Chapter 384

After the monk's death, the bell tower and drum tower suddenly sounded the sound of morning bell and evening drum, but it was not half as melodious as usual, and it was extremely fast, as if the death knell was urging his death, which made Xu Beiyou's heart faintly have a tendency to beat accordingly.

Qing Chen frowned, waved his big sleeves, the two floors collapsed completely, and the sound of bells and drums was no longer heard.

Xu Beiyou breathed out lightly, and thanked Qingchen softly.

Qing Chen just nodded slightly, and then continued to walk forward.

After passing the second floor of the bell and drum is the Temple of Heavenly Kings.

The hall enshrines Maitreya Bodhisattva and the four guardian heavenly kings who hold the country in the east, grow in the west, wide eyes in the south, and hear more in the north. Originally, there should be a statue of Weituo Bodhisattva behind the statue of Maitreya, facing the Mahavira Hall, holding a Wei Tuo pestle, and subduing demons. Ghost, protect Dharma.

And there is also a detail here. If the Wei Tuo pestle is carried on the shoulder, it means that this temple is a large temple, and monks who travel here can be entertained for free for three days.If the Wei Tuo pestle is flat in your hand, it means that this temple is a medium-sized temple, and you can entertain monks who wander here for free for one day. If the Wei Tuo pestle is on the ground, it means that this temple is a small temple and cannot entertain monks who wander here. Free room and board.

But at this time, the statue of Weituo Bodhisattva has been destroyed, and only the statue of Maitreya remains. It is said that the Buddha who came from the east with a big belly can tolerate things that are difficult to tolerate in the world, and laughs at the ridiculous people in the world, but the statue of Maitreya at this time is not half smiling. On the contrary, the corners of his mouth drooped, his eyes were fierce, and his face was full of evil spirits.

No matter worshiping Buddha, praying for gods or offering sacrifices to ancestors, you must pay attention to a sincere heart. If you are not sincere, you will not be able to invite the real Buddha, but you will attract evil spirits. Therefore, many Buddhist temples and Taoist temples are supposed to avoid evil. Evil spirits are rampant, so there are many rumors about scholars staying overnight in ruined temples and encountering female ghosts in the world.

The monks in this place became demons, and even attracted demons from other regions. The influence was so great that even the Buddha statues that had been enshrined by incense for many years were changed.

This was the case with the previous Faceless Vajra, and so is the vicious Maitreya at this time.

After the two entered the main hall, the door of the hall was closed suddenly, and the statues of the four heavenly kings on both sides came to life in an instant. The Dongfang Chiguo Heavenly King who was holding a pipa was the first to make a move.

Qing Chen slashed out with a sword in an understatement, and the obscure and difficult golden Taoist talisman cloud pattern disappeared in a flash, directly splitting the whole pipa in half.

At the same time, the Qingguang sword in the arms of the Southern Zengchang Heavenly King flew up into the air, cutting Qingchen's head straight, but when the tip of the long sword was still three feet away from Qingchen, it was difficult to move forward. Instead, it was the statue of the Southern Zengzengtian King It trembled because of the vibration of the air machine.

The Western Guangmu Heavenly King threw the dragon around his body. The dragon, which was only three feet long, shook its body and rose in the wind. In the hall, before it could make a move, it was nailed to seven inches by Qing Chen's sword and shattered inch by inch.

In the end was the North Duowen Heavenly King, who was holding an umbrella in one hand and a pagoda in the other. Before he could make a move, Qing Chen preemptively slapped him on the head, and the whole statue turned into flying sand in an instant.

Qing Chen yelled softly, and the entire Temple of Heavenly Kings seemed to be shaken by an earthquake, countless dust fell down, and the other three statues of Heavenly Kings shattered in response.

Xu Beiyou had no choice but to admire Qing Chen's cultivation, it was almost shocking.

The statue of Maitreya, who was originally like a dead object, finally made a movement, slowly stretched out a hand, and the five fingers fell down like a mountain, and they were pressed down.

Qing Chen used a sword as a substitute for the pen, and the pen followed the dragon and snake, and wrote the word "Xing".

The statue of Maitreya retreated involuntarily, crashing through the palace wall with its back, and retreated all the way to the outside of the Palace of Heavenly Kings. Qingchen wrote the word "斗" again, and the whole statue immediately fell apart, leaving only a skull rolling back In the hall, it was crushed by Xu Beiyou's foot.

