That year, that cicada, that sword

Chapter 39 Sick Tiger Dragon King Zhang Wubing

Chapter 39 Sick Tiger Dragon King Zhang Wubing

Xu Beiyou didn't speak in a hurry, he knew that the two just met by chance, and there was no reason to eat lunch for nothing, so there would inevitably be some haggling.As the saying goes, asking for a lot of money and paying back the money on the ground, this bargaining is also a battle, and whoever speaks first will lose the upper hand.

Zhang Wubing said softly: "You have also seen that this sword cannot be controlled by non-Jianzong heirs, and it is of no use for me to keep it in my hand, so I want to exchange it for something."

Xu Beiyou asked cautiously: "I don't know what you want? If Master can't give it, I probably can't give it either."

Zhang Wubing smiled, "It's not the same. Gongsun Zhongmou wants too much and gives too little. It's not that he can't give it, it's just that he doesn't want to give it. After all, he wants to seek the overall situation, so it's impossible to spend too much money on me alone." Lots of energy."

Xu Beiyou asked curiously, "What did Master promise to give you?"

Zhang Wubing said unhurriedly; "Paint cakes to satisfy hunger."

Xu Beiyou was stunned at first, and then burst out laughing.

It turned out that the master wanted to be a white wolf with empty hands, no wonder he returned without success.

Zhang Wubing suddenly said: "Before that, do you want to hear about Gongsun Zhongmou?"

Xu Beiyou hesitated for a moment, then nodded and said, "Okay."

"I guess you definitely don't know that you have a teacher's wife." Zhang Wubing's first sentence was earth-shattering, and Xu Beiyou couldn't recover for a long time.

Master has a wife?This incident is not surprising in essence. After all, Gongsun Zhongmou came from a family, and he must have been a noble son like Duanmuyu when he was young. Even now that he is old, he can vaguely see the style of the year. It is reasonable to start a family and start a career. On the contrary, it is strange not to have a wife.

But the master never mentioned it, so Xu Beiyou thought that the master had passed away early, and the master, like the husband, was a widower who lost his wife.

Zhang Wubing seemed to see through Xu Beiyou's thoughts, and then said: "Your teacher's wife is not dead, and she is alive and well. I met her once ten years ago. Although she is about the same age as your teacher, she still has a charm. She looks like a woman in her 30s."

Xu Beiyou had a bad feeling.

Zhang Wubing said with emotion: "Your teacher's mother is from the Zhang family of Weiguo, and your teacher and teacher came from the same family. No matter how you look at it, it's a match made in heaven. It's a pity that the world is unpredictable. In the end, the two turned out to be a bitter couple. First, they respected each other as guests, and then It’s about respecting each other like ice, and in the end it’s about getting old and dying.”

Xu Beiyou was noncommittal, obviously doubting how Zhang Wubing would know these private matters.

Zhang Wubing explained patiently: "The older generation basically knows the grievances between the two of them, and it's you young people who feel the fuss. In fact, the matter of Gongsun Zhongmou is nothing. What's more, the Emperor Taizu back then, what a hero, swept the domain and helped the world, but he was a man who feared his inner self, the majestic emperor, had no concubines in his life, only married the queen, and only the queen's children One person, that is, the current Emperor Daqi."

Xu Beiyou was stunned and said, "Emperor Taizu is actually a person who fears his own conscience."

Zhang Wubing smiled slightly, "Although I didn't have the chance to meet the empress dowager, I heard from my family teacher that she was domineering and arbitrary. When Taizu Xiao Huang was seriously ill, he even presided over the government for Xiao Huang. Even the so-called empress dowager His Royal Highness the King of Wei, who has no plans to spare, has also suffered a great loss at the hands of this emperor's wife."

Xu Beiyou hummed, and listened to Zhang Wubing's words as legends. Small people like to hear anecdotes about big people, but they only like to hear what they want to hear. As for the truth behind it, no one cares. People just interpret this story according to their own wishes, and finally come up with a legend that is completely different from the facts, or even diametrically opposed to the south.

Zhang Wubing flicked his fingers on the sword again, but Xie let out a sonorous clang, "The reason why I tell you this old story is because what I want is related to these people. Your teacher's wife and the deceased empress dowager There used to be a little grievance, the two made a bet decades ago, the bet was a different courtyard, and it turned out that your teacher won."

Xu Beiyou was not a fool, so he asked cautiously: "Is there something you want in the other courtyard?"

Zhang Wubing smiled and said: "Smart."

Xu Beiyou asked again: "Then Master?"

Zhang Wubing shook his head and said: "If it was your master who went there, it would be a good thing turned into a bad thing, and he would really be turned away."

