, just like the world fears gods and ghosts, plus the terrifying impression left on her by the two chief deacons of the Temple of Suppressing Demons in the Longmen Inn made this girl even more afraid. The inexperienced little Taoist nun is as timid as a mouse.

Xu Beiyou could only pretend to be heroic and said: "What are you afraid of, with me around, no evil spirits can get close."

Zhiyun looked at Xu Beiyou, then looked at the dark Buddhist cave that seemed to be devoured by others, and compared the two, hesitating.

At this moment, two figures, one large and one small, turned out from behind the big Buddha statue on the left side of the hall cave.

Xu Beiyou looked over and saw two monks, the elder monk was holding a torch, his face was gentle and elegant under the firelight, the younger monk was holding hands by the elder monk, and a pair of bright black eyes were looking at Xu Beiyou and Zhiyun curiously.

The monk looked the two of them up and down, paused his gaze on Tian Lan, and asked, "Are you Gongsun Zhongmou's apprentice?"

Xu Beiyou was taken aback for a moment, then grabbed the handle of Tianlan's sword abruptly, blocking Zhiyun behind him.

The middle-aged monk waved his hand and said, "Don't be nervous. My name is Zhang Wubing. Gongsun Zhongmou once came to see me."

Xu Beiyou then remembered that Master was indeed going to meet an old friend before entering Dunhuang City, so he became less vigilant and asked in a deep voice, "Master did Master see through my identity?"

Zhang Wubing smiled faintly, "Young man, your sword is too conspicuous, you'd better cover it up a bit in the future, just like this girl, it can save you a lot of unnecessary trouble."

Xu Beiyou felt ashamed.Ten years ago, when his master left him this Tianlan handle, he had warned him not to easily reveal Qingfeng in his hand to outsiders, so he kept wrapping Tianlan with cloth, but after meeting his master again, he Forget about that warning.

Xu Beiyou sincerely thanked him and said, "Thank you, Master, for your suggestion."

Zhang Wubing shook his head and said: "I'm not a master, just call me Zhang Wubing."

Xu Beiyou was kind, nodded and said, "Okay, Zhang Wubing."

Zhang Wubing's face was a little pale, he stared at Xu Beiyou and said slowly: "Before he left, Gongsun Zhongmou said that he would let his heir come to visit me again, but I didn't expect it to be so soon."

Xu Beiyou was a little embarrassed, he hadn't seen his master in the past few days, so naturally he couldn't be ordered by his master to visit Zhang Wubing, this can only be attributed to a coincidence.

Zhang Wubing shook his head, and half-talked to himself: "Forget it, since you're here, it's God's will, come with me."

Zhang Wubing signaled the young monk beside him to go to sleep, turned around and walked in front.

Xu Beiyou hesitated for a moment, let Zhiyun stay where he was, and walked with Zhang Wubing alone. .

The two walked one after the other among the numerous Buddhist caves.

Xu Beiyou asked, "Senior...Zhang Wubing, do you know about my master?"

Zhang Wubing didn't look back, and replied flatly: "I know a little bit, Gongsun Zhongmou is both the Patriarch of the Gongsun Family and the Sect Master of the Jianzong. He has a great reputation, but both the Gongsun Family and the Jianzong have disappeared. In fact, he is just an empty name. That’s all, these years Gongsun Zhongmou has contacted all kinds of frustrated people, trying to unite against the Taoist sect and the imperial court, and I am also one of the frustrated people in his eyes.”

Xu Beiyou frowned slightly, but hesitated to speak.

What Master is doing, Xu Beiyou has always only had a rough guess, and it can be described in eight words, grass snake gray line, crouching thousands of miles.

As for how many secrets Master has planted and how many backhands, Xu Beiyou has no idea.

Zhang Wubing didn't say anything more, but subconsciously pressed the Jiedao on his waist.

The Daoist sect has the Temple of Demon Suppression, the imperial court has the Secret Guard Mansion, and the Buddhist sect, as one of the three religions that used to be alongside the Daoist sect, has eight sects.

The duty of protecting the Dharma of the eight groups symbolizes the angry eyes of the Bodhisattva beyond the compassion of the Bodhisattva. Luo, Bama Huluojia.

The status of dragons is very high, second only to the heavenly people who are the head of the eight divisions.Even in terms of force, it is only weaker than the gods with Indra and Brahma sitting in command, as well as Asura, who is famous for his violence and bloodthirsty.

Zhang Wubing, once the lord of the dragons, the king of the five dragons, is the Dragon King.

After walking for about half an hour, Zhang Wubing stopped in front of a dark and small Buddhist cave, and said slowly: "The Twelve Swords of Jianzong, except the two swords of Tianlan and Xuanming that are already in the hands of your master and apprentice , there are another ten swords scattered in the world, and now Gongsun Zhongmou wants to gather the twelve swords again, and it just so happens that I have one sword here."

Xu Beiyou remained calm on the surface, but deep in his heart, there were turbulent waves.

He knew very well what each sword represented, but Tian Lan could directly promote him from the fifth rank to the third rank with one sword strike, and there was even room for him to continue to climb. If there was another sword strike, what kind of majestic appearance would it be?
The twelve swords contain one-third of the sword energy and spirit of the ancestor of the sword sect. Back then, the ancestor of the sword sect once defeated 24 great masters with one sword. Even if it was one-third, it was equivalent to eight masters. The name of the fairy.

Even if Zhang Wubing was the former Dragon King, he couldn't know about this secret matter of the Sword Sect. He just vaguely guessed that Gongsun Zhongmou's recollection of the twelve swords had something to do with the young man in front of him.

Zhang Wubing turned around to face Xu Beiyou, then stretched out his right hand, a ray of light flew out from the Buddhist cave and fell into his palm.

The streamer dissipated, revealing its true colors.

This is a long and narrow sword, made of unknown material, the whole body glows with a faint dark red luster, and the sword is awe-inspiring.

Zhang Wubing didn't know the unique method of controlling swords in Jianzong, so the long sword was like an untamed wild horse, trembling and jumping constantly, trying to escape Zhang Wubing's five fingers.

Countless sword qi crazily lingered on Zhang Wubing's right hand, and even cast a layer of dark red light on his face, but it could not leave the slightest trace.

If Gongsun Zhongmou saw this scene, he would probably praise him for his undefeated golden body.

Zhang Wubing raised the sword in his hand, flicked it lightly with his fingers, the sword energy dissipated without a trace, and the long sword became quiet in an instant.

He said slowly: "This sword is called Quexie, and I got it from an ogre leader in my early years."

(End of this chapter)

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