After passing the Tianwang Hall is the Daxiong Hall.

The Daxiong Hall is the core of a temple, where monks gather to practice day and night. Generally, the hall has three bays, while the Daxiong Hall has nine-five bays, which symbolizes the "ninth-five lord" like an emperor.

According to the rules, there should be a treasure tripod in the middle of the main hall, engraved with the name of the temple, and a large incense burner for burning incense for Buddha in the north. A pair of carved dragon pillars or a pair of exquisite pagodas are set up. In front of the Buddha statues in the hall, prayer flags, joyous gates and various instruments are hung, making the main hall look solemn.

But when Xu Beiyou and Qingchen came to the front of the hall, it was empty, only the ground was full of mess.

The moment he stepped into the Great Hall of Great Heroes, Xu Beiyou suddenly felt that there were countless fleeting images in front of his eyes, and the surrounding space began to become illusory and distorted, making people feel like falling into a sea of ​​clouds and mist, and the gloomy and dead air permeating here was overwhelming, so depressing that people could not breathe Come.

Qingchen was indifferent to this, and calmly said: "This is a demonic obstacle, which will produce endless illusions. If you immerse yourself in it, you will not be able to escape forever."

Qing Chen flicked his fingers lightly, as expected of a master of cultivation who was only half a step away from the realm of the gods, and saw a circle of blue light spreading around him, sweeping away all the miasma.

All kinds of phantoms disappeared, and the palace returned to clarity.

The Daxiong Hall can only enshrine the Buddha, and there are one, three, five, and seven different Buddhas.

One means that there is only one Buddha in the temple, which is divided into sitting Buddha, standing Buddha and reclining Buddha.

The third refers to the three Buddhas enshrined in the hall, which are divided into three Buddhas, horizontal three Buddhas and vertical three Buddhas.

The fifth is the five Buddhas in the east, south, west, north and middle, and the seventh is the past seven Buddhas, also known as the original seven Buddhas. According to the Buddhist scriptures, there were seven Buddhas in the past in the world of mother-in-law, and the Buddha is the last one. The first three Buddhas are the past. The three Buddhas of the thousand Buddhas of the solemn kalpa, the last four Buddhas are the four Buddhas of the thousand Buddhas of the present sage kalpa, and the Maitreya Bodhisattva before it belongs to the future star kalpa and is the future Buddha.

At this time, what is enshrined in the Daxiong Hall is a Buddha, sitting Buddha.

However, this seated Buddha is a headless Buddha, and one hand was severed.

Qingchen pointed to this seated Buddha and said: "This is the root of the temple full of ghosts and ghosts. If this place can be destroyed, not only can the poor Taoist get the Bodhi smoothly, but also get a lot of merit."

Xu Beiyou looked at the headless Buddha, but his hands trembled slightly.

Although it was smooth sailing along the way, Xu Beiyou knew in his heart that it was all because of Qingchen's cultivation base being too high. Statues also cost a lot of effort.

This is a dangerous land for ordinary earth immortals, but for Qingchen at the peak of earth immortals, it is a treasure land.

He wants to take away the treasures here, and he also wants to collect the great merits contained in this place.

Qingchen held a sword in one hand, and made a tactic with the other, stepping on the gangster, a star map was born out of thin air in front of him, in which the stars were connected into a line, a total of 28 stars, which coincided with the 28 constellations of east, south, west and north.

With a wave of his sleeve, he smashed the star map into the body of the headless Buddha, and said sharply: "The evildoer still hasn't shown himself?!"

Before the words were finished, the bluestone ground under the two of them began to shake violently, like a river undulating and tumbling, and then became soft like flesh and blood. Xu Beiyou looked down and saw dozens of pale human hands protruding from the ground to grab his ankles. It seemed that the evil spirits in hell wanted to sink him into the boundless sea of ​​suffering in the underworld together, and he would never be reborn forever.

At the same time, there were countless whispers and whimpers coming from all directions, and countless black shadows were shaking heavily.

Xu Beiyou stomped his feet and shattered all these palms, and then looked up. There was an extra head on the original headless Buddha, with a broad forehead, a square face, eyebrows like the first moon, and ears hanging down to the shoulders.

Sitting in hell and the underworld, picking up flowers and laughing, it is so merciful that it cannot be more merciful.

(End of this chapter)

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