Xu Beiyou thought for a while, and then asked, "What exactly is it?"

Zhang Wubing calmly said: "We can't tell now, Gongsun Zhongmou knows the whole story, you can ask him in the future."

Now that Master knew about this, Xu Beiyou felt relieved, but he also had a faint feeling that this monk named Zhang Wubing was not as peaceful as he appeared on the surface.

Zhang Wubing threw Quexie in his hand to Xu Beiyou, "Since it's a business, to show my sincerity, I'll pay the reward first."

Xu Beiyou caught Que Xie, hesitated for a moment and asked, "Aren't you afraid that I'll take money and not do anything?"

The monk, who seemed gentler than a scholar, laughed and said: "Lending money to others, the premise is to have the ability to collect debts, otherwise it will become a meat bun beating a dog, and there will be no return. If it is Gongsun Zhongmou Speaking of this, the monk must think about it for a while, as for you, you are still far behind."

Xu Beiyou was a little embarrassed, knowing that he asked a stupid question.

Zhang Wubing's tone was still understatement, but the content of his words was a very subtle threat, "Gongsun Zhongmou can't protect you forever."

Xu Beiyou held Que Xie upside down with both hands, cupped his hands and said, "I've been taught."

Zhang Wubing turned around, faced the dark Buddhist cave, and waved his hand.

Xu Beiyou turned around and left.

When Xu Beiyou returned to the Diantang Cave along the original road, he found that besides Zhiyun who was waiting here, there was one more person carefully looking at the huge Buddha statue that had stood in the wind and sand for hundreds of years.

Gongsun Zhongmou.

Holding Que Xie in his hands, Xu Beiyou said softly, "Master."

Gongsun Zhongmou looked away, glanced at Que Xie in Xu Beiyou's hand, and said in a low voice, "Zhang Wubing."

Xu Beiyou nodded and said, "Zhang Wubing gave me Quexie, and asked me to go to my teacher's wife to get something."

Gongsun Zhongmou snorted uncharacteristically, he didn't know if it was dissatisfaction with his wife, dissatisfaction with Zhang Wubing's bringing up those old things, or dissatisfaction with Xu Beiyou's self-assessment.

Xu Beiyou was a little apprehensive.

However, Gongsun Zhongmou quickly regained his composure and explained to his disciples: "It is nothing new for Buddhists to have monks and soldiers. Zhang Wubing is the leader of the eight tribes of dragons and the leader of the monks and soldiers, so he is named Dragon King." But in the past, he was not called the Dragon King, but the sick tiger. As early as [-] years ago, he was the commander of the imperial guards, and was even regarded as the successor of the governor Wei Jin. Miaotang, he is Han Xuan's man, he stood in the wrong position, and was knocked down by the blue jade along with Han Xuan, and since then he has been disheartened, shaved off his fortune, and changed from a sick tiger in the court to a dragon king in Buddhism."

Of course Xu Beiyou knew who Lan Yu was.

From the beginning of Emperor Taizu's uprising, Lan Yu had already started to assist Emperor Taizu. After Da Qi established the country, Lan Yu was granted the title of Duke Zhao, ranked No.1 among the heroes of Lingyan Pavilion, and became the first cabinet leader of Da Qi. Auxiliary, plus Zhu Guo.Later, he became the teacher of the prince, and was given the title of grand master. After the crown prince ascended the throne, Lan Yu became an extremely human minister, becoming the second civil servant after Zhang Jiangling to be granted the title of grand master during his lifetime.

After Xu Lin, the king of Xihe County who ranked second among the heroes of Lingyan Pavilion, passed away, the entire court, no matter the military officials or generals, even Xu Lin's successor Wei Jin, could not be compared with Lan Yu.

Today's sapphire is only short of the posthumous title of Wenzheng after death, which is the consummation of merit and virtue.

Gongsun Zhongmou said inadvertently: "Han Xuan, styled Wenbi, was once a cabinet assistant. After losing power, he left the Eastern Capital and went to the northwest, and finally stayed in a place called Xiaofangzhai."

Dongdu, this is the former name of the imperial capital, and only the elders would keep this term.

Xu Beiyou was silent for a long time, and said softly, "So sir is Han Xuan, the second assistant of the cabinet. Just as master is Gongsun Zhongmou, the lord of Jianzong."

Gongsun Zhongmou was stunned for a moment, then nodded and said, "Exactly."

Xu Beiyou said helplessly, "How many things do you and your master keep from me?"

Gongsun Zhongmou joked, "You might as well guess."

(End of this chapter)

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